

I reached home about in 20 min. a few moments later telephone rang . i reached to it it was jess . 'Hey bella i was just wonderin whether i should wear that violet dress or my black gown for the ball . should i and colon wear a match.' jess was super excited for the ball.

'may be that black gown would go for the ball' i said.

i finished my homework and ate an apple . That evening jake came ,puberty hit him like that he was growing really fast . i could notice his voice deepening . his shirt was too tight for his newly broaden chest. he rwminded me how we used to play when we were young . he liked to be surrounded with bikes and motorparts . he liked this motorrepairing sort of thing. he told me he was busy with a bike he had high expectation with this one.' its gonna be the best bike i've ever built actually i've made just a couple bikes before. ' he said smiling with a blush on his pure blonde skin like he liked me very much . i was not sure about it. the next morning the weather was cool as usual, i was literally starving for sun. in school emily caught me in the hallway and asked me whether mike would ask her out. i was sure abou that. in biology aric sat on the seat right behind the window alone it was grouptesting today. i sat next to him . a few moments later professor mc gownel explained us the different complex phylums of plantae. as soon as we started testing aric said' ben got u a new truck.'

'its pretty cool. ' i said in a low voice

he tested quickly and declared its bryo

i tried it , i couldnt adjust but when finally it was ;bryo.

'bella would u like to come to a coffee with me ?' he asked in his soothing voice

'ok' .In the cafe we had great conversation. i could'nt understand the reason behind his sudden interest in me 'was he mad' .

i couldnt made any effort to question him much coz of his breathtaking charm

'tell me somethin about ur sibling?'. i finally dared. 'at least something that i wanted to know about them like whats wrong with them . why they always have a rude side to others while i making an exception ; was somethin wrong with me.'. random ques were in my head

then i heard somethin that my poor ears had been waiting to hear . ' my sister's name is alice' aric added ' she is the best sister one could have . i am so happy that she found tyler' he suddenly stopped and quitted the convesation hanging my thoughts. ' i had to go.' his voice sounded meaner than his expression.

by that time emily , jess , mike were discuusing about the ball . they were desperately waiting for it . they said that night could change so much into better.