
The Lord’s Raids

While Cliff, a 27 year old young man, was visiting his grandparents, he was caught in what is called a "summoning" which took him to a forest infested with unknown creatures, he decided that in order to survive, he should be ready to brave all the dangers that would present to him, with his “drain” skill he would fight them to become stronger

yanki_jeyda · Fantasy
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181 Chs

A plan gone wrong

Cliff ran like crazy down the narrow corridor, his determination pushing him to surpass his own limits. The tension was palpable as he tried to avoid the debris flying in all directions, witnesses of the titanic fight between the fearsome ogre and the giant black serpent. Every move was crucial, every second counted as entire houses were reduced to ruins by the devastating power of the two monsters. Despite the fear that gripped him, Cliff knew he had to keep moving forward, because the outcome of this epic battle may rest on his shoulders.