
The little sister's system

As a system was granted to Deva she soon embarked on her own adventure; from exploring different worlds; from exploiting both the weak and strong to quell her lust and create any kind of scenario to entertain herself.

Delirish · Fantasy
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240 Chs

Chapter 4 Ohoh. You learn quite fast.Then how about we raise the difficulty?

"P-please!Deva just stop!We continued to fight for five consecutive times without rest!J-just a rest for an hour!"

"Ira!They're arriving!Two hobgoblins and senventy goblins!Blast the goblins while I deal with the hobgoblins!"Velena shouted in distress.

"Agh!Deva I hate you...!"

I murmured enough to only Ira to hear,"Saying something useless again maybe in the next one let's increase the difficulty and make it deal with just Ira alone..."

"A-ah?I'm sorry,I'm sorry!I won't think and say unnecessary thing again!Y-you goblins here I am!"Ira chanted and glared at the goblins as if they were the cause of all of her suffering.

Umu!After seven days and seven nights it seems they improved and fixed most of their their flaws, especially in the teamwork and comunication department, before they would do things without even exchanging a word,try to talk with each other before they even attack a group of enemies or often check the situation of the other.

Mistakes are bound to happen no matter how perfect you or trained you are so instead of being perfect they instead aim to cover one's back the moment they do a mistake or something unexpected happens.They now use more often their different skills like for Ira using [Control Weather] at the start of the battle,[Disguise] and [Invisibility] either to confuse enemies or to withdraw to safety.And Velena using [Acceleration],[Assassination] and [Stealth] to deal with the weakest and more troublesome of a group like healers,mages and archers while [Poison mastery],[Trapping] and [Rope use] to laid traps against a large number of enemies.

Sometimes I would give advice while sometimes I would leave them figure out by themselves the things they have to improve.This round is the last one they have to fight as a team.

The next ones will be dealt by themselves in turns.Hehehe.

The two collapsed in the floor after dealing with the enemies and fighting non stop for six rounds, quietly approach them I grab each one's shoulder and smile,"Congratulations!You finished your training..."

"Really!""What a relief..." Noticing my smile going wider they mutter at the same time with dread,""No..."".Yes!

"...your training as a team and from now on for a five days you will fight alone in turn.You are exhausted right?Here two stamina potions for Velena and Ira.We will begin shortly in two hours with Velena for first."

Instead of drinking their stamina potions the two of them grab my legs as despair and tears pours from their eyes,"Y-you,you are kidding right?""Ha-hahahahahah!""Velena what's wrong!?"

"T-this is a joke...no I understand!My little Deva is just teaching me how to deal with my enemies and at the same time gain pleasure and joy by watching their suffering right?Like how Deva is enjoying herself for days tormenting us,I too will be the one tormenting my enemies right?"The tall assassin clings to the leg of the shorter one while watching her with the eyes of someone who just lost it.

Scary!scary!scary!scary!W-what's up with her?Maybe I exaggerated a bit?I should've been softer...No wait...I can just encourage her for a bit and if something goes wrong later,I can just fix it later.Ok!

Patting her head,I smile at her,"That's right!I am particulary training you girls so that in the future no matter how powerful the enemies will be you'll just dominate them and play with their lives..."

['Whisper of the devil' has been automatically activated] Wait,what?

I lean and gently and softly whisper to her ear,"...just immage it,Velena.Our enemies whether human or monster trembling in fear and in despair without even knowing the cause of their fears and sufferings...""ha-haaah" What a second!This is not me!What's going on?!

Because Deva was distracted asking in her mind what was going over and over again,she didn't notice the tall girl profusely blushing and her hands between her quivering legs as she listened.

As if possessed, Deva was unable to control what she was saying and couldn't fully control her body, she continues to whisper and at the same time continuing to pet her head with her hand,"No matter how powerful or famous they are depicted,they will be beneath your feet, begging for their lives..."Velena is drooling and panting just by listening the scenario Deva was telling.Even Ira who was firstly unaffected is now unable to ignore what Deva was saying, and she too is being affected even by a little.

Deva or the skill controlling her continues,"Or maybe...you prefer to torment them until they lose their sanity and instead to beg for their lives they start beg the sweet release of death...but you do not want that isn't it?You want them to suffer until they do not even react to anything right?...""Y-yesh...haahhh...""And that's why...be a good girl and let's continue,okay?""Y-yes!"

['Whisper of the devil' has been automatically disactivated due of reaching the desired point.]

What...the hell was that?Wasn't that skill a buff skill?I mean it is but...

"Deva!We can start now!I feel I can go on for days now!"

"S-sure...Dungeon,les't go for a desert with twenty hobgoblins please..."

[As you wish...]

