In a world where your soulmate's spirit animal is printed on your wrist, it would seem complicated to find the love of your life. But you always know when it comes to your soulmate. Though it seems waaaay too hard to believe that Richie, a complete asshole, could ever be matched with Eddie, it seems as if everything is pushing them together.
I stared at the little rabbit on my wrist. It seemed to get darker and darker with each passing minute. They were coming.
"Edds, stop staring at yer wrist."
I looked up at the red-headed clown in front of me.
"I thought the party wasn't for another two hours?" I asked.
Tim shrugged.
"Pennywise the Dancin' Clown is always prepared."
I rolled my eyes, fighting a smile.
"Just try not to scare any of the kids like you did last time."
"What's the point of makin' kids laugh if ya can't make 'em cry, too?" He chuckled.
I was about to respond before I heard barking at the door.
I looked at the rabbit on my wrist.
It had turned completely black.
"What what?"
I laid my head on the table and showed my wrist to Tim.
"Heh...ha ha ha!" He dropped my arm, laughing.
"Try not to cry, you've got a party," I said, my voice muffled.
Tim stumbled to the door, mumbling, "Oh, I hope this doesn't count as bestiality, HA!"
I could hear him open the door.
I lifted my head and jumped. The dog was on Tim, licking his powdered-face.
"Off, off, ya slobbery piece of furry shit!"
Now it was my turn to laugh.
"Oh my god!"
"Holy fuck!" Shrieked a new voice. "I'm sorry!"
I looked at the door, where the voice was coming from.
My wrist tingled, the rabbit bouncing.
Staring at me was a bespectacled man, his hair as black as the rabbit that seemed be clawing at my skin.
"Archie!" He yelled at the dog, that stopped licking at Tim to pout.
He grabbed the dog's collar. "I am so sorry! He just seems to like, um... C-clowns?"
I scratched at my wrist.
"Um... It's fine. C-can I ask y-your name?"
The man looked at me, rubbing his wrist.
"I'm Richie. Richie Tozier."
"E-Eddie Kaspbrak."
Tim sighed.
"Great. Love. Ick."