
Whisper of the Night

Darkness falls and night settles in,

A lone house sits in a wide valley,

And the twinkling of stars fill the sky;

Like a lyrical whisper of the night.


A young girl sits on her windowsill,

In a small bedroom window on the second floor,

Listening to the sounds of the night;

Crickets orchestrate a quiet, soothing melody,

For no one to hear.


The clouds gather to give the moon a hug,

Like a blanket to cover the stars.

The little girl's eyes fill with wonder and awe,

As the wind blows down and softly caresses her cheek.


A small faerie flutters by, having lost its way.

It stops, and then continues on after a little while.

The moon pokes its head out from its fluffy cloud,

To guide the little faerie on its way home.


The wind whispers into the ears of the little girl,

"You should be sleeping little one,"

And the wind slows to a breeze.

Until, it is no more.


Darkness grows as the night deepens,

The little girl's eyelids begin to drop,

As drowsiness surrounds her, warming her small body,

And the wind picks up again, only to push the little girl,

Back into her room.


The night whispers, "Goodnight"

And so the little girl drifts off to bed.

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