Without even a second,Velena vanishes who-knows where...well probably towards the enemies alone...but I saw it, there were sparkles in her eyes and a strange smile etched in her face...*sigh*atleast I managed to encourage her with no permanent side effects,right?I glance towards Ira, fortunately unaffected by-Oh no..."Thank you Deva,I-no we understand now.I can't wait for my turn!"The Ira in front of me despite having the same cold look she have the same sparkles of Velena in her eyes.After Ira said that she sprinted towards a direction,probably where Velena is right now.There won't be permanent side effects right?

The next five days other than improving even further their flaws they grew in a rate I couldn't believe, sometime though I felt that they were enjoying themselves by fighting against the monsters,that's just my immagination.Yup!My own immagination.

Even if that was true, I couldn't find anything wrong with their performance but only praise as they were able to deal with a massive number of enemies alone without doing single mistake.

These days I questioned to myself what [Whisper of the devil] was.Unfortunately we can only the use of a skill by their names and can't read what use they have.For example [Cooking] just by the name you understand that it's a skill that makes you able to cook delicious dishes or grant buffs in the dished you cook the moment you eat them.Unfortunately [Appraising] can only be used towards items and to only see the name,race,class and level of a being.For now let's presume that [Whisper of the devil] is a skill capable of affecting one's mind just by one's words and actions.There's [Songs of the angels] too but by its name I think it is a skill that either heals or buffs one's stats.

Today is our last day in this dungeon and their last lesson will begin...

Standing before the two,I announce,"This will be your last lesson in this dungeon and last day here..."

"Finally we can sleep in that big and comfy bed we bought days ago...""And cuddle with Deva..."

"Velena,Ira." ""Yes?""

"Let's fight, you two against me,no holding back." "What?""Yes what?"

"You didn't hear me?Let's fight." ""But...""

There's no helping it.Without wasting a second I sprint towards Ira punching her abdomen making her fly and only be stopped by a tree hitting it with her back, without hesitation I direct my attention and kick the left side to the still surprised Velena,waking up from her stupor she managed to clumsily parry my kick."How can it be so-"I retreat and cut her of"So powerful?Strenght is not necessary,I hit you in the right angle aiming a spot you couldn't build a decent parry.Now here I come!"

She prepares to defend against me but instead of running towards her I run towards Ira who now is recovered by my punch, is chanting a spell, before I could arrive at her side shards made of ice appear near her and then fly straight towards me but I easily dodge them moving to the left,being me near she attempts to use [Invisibility] but before she could use it,I arrive in front of her kicking her legs making her fall to the ground."You could've used that earlier and then attack me with your spell without me noticing and the trajectory of your spells are too predictable.And..." I turn and punch to my back hitting Velena who used [Stealth] and [Accelaration],"H-how?""No matter how fast and well hidden you are,your steps are too loud."

*Clap*"Okay that's enough.You two did well."

The two instead are downcast."But we didn't even land a hit on you."

"That's right.You were unable to land a single hit on me.Why?" I ask leaving the two silent.

"It is because you thought I would move like a monster right?Monsters are easier to understand their movement ,lure,distract,deceive,taunt,spot their weaknesses and kill, well there are expections but most of the monsters are like that.But humans despite being cruel,cowards and weak,most of them are not stupid,they understand and learn,they yearn power because they weak and because they are weak they will do everything to get power and win which make them cruel that cruelty is used to hide that cowardice,there's a reason why monsters who resemble humans are becoming more like humans. We humans are impredictable.I do not expect you to understand right away but you'll one day see with your own eyes the ugliness but also the good sides of humans.Just put in the skulls of yours that the places we will go are full of humans,kind humans,evil humans,good humans,hypocrites,liars but also naive and pure ones.This 'training' is just but the beginning what outside will teach you.But even so will you wholeheartedly accompany me and your future sisters in this unknown journey and be always be with me?" As I finish my monolouge I extend my two hands to the two.

"Jeez!We are your big sisters!It is obvious that we will be together,I feel you are treating us like children!" She smiles as she take my left hand.

"Fufu,this is a given,we will accompany you through hells and heavens.You can't have all the fun for yourself!"She grabs my right hand as she grins.

We three ,after the putting the bags with the remaing few potions and rations inside them on our shoulders,walk handholding our hands with me at the center towards the exit.

[Do you wish to leave?]

"Yes!Thank you for everything Dungeon,we had fun here."

Already faraway Deva and the other two coulnd't hear what it said next.

[May your journey be a fun one,oh cute little human I bless you.]

To clarify,the main characters were able to remain in the beginner dungeon because they didn't in fact leave.Those who surpass level five cannot enter anymore while those inside who reached level five cannot further earn exp.So with a tent and ton of rations they were able to stay there for thirteen days with Velena and Ira being spartan-like trained by Deva without too much distractions and nuisances and rest.

Delirishcreators' thoughts