
I Love Pancakes!!

Yella's POV

I yawned as the sunlight from the window shines on my face,

"Yella!!, wake up" my mom shouted from downstairs

"Wait mom!!" I shouted back.

  After I washed my face, I walked out of my room, trying to remember my happiest moment with dad. As I can recall, it was just 3 years ago, and tomorrow is my 12th birthday, and I think he have no idea on how much I want him to come and visit but, what's the sense right? Even I, can't answer that, maybe, I just miss him.

"Yella you're running late!!"-mom

" sigh, here I go" I said hurrying down stairs.

As I got down, I saw boy, just about my age with a brown hair, green eyes and he's wearing a backpack.

"Yella this is Alex our neighbor's son, the two of you are studying at the same school so maybe, the two of you could go there together"- mom

I was stuck where I was standing, like a weirdo, then he walked towards me and asked for my hand, I gave it to him, we got to the kitchen and we ate my favorite pancakes🍴🍴.

" So, hey, I'm Alex."

"Yeah, of course, I'm Yella." I said kind of stuttering,because I won't lie, he's a really cute guy

" By the way, Alex, tomorrow is Yella's 12th birthday, would you like to come over?"


"Umm, well why not." Alex said smiling at mom.

"So Alex how's the school here?", I asked.

" Actually I already knew most of our classmates this year, and fortunately most of them are kind, but there are still bullies."



" Umm, but don't worry I'll try my best to protect you." -Alex said giving me a reassuring smile.

"Oh, thanks, but I think you don't have to, I guess I can protect my self." I replied

After talking about some sort of stuffs we finished eating our pancakes and left. I just hope that the school here is better than the school where I last studied.

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