

The next morning saw a drift in weather . it become little more chilled outside so i decided to wear a black jacket which my mother bought me last fall . i went to the jeep waving to ben ; he was there thank god. in my history class aric sat next to me as usual. in the middle of the lecture he looked at me deep into my eyes and said ' I am Aric green . i m sorry i didnt introduce myself the very first day. ' his voice was perfect ; melodious ,gentle and caring .

'Hey i m bella. ' i said . i was so dissapointed with my freakiness why am i such a nerd. i started being comfortable as soon as our conversation started with aric drewing a little closer to my chair.

'So u moved out of florida ?' he said

'yup to forks ' i said ' florida threw me out for not being tanned.' i chuckled as i said so

' but why forks ,is ur family a native.' he asked in his goosebumpin voice.

' my dad lives here and my mom in florida. she found herself happy there. ' i said without lookin towards his face.

its raining a dumb maverick said from behind

'i hate rains.' i said exhasperated

Aric smiled showing me his perfectly lined jaw by doing so. 'wht is so funny ' i asked

'well u dont like rains and u r at the rainiest place in the world. '

' everyone says u r cold . ' i said dumbly

' i had been waiting for u so long .' his reply confused me and delighted me at the same time.

he stood up and the bell rang. In the cafe i sat next to jess they were planning for the ball. ' bella its gonna be a great night what would u wear?' emily asked hyperactively

'umm i m not comin' i said ' i would be out of the town this weekend.'

jess told me she had a feeling that mike would ask her for the night . i looked to the table. alice and tyler sat incredibly close tyler was not a green he was alice's boyfriend . they talked smilingly looking in eyes . aric was staring at me. jess noticed me turnin round all the time.

' dont try aric is too preoccupied he never talks to anyone.' 'um no i was just... ' i said ' he s just ..' emily stopped me ' attractive' . we all smiled . even sitting so far aric smiled jist at the moment like he could listen all this.

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