
The Forest of Koroth

Lione and belle entered the forest and walked for a bit before finding their first monster. It was a small rabbit that turned its head sideways when seeing the duo approach. Lione was the first to see it but didn't charge it. The small rabbit was joined by two others which charged Lione and belle. Lione attacked first by swiping at the closest one. The bunny quickly dodged out of the way and headbutted his side which made him take a knee. Belle swiped the bunny right as it landed back on the ground slicing off it head instantly killing it. The second and third charged together, lionestood back up and charged the second one caching it off guard and impaling it through its stomach. The third charged belle who was in a fighting stance and defeated the bunny with ease.

Lione pulled out the bag that he had bought from the store and put the three bunny carcasses inside and stuffed it in his pocket. ( The bag was magical so it didn't work like a normal bag.) They continued on defeating a few more bunnies before making it to their den. Belle cast some low level healing spells on both of them that got rid of their scratches and bruises.

Lione grabbed a few twigs and sliced them in the hole then produced a little spark with his hand. The twigs caught fire quickly and bunny's started emerging from the den being quickly defeated by the duo who smiled triumphantly. After the bunny's stopped emerging they decided to check their stats.

( Lione )








( Belle )








Belle smiles at lione and scream's " WE DID IT." Lione quickly told her to be quiet but couldn't hold back his happiness either. They jumped and messed around for a bit before they heard a loud sound in front of them. They quickly took a battle stance as a bear that stood as tall as 9ft with razor sharp claws and black fur emerged from the woods in front of them. Lione yell's at belle to run as fast as she can and get word to another adventurer, "I'll hold it here while you go get help!" Lione use's his first skill call "Evaluate" which show's the bears stat's

( Black Bear )







Lione stepped back when he saw the bear's stat's but quickly took his stance again. Belle was hesitant to leave him and was standing there while making her choice to either stay or go get help. The bear stepped forward and roared at Lione which knocked him back a little. Belle knew he wasn't going to come out of this alive but he still had to protect belle

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