
Episode 3

January 5th, 2015.

"Come with me," a voice sounded. "Your son will be safe, I have sent a disciple over to take care of him."

The towering figure left with two smaller ones following behind him. As they walk away, a maid looks towards them while whispering to herself, "Don't worry Teacher, I will definitely keep an eye on the boy."



March 5th, 2020.

Standing before Jacq was a middle aged woman. She was wearing casual clothes, a purple colored t-shirt and blue jeans that stopped at her ankles. Hanging from her neck was an apron, which had red stains on it. Looking at it once, you might think it's blood, however the cut up vegetables on the table told another story. Her hair was black, tied in a braid that went down her back. She had blue eyes and a light skin tone. For someone Jacq's age, she looked beautiful. If she wore formal clothes, one would not be able to tell her apart from beauties he had seen on TV.

"Ah, hello there. You must be Jacq? It's been so long since I've seen you in person, you've grown so big!" A soothing voice came out of her small mouth.

"Yes I am Jacq, but who are you?" Even though Jacq replied casually, he was still thinking of how to escape if needed. This was the first time he had encountered something like this and to be honest, it's quite scary. Without him knowing, someone was in his house!

"Oh! Pardon my manners, I am Dorathi Williams. I was hired by your parents to cook your food for you. Normally I would go to work at this time, but... my other job fired quite a few of us due to the events that happened recently. Also, today is your birthday right? I will prepare a carrot cake when you come back from school." She spoke slowly, making sure Jacq didn't misunderstand her.

"So it's like that, I understand. But what proof do you have to back up your claim? I mean I have never seen you before." Jacq replied.

"Well I know your birthday, but that's pretty common for people to know. Let's see... it's been more than five years since I have started making your breakfast, lunch and dinner. You would always have your breakfast prepared on the table. Your lunch and dinner would both be prepared and packed in the refrigerator. I know this because I am the one who cooks your food."

After Jacq heard this, he knew she was not lying. After all, people don't know he lives alone, especially when they see how healthy he is. He may look small, but his health was always at the top during school physicals.

"Oh right, I turned fourteen today," Jacq realized it was indeed his birthday today. After speaking to her for a little while longer, he got ready to leave for school.

As he walked out the door, he heard Dorathi's voice, "Don't worry, I'll be here with you to celebrate your birthday."

Jacq didn't reply, but deep down he was happy. He would always see other people with family and friends gathered around during their birthday, but he has always been alone. Normally, Dorathi would leave a small cupcake on his birthday. Thinking about this, Jacq got excited. "Looks like I will get to eat an actual cake for once... and not be alone. I can't wait!" He did a double take towards his house with a smile on his face. Rarely does he smile.



After Jacq left, Dorathi started preparing the birthday cake.

"Just like Teacher said, I have waited more than five years. Now I can finally show myself to him since he is now fourteen. But why did master make me wait until he was fourteen?" Dorathi kept asking this question to herself, but no matter how much she tried, she just couldn't get the answer. "I guess there is a reason that I am not aware of."



A few Galaxies away, on a planet that was fifty times larger than Earth, there was a gigantic city. Beings of all different types were seen walking around. Some had features similar to animals, others more humanoid like the human race of Earth. On the outer end of the city, there stood a magnificent palace.

The palace alone was the size of Las Vegas, so one could imagine the overall size of the city. In a certain room near the end of the palace, a door opened and a woman walked out slowly. Her height was 1.71M with a slim body. She had blonde hair and a dress that complimented it. While walking out, her soft glossy blonde hair would bounce slightly.

Soon she reached the main hall and stood before a set of towering doors. The doors were imposing, with dragons, griffons and other mythical beasts carved into them. Each beast causing fear in her heart when she looked directly at the door, as if they would crush her existence with their aura alone.

"I am here to speak with his Majesty," she said to one of the Guardians that stood next to the door. The guard was a being without a pulse. The Guardian was wearing yellow armor and held a blood red spear in his right hand. On his back were two blades, he seemed to be the leader of the Guardians stationed outside.

His cultivation level was that of a Spirit Pillar Peak Level, causing the other Guardians to shake in fear when he asked them questions. He had long since been turned into a Spirit Guardian of the palace.

All of the Spirit Guardians shared the same Spirit Sea. Due to this, whenever one Spirit Guardian received information, all of the other Spirit Guardians would receive it as well. It took an instant for the Spirit Guardian in the King's audience room and the one standing guard outside to send and receive the command of the King.

"Follow me," he said after receiving a reply from within.

The door creaked open slowly, the dragons and other mythical beasts glowed a pale yellow, their eyes shined a dark red as the doors parted.

She had been here many times, but this scene would always leave fear and admiration in her heart.

"Head Disciple Mikayla R. Erioza has arrived!" The Guardian announced before leaving to his post.

"Hmm, Mikalya? I thought I already gave you a task, don't tell me you failed it." The King spoke with a low tone, but it was deafening for Mikayla to hear.

"Greetings your majesty! In reply to Teacher, I have not failed the task I have been entrusted. However a certain situation has came up, of which I seek the King's advice." She spoke while keeping her eyes on the ground.


"Disciple answering, the situation is that Jacq is now 14, however beings from the Solis world have launched an attack on Earth. The-," the King waved his hand, making Mikayla pause in the middle of her report. Reaching out, the King reached towards her before slowly opening his hand.

On the palm of his hand was a small orb that shined a light blue, almost see through. After looking at it for a few moments, he sent it flying back towards Mikayla. The orb hit her head before merging back in.

After learning everything regarding the situation on Earth, the King spoke. "So it's like that. If he is selected, you are not to interfere, as it will be his fate. How close are you to the next Realm?"

"Since my soul has been separated for five years, this disciple has reached the peak of my current Realm and will require a few more months to enter the next one." she replied.

"Good, very good. Regardless of the selection, you are to make all information regarding the Gremni family disappear. After that, return here once you have entered the next Realm." The king spoke after thinking for a bit, "You may take your leave now."

"Yes, Teacher!" Mikayla replied before turning to leave.

As she walked away, a voice sounded that was hard to hear if one did not pay attention, "Looks like things are moving faster than I expected."

Quick note, yes the King and Teacher are the same person. Well, for Mikyala they are anyway, for others he is just the King.


The current cover is temporary, hence the stick figure look. Please be patient with my upload speed as I write this, double check and post it as soon as I can. Yes, I update right away and have no extra chapters for now. Please comment any mistakes I might have made or anything else that you as the readers do not find suitable to read.

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