
First meeting

Got to the house of aunt realise that need to say hi to friend called Wang li is waving to me I also say hi ... but then suddenly the messenger of king arrived and says we need you place is under attack so me he left me there and rushes to fight I stayed there at least about a week or so but messenger returns and called my name loudly weiyoung..weiyoung I ran out to see father but instead got a letter from him saying when you read this I will be probably gone. after reading g the whole thing I broke into tears and cry for hours but he comes and try to comfort me .feels okay or so cant say I was feeling depressed and sad so I leave the house at night searching for father thinking he is still alive .Morning cames Wang li saws that i ran away . after about two and half years I returned and saw that the house wasn't the same as before about some day research I found out that Wang li was the long lost son of the king.....

I was silenced and surprised for a moment but then I realized that I would meet him and say congrats but when I entered in palace and looked at him he wasn't Wang li I froze!!!!! then I realize something is wrong .Question was popping like bullet in my mind ??? dont know what to say stayed quietly and judged him after the ceremony finishes I ran off the place to find real him looked everywhere but cant find anything special that point towards him. after some days went by I was crossing the path I looked at the beggar realizes that him that's Wang li

I say thank God. when I go to him he was afraid of me and back off I was confused but I greet him like a stranger and take him to house helped him get dressed properly and eaten too after days I thought if he is the son of king so who is he in place taking place of him i begain to investigate slowly in palace but cant find anything that makes him son of king but when. I was getting to great the king he ask me something special..