
The long lost love of Ms. Superstar

NeverBeenYour_Girl · Teen
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Ms. Superstar


Hi, I'm Snow Aixer. 20 years old. The famous ambassador of Chanel, Hermes, Prada. Right now in the middle of my interview with James Style.

*flash flash*

*click* *click*

"There are some gossips that involve your name. What can you say about the accusation, that you are having an affair with one of the Vulcano brothers. And that guy is already married." ~James said.

"Well, I already know them before entering showbiz. I'm not having an affair in any one of them. "

"Is it true that Ashton Luke Vulcano is your ex-boyfriend?"

"Yes, and I won't deny it."

"Woahhhhh" Everyone in studio got shock.

"So you confirming that you guys got a relationship before?"

"Yes and I don't need to hide it."

"How long do you guys have been in a relationship?"

"2 years."

"That's quiet long. Do you guys never imgaine to be married or build a family before?"

Everyone waiting for her to answer.


"WHAAAAAAA whyyyyyy?!" All her fans scream.

"But, we didn't made it."

Someone from the crew go in James and whisper something.

"Breaking news guys Ashton Luke Vulcano is now live in all his social media."

And now it shows in the screen.

"Baby, why you don't tell them that you still love me."

Everyone in studio start screaming and yelling.

I got curious in his background. I think it's inside of the studio.

"Why we both face and tell what is our story? Isn't a good idea." He laugh.

While he was walking everyone is shouting. He enter the studio.

He went on my way and kiss me on forehead.

I got shock but all the people surround me yelling.

"Woah!!! Guys did you see that." Jame said with a loudly voice.


He sit beside me and hold my hand.

"Hi Ashton welcome to tonight with James Style."

"Hello, sorry for not noticing that I will be here."

Ashton said and look at me.

"It's fine, but I think Snow is still in shock." They laugh

"I think my baby forgot that I'm already arrived last night." Ashton wink on me.

He whisper in my ears and say "Let's talk later baby, promise just talk."

"By the way Ashton, Snow said that you two got relationship before for 2 years. But right now I want to know why you two broke up?"

He look at me with a smile in his lips but painful eyes.

I give him a look and say sorry.

"Well we broke up because I decide that we should focus first in each dream. And when the time is right. And everything is in place. We will be back in each others hand." We both know what is the real reason.

"So do you think Ashton it will be the right time for the two of you to back each others arm?"

"I think it is."

All the audiences are yelling our names.


"Last question for Snow. How about your fans with Lucious? They assume that you two dating."

"Regarding that our relationship of Lucious and I was just friends."

"Ouch!!!!" James said with matching fall in his chair.

"Oh it's already time. I hope all of us feel the love. Thank you Snow for visiting us tonight. I hope you two back each other in the future. Snow do you want anything? Or promote something?"

"Yes guys. I want to invite all of you to watch our drama Lucious it's called "Can't help falling in love" it will be aired soon I hope you guys love it we made this drama in Seoul Korea. Thank you for inviting me James.'

James stand and we shake hands.

"The pleasure is mine. That's all for tonight see you tommorow. In tonight with James Style."

"Pack up!" One of the crew shouting!

"Thank you for visiting us again Snow." James said

"Snow! What did you do? Why you didn't say about the relationship you have with Ashton before! And what you and Lucious is just a friend! What comes in your mind! I already give you a script to what you should answer! But instead you tell those kind of stupid!" That's my manager Ry short for Ryzza.

"I'm sorry I know this will affect my career but for me telling the truth can make my fans feel adore right."

"No! You just make a big news that everyone will gossip. Let's go I will think a way to fix this problem that you made." Ryzza walk out

While walking I open my twitter account. And seems all of them got shock.

Some of the tweets are good comment but one of the tweet got my attention.

Dark @Dark_Files 10mins

Snow, cry a lot of time in Ashton hand's before. She broke up with him because Ashton cheated on her.

So with that post all of the other people commenting.

How can someone that I don't even know will tell this.

I seat inside the van.

"Do you know who's this @Dark_Files?" Ryzza said

"No, even I didn't have someone in my mind to know who's behind of this tweet."

Dark @DarkFiles 1min

Her manager shout her awhile ago because her manager gave her script but she didn't follow the script and tell the truth. So Snow, why you didn't tell the real reason of your break up with Ashton? Do you still like him? Wait, Do you still love him?

Who are you? Why you know everything about me?

"This is suspicious I will call authority to know who's the person behind this. It's insane."

Dark @Dark_Files 1min

Did it really look insane manager Ry? I think not at all. I will give you a clue.

"Mountain, shore where

Time flew black turn blue.

Sky high can't reach tie

When I die."

Wait I know this? I know someone who made it. But no that person already dead.

I look at my phone and turn it off. No, it can be that person. I wish it's not you.