

'bella ' a voice as hard as a nut but as sweet as cherry called. i was deep inside my thoughts thinking of all the beautiful summer time i spent with my mom. it was of course ben , my dad . it had been a whole freakin long month since i moved in. all this month i witnessed frequent visits of the blacks . jake and i began to become good friends soon . we cooked together a lot of time and went to the beach a few times. i mailed my mom a lot , told her 'bout the forks and get to know about her and joe 's holiday vacation . everything was quite easing as what i was thinking but now i only had a couple of days left for my high school . I was excited and deeply scared at the same time . i went downstair to ben he was goin on an emergency call in the forest a few miles away . As that animal hunts were increasing i was confused but not a bit scared i didn t know why.

so again a lonely day on the house. well now i started to cope with that by killing my time and listening to some estefian and delan they were my favourite singers . i finished the macbeth by the time .

The next morning was really great i cleaned my teeth , fit in that red coloured hood and went downstair as usual ben had left . i got my keys and drove ahead to 'THE FORKS HIGH SCHOOL , WASHINGTON' i parked my truck to the side of a newly repaired old car . as i got into the school it was surprising....

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