

[Kazu and Sally's side]

It was night of the first day because the place was a bit far and used a stolen carriage to go to the destination.

Sally: Hey, do you want to have a little fun before starting?

Kazu: No.

Sally: ...I'm hungry, can we get something to eat…?

Kazu: No, after the mission.

Sally: ...I have a pla-

Kazu: No.

Sally stopped talking, unable to make him say "yes" with just random things, they knew each other for much more time than they knew Billy, so Kazu knew more about Sally's personality.

Kazu: You will seduce one of the brothers, and when you two are alone, kill him. Meanwhile I will take care of the other brother in secret and kill the guards too.

Sally: Hmph… Alright… But it will take at most 1 day for doing it without any problem.

Kazu nodded and Sally removed her mask, fixed up her dress and hopped off from the carriage before she got in a bar where the target would usually go with some money. She would attract attention from everyone before either Yun or Yen would monopolize her, and she would kill either of them.

Meanwhile, Kazu stood over a building, watching over the road. Due to Sally's body and face, she shouldn't have many problems, and if she was lucky, she would come out in minutes, except for the bandages on her face.

That thing was caused from an encounter with a Teigu user, that penetrated that side of her head with an ice shard, apparently. The culprit thought she was dead and left Sally with an ugly scar on her left side of her head.

However she didn't mind it and just used a bandage to cover it, even still, she was quite beautiful and charming. She didn't seem to have any thought about revenge because she said that it was "Impossible", and when Kazu heard about the ice power and made some researches, he understood….

It wasn't someone like Bols, but much worse, in personal power, in political power, in manpower, and in personality. Even he would have to be extremely careful with this one… 

He saw Billy's power, but if what he heard about that "Monster" was true, there was no way that Billy could beat "It".

Kazu kept waiting for 10 minutes before he saw Sally bound and carried away from some men while her mouth was shut off, making Kazu sigh.

Kazu: 'So she chosen "That" side of the plan…'

It seems that to make it more credible, she tried to refuse the target's request and was now taken away, before Billy came, she would do this usually to make sure there is no suspicion about her…

Then Kazu followed her over the buildings and soon reached the brothel that the man and his brother owned and sneaked in.

He saw some guards looking around, there were around 7 of them in this big room, so he threw 3 poisonous daggers at them before he fell down, he would be discovered anyways so before they alert anyone, he reached the biggest group, which was around 2 people.

While dashing at them, he threw two more daggers at the other 2 guards a bit away, they turned around and saw only a dagger stuck on their necks. The last 2 guards tried to hit Kazu, but they were easily killed from hidden daggers. And it was so that he cleaned the room by himself.

After that, he picked up his daggers and he checked that no one was nearby before opening the door and leaving, then he hid somewhere as he followed some guards from the shadows and reach the second target's bedroom, where he slept.

It seems that he didn't care if an assassin was here for him, so he closed his mouth and stabbed his neck with a poisonous dagger, he tried to push Kazu away or scream, but he couldn't do anything before he died.

Kazu: 'Alright, now to pick up Sally…'

Since Kazu was already in a poster, he didn't mind for his face to be seen, and so he dashed towards the room where Sally should be, killing guards with poisonous daggers as he passed them, when he reached his destination, he saw Sally coming out with two guards that had their necks twisted.

Sally: Oh, hey Kazu, the target is dead on the bed.

Kazu entered the room and saw a naked man with his head twisted at 360°, he checked the man's pulse and nodded, before he stabbed the corpse with another poisonous dagger and pulled it out, then he left.

Poison resistance was useless with his own version of poison, he made it himself, not buying it from somewhere. So it is almost impossible resisting a poison the body never felt. Not only that, he specially made one for Bols, the man he wanted dead.

Sally just waited for Kazu to come out and then they left the place without anyone noticing anything of strange since Sally gave Kazu her mask. 

Kazu: We will stay here for the night and leave tomorrow morning, no negotiations.

Sally pouted in anger but she kept following him to the carriage they stole, sleeping there, since Kazu couldn't enter in any hotel for him being wanted from the Empire.

[Chelsea's side]

Chelsea's target was much more away than Kazu and Sally's one, so she needed 2 days to reach the place. Since she wasn't known anywhere, she was free to do anything she wants, she just needed to make the mission within 3 days because she would need 2 more days for the trip back, and would be considered "Dead" from everyone else.

But why do it later when you can do it now and enjoy the rest of the day?

She went to the mansion of her target and used a binocle to look from far, she saw that the office's window was open and no one was in, so she turned into a bird and flew on the room, before she hid over a bookshelf, still as a bird.

Time passed… passed… passed…

Chelsea: 'Oh god, when will he come here?!'

Chelsea was really bored, so she decided to turn into a fly before checking around the room, there wasn't anything interesting, so she just turned back to her bookshelf and started to rest a bit…


Chelsea suddenly woke up when someone slammed the door, hard.

?: Fucking pests! I'll show those putrid lazy people to know what will happen when they don't work enough!

The man directly reached his chair and opened his drawer of his desk to take out some documents, he looked through them and wrote in others, meanwhile, Chelsea, as a fly, flew near the window before she turned back to her real self without anyone noticing.

She took out a needle and slowly walked towards her target, who was too busy with his documents to do anything else. She let out a little smile as she finally reached him and inserted the needle in his nape, hitting an extremely vital point, and thus, killing him.

After doing that, she looked over his documents, but the only thing she found were lists of people who owned him, had debts, and how his work was going.

They were useless so she just ripped them off and turned into a bird, flying away and went unnoticed from anyone, after a while, she landed in a random corner and turned human again when there was no one watching, and so, she went around the place to have fun.

It was after 2 days that she left the place to turn back, and during her 6 days of being out, she would be the last one to arrive.

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