
The Lizard's Ascent

Fortunately, the MC was reborn; unfortunately, he was reborn as a freshly hatched low-ranking lizard; even more unfortunately, due to his low status, he was ruthlessly shunned by his master, nearly losing his life, but was fortunately rescued by a kindhearted person. However, how a low-ranking lizard can survive in this magical world is a question. In the face of adversity, the little lizard finally discovers his unique bloodline ability - by experiencing pleasant emotions or satisfying his desires, he can produce precious golden filaments within his body. These golden filaments not only strengthen the lizard's power and resilience but can also catalyze the evolution of his bloodline, unlocking limitless potential.

jacksonmj · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Staying Alive

The maid standing next to her moved with ghost-like swiftness, jumping away. 

The big-headed lizard wasn't so lucky. 

A terrifying, invisible force instantly pressed down on him, as heavy as a mountain.


With the sound of the floor cracking, the big-headed lizard was pressed into it, blood foaming from his mouth as he teetered on the brink of death. 

Am I going to die?

Lying on the cold floor, his body felt like it was being crushed from all sides. His consciousness began to blur, the gorgeous skirt of the young girl in his line of sight overlapping. So this is what dying feels like.

He didn't like this feeling. Even if he had turned into a monster, he didn't want to die. If he could live, he would fight to survive.

Struggling to raise his head, he used what little strength he had left. The beautiful young girl in front of him had a grim expression, blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. 

She had attacked him. 

Why? Why did this girl, who seemed so familiar and dear to him at first glance, do this to him? Even if he had turned into a monster, he hadn't hurt anyone. He hadn't done anything wrong. 

Why is she like this?

As his consciousness began to slip into darkness, he heard voices.


What language is that?

It wasn't English or Spanish; it didn't even sound like any earthly language. It sounded ancient and strange. Holding on to his last bit of confusion, his consciousness finally faded.

Looking at the big-headed lizard pressed into the floor by her magic, Celine slowly regained control of her senses. As she calmed down, the out-of-control magic around her also settled.

Seeing that her highness had recovered, Aina approached and supported her.

"Your Highness, it won't be crushed to death, will it?"

Hearing Aina's concern, Celine shook her head slightly.

"It's fine, I've got it under control. He's not dead yet."

Celine's gaze was cold as she looked down at the big-headed lizard lying on the floor, spitting blood foam. Even if it had an ordinary beast bloodline, after absorbing so many fire elemental crystals, it had gained a body stronger than a bronze magical beast. But no matter how strong its flesh was, it couldn't change the fact that it was an ordinary beast.

"That's good, Your Highness."

"What should we do with this big-headed lizard next?"

Celine looked at the lizard lying unconscious on the ground, a wave of annoyance rising in her heart. Her emotions had gone out of control, causing her magic to go berserk. Unlike ordinary humans, her magic power was immense, but she couldn't perfectly control it. Every time her emotions went wild, so did her magic.

Her eyes lingered on the big-headed lizard that had consumed almost all her savings, yet yielded such a disappointing result.

"Throw it out. I don't want to see this big-headed lizard anymore."

"What about the contract?"

"It's just a temporary contract. It will naturally be lifted when it dies."

She was somewhat relieved that she had only signed a temporary contract with this lizard. Many contract masters sign temporary contracts with potential magical beast cubs to cultivate a relationship before finalizing the contract. Temporary contracts can be canceled with mutual consent, if one party dies without the other's involvement, or automatically after three years.

This lizard was already seriously injured by the ripple effects of her runaway magic. It was almost impossible for it to survive.

"I understand, Your Highness."



Opening his eyes, the sky was overcast, and he was lying on the grass in front of an iron gate. Behind him was a luxurious manor. He was still alive?

A longing for life flared up inside him. Fixing his eyes on the iron gate, he began to move forward. Pain surged through his body with each step, as if he were being torn apart.

Live, live, live.

Repeating this word in his mind, he focused on the gate, his consciousness fading. It felt like crawling out was his only chance to survive.

In the rain, a fiery red-headed lizard crawled forward, blood froth spilling from his mouth and being washed away by the heavy rain.

It's cold!

The scales of the lizard glowed faintly red, and reddish filaments emerged from the scales, forming a complex and ancient magic pattern around his body. Soon, a circle formed, followed by a second, a third, and so on until the tenth ring appeared.

Unaware of this, he recalled the young girl's disgusted expression, feeling a sudden surge of aggression. Why had she done this? He hadn't harmed anyone.

His body grew colder, perhaps from the rain or from approaching death.


Looking at the gate, determination filled his eyes. Even if he died, he wouldn't die in this woman's manor. Lifting his claws, he took a step.

Close, close, just nine more steps.


The lizard sprawled helplessly in the rain, water flooding the pavement.

Lying in the water, his body grew colder. He couldn't move. If he could look back, he would see his body surrounded by ten rings, one beginning to darken and brighten, then exploding into fiery red light points entering his body.

Still can't climb out.

Looking at the iron gate, he felt a bit aggrieved. A warm current suddenly emerged in his body, restoring some strength.

Frozen for a moment, he quickly reacted. Regardless of where the warm current came from, being able to recover was good. Maybe crawling out of the manor, he'd find a kind person and survive.

With his gray pupils growing brighter, he strained to hold up his body, eyes fixed on the iron gate. Perhaps it was numbness, but with each claw step, more warmth flowed through him, supporting him step by step.