
The little sister's system

As a system was granted to Deva she soon embarked on her own adventure; from exploring different worlds; from exploiting both the weak and strong to quell her lust and create any kind of scenario to entertain herself.

Delirish · Fantasy
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240 Chs

Chapter 89 The unfolding of an epic story and she is ignorant of it

In a place known as the abyss where all devils known by mankind are imprisoned and are waiting for the candidates to liberate them.

In total there were seventy-six devils trapped in the abyss but one managed to escape and in exchange she lost most of her authority as a devil and ever since she travelled multiple worlds and universes to plant the 'seeds' that one day will liberate the other sevety-five devils.

She was known also as Demorgorgon or Demiurge, she is the entity that taught and accompanied Deva for some time and planted within her the 'seed' that one day will eventually bloom and become one of the few candidates with the fate to liberate the devils and will cause an 'End'.

Not even the seventy-six devils know what really is 'an End' or 'the End' , they however know that ,whether sweet or gruesome an End is, they will finally be able to reach the true meaning of Death, their liberation from life.

The End will cause every soul of existence to cease to exist along all the memories that they hold. Reincarnation, incarnation or transmigration will not happen.The total demise and destruction of every living being and everything.

The existences of supreme beings like devils and major gods ,who cannot get rid of their memories even if their physical bodies are destroyed or are immune to any magic that might alter the mind, crave and desire the sweet release of true death.

They are existences that reached the pinnacle of everything but cannot abandon their position, unlike mortals, minor gods, intermediate gods, overseers or other foreign existences like Angra Mainyu who are able to reach a certain degree of death, the devils and major gods cannot do so.For them the term death in soul, body and mind cannot exist, they remain as they are for eternity with their indestructible bodies, minds and souls living forever in boredom.

There are five known 'Ends':

One in the possession of Deva, the Eyes of End, its use is to be able to gaze and watch from any location the current status of the other possessors of 'Ends'.It is the weaker but it also doesn't give the possessor any detriment or drawback.The devils and major gods presume that this 'End' will lead to the most harmless 'End' one amongst the five but also the most longest to reach.

Another in possession of an ogre having the Mouth of End, its use is to be able to devour everything even gods and harmful objects like lava, and strengthen the possessor of the 'End' with no limit.The devils and major gods think that this 'End' will lead to all things being devoured and turned to nothing inside the stomach of the ogre.

Another in possession of a succubus where they possess the Lips of End with the use of turning anything kissed by it become totally devoted to the possessor and become an apostole of an 'End'.This 'End' might lead to the total submission of everything to the possessor of this 'End'.Like with the Eyes of End, the major gods and devils presume that to reach this End will take a really long time.

Then there's the Aura of End with the use that everything around the possessor will become corrupted and become immortal with the purpose of either corrupting more or destructing everything around them.The possessor of such 'End' is that of a little child.

The last in possession of the Saintess Lucia being the Womb of End with the ability to recreate without limit any living being identical to the person they mixed together whether god or human with the same skills and powers of the original, these creature have the sole purpose of destroying everything other than their 'Mother'.

For the exception of the Eyes of End, the other Ends have already awakened.Three of them have already brought many universes to their demise while the last one despite awake it has still be used, it seems the possessor is waiting for something or a certain someone to use it for the first time.

The devils and major gods are watching with anticipation the five candidates despite not knowning what really an 'End' is, for them that is the definitive end of their lives hence they will not care what will happen next, they only care about their liberation.Whether an End will bring forth a new Beginning or not they do not care, what they desire the most is their own liberation from the coils of life.

While this was happening and chaos reigned most universes and most probably also her world Intris.Ignorant of the use and purpose of the eyes she obtained years ago that she may also have forgotten the existence of such thing inside her soul, the person that the devils and major gods have the lowest expectations to accomplish any time soon her End was blankly watching the new Era cuddling her as if she was a teddy bear. Deva was more in daze with what she presume the devil Lilith told her before she disappeared.

"Mommy!" The grown-up Era said with a pout that was not and at the same time surreal to Deva.

The cry woke up Deva from her stupor and brought her more questions.

"Mommy?Me?" Deva pointed herself with wide eyes while watching incredulous Era.

"Mommy is mommy and there is only one mommy for me." As she said that Era cuddled even more Deva with a smile that only innocent children could do.

In an instant in Deva's mind multiple plans appeared.Firstly was to kill her and pretend nothing happened, another was that she was okay with it,bring her with to Intris and introduce her as...as her daughter to her wives, another was to leave her here.

All three choices would bring trouble to Deva.

Deva was in distress for a short time mainly because of the unexpected thing and the other because of the mixed emotions swirling inside her caused by Ophiel.But in no time Deva processed what happened in her mind and understood what was happening.

Deva brought her hands to cover her face and deeply inhaled and then exhaled making Era tilt her head as if she was watching a strange thing.

"That bitch...appearing and doing this kind of things...haaah" Deva murmured and cursed to a supreme being that is watching her from the abyss.

Not only Lilith in the abyss licked her lips and promised to do worse but also told the fun prank she just did to the other devils who were more interested in observing the other possessors of Ends.

The ogre already obtained by devouring celestial bodies a level of power that Deva might take dozen of years of grinding and trainning, the succubus has already brought to their knees countless celestial beings and powerful beings and are in total control of the succubus and the child already brought corruption and destruction here and there. The three caused the worst things they could do in places where chaos was already rampant.

Deva and Saintess Lucia were doing nothing compared to the three, in fact the two lack what the three have and that is the desire of absolute power.

For the two, their current life is the best they could have even with the little inconveniences of life.

The two were left to be observed by Lilith alone while the other were more focused on watching the other three and using their powers to wave their fates closer to their 'Ends', even if slow and tedius they still were able to accelarate even a bit the progression of the three, they are not the only ones even the major gods are doing the same.

What the two sides are doing is basically giving to the three 'fortunate encounters' that are able to boosts their powers or create special events to evocate their emotions and push them to become more powerful.


