
The Lord

This is the story of a normal person, who had a great fondness for role-playing games, in such a way that all his free time was dedicated to them. Suddenly, one day he closes his eyes and is sent to a world of magic and fantasy, in which he became the final boss of an imposing magical castle and in his position as overlord he will change the course of his new world forever. Follow the story of the inhabitants of Damenburg Castle and immerse yourself in an incredible story in a world of magic and medieval fantasy from the villain's perspective

WarSon · Fantasy
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147 Chs

Nightmare in the Farm, Part 4

Her skin, which was that of a young girl approximately 13 or 14 years old, in a short time partially changed to shiny silver scales, mostly these scales covered specific parts of the body.

The outer part of her fragile arms partially got a scaly coating, while the inner part of her retained her human appearance.

Her delicate hands turned into dangerous dragon claws as sharp as razors.

Her legs were horribly deformed as they changed from being Plantigrades (legs that support the entire sole of the foot when walking) to Digitigrades (legs that only put the toes on the ground).

From the tips of her fingers to her knees, her skin got a reptilian appearance along with a coating of silver scales.

Connected to her knees, the scaly covering also partially covered her thighs, the only section not covered by scales being the pelvis.

From the bottom of her spine, right at her coccyx, a fine and delicate scaly reptilian tail emerged, which although it seemed weak, was actually extremely strong.

The section of her breasts along with the sides of her torso and back were also covered by resistant scales, mainly the scales of her breasts were intended to cover her private parts.

The abdominal part of her remained mostly unchanged, since the greatest changes were arising in other parts of her body, such as her lower extremities, which for the most part the skin was replaced by scales, and her breasts which they also got a flaky coating.

Her teeth changed from being similar to those of an ape, to obtaining the appearance of a rectilinear, being these as dangerous as beautiful.

Her eyes changed in their entirety, now being reptilian eyes with a vertical pupil, the Sclera got a light blue color while the retina changed to a bright silver color.

From the hundreds of her came two silver horns that extended to the back of her head.

Generally speaking, his face was one of the few parts that was not covered by scales.

Although the scales looked fragile, in reality these scales could be compared to the Mithryl in terms of toughness and qualities.

This was Ingrid's hybrid form, this form partially combined the abilities and abilities of the two forms of her.

She was not as powerful as her true dragon form nor did she possess all the magical abilities of her human form, but she did possess the best of both.

Stats and physical capabilities of a Dragon plus the versatility and anatomy of a humanoid.

The reason why she had opted for this form was mainly because of the enemy that stood before her.

A ghostly being wrapped in a black robe, his skeleton face and hands betrayed him as an undead.

"A spectrum" Ingrid discerned immediately.

The Spectrum is an evil undead who hate sunlight and the living. Most are reminiscent of murdered or evil humans, who are prevented by anger from transcending to the afterlife. Like ghosts, spectrum haunts the places of their deaths, seeking to lure others into the desolate abyss of living death.

A spectrum is very similar to what it was in life and can be easily recognized by those who knew the individual or have seen his face in drawings or paintings. Spectra retain a strong sense of identity, and even old and crazy spectra tend to remain consistent. Historians and necromancers often attempt to ally themselves with the Spectrum in search of the knowledge they had in life and retain in death.

On the ground was the corpse of the human female who was Marcel's mother, and near this was Marcel himself looking at her corpse.

Since it had already finished with the human female, the spectrum was about to eliminate Marcel.

But that was something Ingrid would not allow.

The spectrum have two great weaknesses; helplessness in the light of the sun and vulnerability to resurrection.

In the case of Vulnerability to resurrection, if a revive the dead spell or similar is used on a specter, it will be destroyed, of course, the specter can try to resist it, but the positive point is that Use the spell of this way does not require material components.

On the other hand, impotence in the light of the sun is a good way to restrict them, since the spectrum that are defenseless in the natural sunlight and flee from it.

To Ingrid's regret, she does not possess any spells with those qualities.

She was a Necromancer; those things of creating Light and resurrecting the dead were things of Clerics, Oracles and perhaps paladins.

maybe her friend Isabell, possessing Cleric-like abilities, could do something.

With no other alternative and unable to resort to her beloved Necromantic magic, she used the spell "[Ethereal Touch]" this gave the quality of 'Ghost Touch' to her weapons, and as from her claws on her hands and feet to her powerful tail and including its bite, everything about it was a weapon.

With a long jump similar to a dangerous predator, Ingrid leapt straight into the spectrum.

With her back claws she held him firmly while using her front claws she made a large number of cuts in a short time.

Together before the spectrum could react, Ingrid opened her mouth and released one of her two breath weapons.

From her mouth came a glare of celestial light that hit the spectrum, the sound of an electrical storm and the lightning produced by an electric dragon's breath was the only thing that was heard for a short period of time.

While Ingrid unleashed a storm directly in the face of the spectrum.

Marcel fell to the ground due to the sudden arrival of Ingrid.

What he was seeing before her eyes could only be described with a single word.


Being brought out of his worst nightmares, something that had killed his mother and paralyzed him with fear, was being defeated.

In a few moments she saw how they destroyed the nightmare being, while the only thing Marcel did was watch her.

Suddenly, a flash of light emerged and then he saw something he never thought was possible.

A storm… no…. A tempest rose from the girl's mouth; she devastated the nightmare being, but she did not stop there, since said attack also destroyed the wall.

Once the storm brain and the nightmare creature disappeared.

Only the corpse of Marcel's mother, Ingrid, and Marcel himself remained at the site.

Once Ingrid approached, she extended her hand.

Marcel looked at her directly.

Although the only illumination there was was the dim glow of the moon, this was enough.

The moonlight was reflected by something metallic that was on Ingrid's body.

"Armor?" Marcel initially thought, but quickly realized the truth.

It was something that was attached to her skin, he even saw parts of it transition to skin.

Staring at her hand, he realized that it wasn't armor, but that it was scales, metallic scales.

Although her hand was still relatively similar in size, her fingers ended in dangerous ripping claws.

As he ran up her arm, he noticed that her scales only partially covered her arm.

she still possessed her beautiful dress, although she was not as immaculate as he remembered it, this made sense, since she had just finished a match.

His eyes fell over her body and he realized that her legs had undergone a great change.

Her legs were strange, as these were mostly covered by scales and had a strange shape, it was as if her fingers were the sole of the foot while her heel was another joint since it was long, as much as the distance from the base of the foot to the knee, maybe a little less.

He didn't understand how she could stand, as she looked like she was standing on her fingertips.

Squirming slightly, he saw that a scaly tail emerged from her back, it was beautiful but also dangerous, for her scales gave her the appearance of being extremely resistant.

The drop that spilled the glass were her eyes and horns.

Two horns emerged from the hundreds of her, one on each side of her, and extended towards the back of her head.

His father had told him stories about evil horned beings, but what he felt when he looked at Ingrid was not fear, but that he was in awe.

But what he would never forget would be his eyes.

Vertical pupils against a blue background, they had a faint glow that could easily make anyone think that his eyes were capable of seeing everything, even capable of seeing inside her.

It doesn't matter that she wasn't human.

With or without scales, tail, horns or claws

For Marcel, she was the most beautiful being he had ever seen before.

A blue-eyed white dragon in every sense of the word.