
Chapter 1

Harry Potter had always been a happy baby but was usually quiet and didn't make much of a fuss. Overall Harry was an easy baby to take care of according to Lily Potter . Harry took after his grandmother Dorea Potter nee Black with the sharp features , high cheekbones and patrician nose of the Blacks but his eyes were a piercing emerald color like his mother Lily.

As Lily Potter cuddled with her cute baby Harry she reminisced the terrifying past one and a half year since her children were born. After a few days of the birth of her son she and her husband James were approached by Albus Dumbledore who informed about a prophecy whose gist was that Lord Voldemort would meet his match in a child born at the end of July to parents who had defied him thrice which could mean Neville who was born on July 30th to Alice and Frank Longbottom and her son Harry. Albus informed them that Voldemort had found about the prophecy so he would be targeting both the families. At first Lily and James had stayed along with Harry with her in laws Charles and Dorea Potter behind the protection of Potter manor before it was attacked by about 30 death eaters resulting in its destruction and though all of them had escaped with 25 death eaters being dead, Charles and Dorea were severely injured and it took them nearly six months to fully recover and they were currently staying with Dorea's brother Arcturus Black who was also Charles best friend while James and Lily were staying in a cottage in Godrics hollow with their son as James didn't want to place his parents in any more danger despite their vehement protests. The cottage was protected by the Fidelius charm with Peter as their secret keeper as no one would suspect him of being the secret keeper. The only frequent visitors they had were Sirius and Remus who were godfather and uncle for Harry and sometimes Peter also but Harry seemed to not like Peter much as he always kept crying whenever Peter picked him up. Amelia bones who was Harry's godmother and Sirius's fiance also visited regularly. Even Albus visited sometimes. Harry absolutely adored Sirius and Amelia and Albus. Harry proved that he took after his mother in his smarts by speaking his first word just at the age of eight months which was Mama much to her delight which she kept boasting about to James much to his dismay. But Harry's second word was Dada which he learnt within a week of his first word and James was satisfied. Some other words that Harry learnt to say were pa'foo referring to Sirius in his dog animagus form which Harry loved to ride and Sirius could never deny Harry anything when he used his ridiculously cute puppy dog eyes and Harry started to call Amelia as Amy and Albus as Grampa much to his delight. Harry had also taken to calling Remus as Mooey.

But nearly one and a half year after they had gone into hiding one night when Sirius and Amelia had joined Lily and James for dinner they felt the wards being placed around their house and the multiple pops of apparition and realised that Pettigrew had sold them out to the death eaters. Lily immediately took Harry upstairs and placed sleeping charms on him but before sleeping due to the charm cast on him Lily heard Harry saying "Lub you mama". Lily smiled sadly at Harry and immediately rushed downstairs to fight off the death eaters, Lily was inwardly grateful that Voldemort had not personally come to attack them. on reaching down stairs lily Potter saw Sirius and Amelia duelling with two of the four death eaters while James was battling with two death eaters on his own and immediately went to assist her husband. The death eaters were obviously surprised to find Sirius and Amelia at the Potter residence. While any other day the Potters and Blacks would have used non lethal means to duel the death eaters but with the life their son and God son being threatened they had no such compunctions and were very brutal in capturing the death eaters with a few limbs missing. None of them were seriously hurt as the death eaters were taken by surprise by the two extra combatants and the brutal way they battled unlike how they usually went for non lethal means of combat. Upon removing the masks of the death eaters they turned out to be the three Lestanges Rudolphus, Rabastan and Bellatrix. The fourth death eater turned out to be the surprise as they found out that it was Barty Crouch Jr whose father was the head of the DMLE. Lily and James were thankful for the presence of Sirius and Amelia as they knew that without their presence and help they and their children would not have survived that night as the Lestanges were the top lieutenant s of Voldemort and were very deadly. Lily had immediately firecalled Albus and and the aurors who arrived within five minutes after the wards preventing magical transportation that the death eaters had placed around their residence had fallen. Albus on entering their house was shocked to see Barty crouch Jr among the captured death eaters bu at the same time was delighted to see that Potters and Blacks were alive and well with only minor injuries. Albus informed them about the attack on Longbottom manor by Lord Voldemort himself which led to the death of Frank and Alice Longbottom and little Neville surviving the killing curse cast at him by Voldemort and somehow destroying the dark lord and told them that Neville was being called the "Boy who lived" by the Wizarding populace. The aurors took away the captured death eaters after a healer healed their injuries for a trial before the Wizengamot.

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