

Numb. Heartbroken. Devasted. Those words couldn't even come close to describing what I was feeling, not even a tiny bit. The world seemed to fade into obscurity as my tears blinded me. My feet refused to move and I found myself penetrated and frozen as if time had stopped.

A honk screeched and noiseless screaming echoed through my brain. I tilted my head to see a bright beam of headlights headed towards me, at a speed that seems impossible to stop.

I felt my death approaching me at full speed. I wanted to move, but my shattered thoughts had captured and bewitched me to be paralyzed.

I could feel the movement of the tires striking closer by the seconds. It was slithering towards me, and I stood unable to process what was happening. Despite the terror of people screaming to move out of the way, my mind wandered off.

I shook my head downwards to stray the incoming terror that enthralled my ever being; my eyes still blurred by my continuous tears conceived a hazy image of my hands. With my left index finger, I slowly started to trace the lines on my right hand; the line that told the fate of a person.

Then suddenly, sharp pain of mental made contact with my frozen body; the impact wounded and forced me to land backward on my back. I could hear the thud of my head hitting the ground. A force of adrenaline rushed into my blood, and everything seemed to faze away.

My thoughts clouded every part of me; all I could think; how did this start? Flashes of my life seemed to come before me and overtook my senses. My mind welcomed the seclusion of the darkness.

Dear Readers,

Hello! I hope you enjoy reading my book! Please let me know if I need to change my grammar anywhere (would mean a lot). Don't copy my work, this took a lot of thoughts and efforts, please appreciate that. Also on that note, thank you for reading this and have a wonderful day! Hope to see you soon :)

queentinklecreators' thoughts