
Spy Games

I sit in this dim lit windowless room, today is the day that I get my first mission as a member of the Intelligence Agency of West America (IAWA). Being a spy is something I've trained my whole life for and now my dream is a reality. Being 17 I sacrificed a lot to be here like friends, studies, and sports but today makes it all worth it. My parents are spies that met here at IAWA so they understand what I needed to be able to do this job and do it well. With their recommendation and guidance I was able to intern here at 16 and finally came full time at 17 after passing the exams and field test. Of course I had to drop out of high school but that doesn't bother me at all if anything im glad to be out of school.

After sitting in this room for 20 minutes the director of the IAWA walks in. He's a clean shaven short haircut kind of guy, white hair and glasses I heard he's a lot tougher than he looks. He throws down a folder on the table between us and points at me while he shouts one word.


"Uhh what?" I asked confused

"Starting today you are Jasper Vernon a 17 year old kid who goes to high school at the Hills Academy of Excellence. Your first mission is a long one kid."

I open the folder on the table and look through the documents, I find a fake ID, birth certificate, social security card, date and location of birth, everything is different from the life i have been living.

"What exactly is my first mission?"

"Make connections and graduate at the top of your class."

I scratch my head. "My...My first mission is to just go to school?"

"Nonsense, Its a 3 step plan. Step 1 is high school, step 2 is college, step 3 is a nice government job. You are going to be our first spy that has infiltrated the East American government."

I keep examining the contents of the folder. A new life in East America sounds interesting. I wonder if relations between the two countries are deteriorating. West and East America have always been allies since the separation after world war 2 with Texas being an independent country. I don't question the motive behind the assignment because it simply isn't my place. With no sign of hesitation, a nod and a handshake later I am officially Jasper Vernon and that's who im going to be for a long time. This is the start of the long game.

"One more thing Jasper, you will no have any contact with the west. When you need to be contacted you will be contacted." I give him another nod, I know what the mission entails and I know what must be done, im ready and prepared to take on anything that comes my way.

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