
The Limitless System

Faced with inevitable annihilation, Humanity was forced to evolve and awaken unique abilities.With many loss on both sides a peace treaty was handed in placed serving as a crossroad of peace for both parties. The world powerhouses having had enough of earth being looked down upon by other beings swore to protect earth and it's inhabitants.This fuel of determination eventually turned them into training up awakened. once an awakened is born,their life is plunged into a world of pain and hardwork.Lacking both talent and hardwork as an awakened labels you as a trash. In Present time,Arthur,a teen who's ability has been dubbed as the world's trashiest, one's which purpose makes him dry up blood.A pathetic ability wouldn't you say so right?. His life however takss a drastic turn when he's discovered by a system bound to be limitless,destined to wield great rule and become the saviour and ruler of the universe. °°°° "What's that strange light heading here" Before he could even move a muscle a white ball of light pierced through his body. [Does host wish to awaken the limitless system]

Realitymanga · Fantasy
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43 Chs

System Update 2


One of the blood wolves was hurled towards a tree at an insane speed from Arthur punch.The other wolves were taken aback by the humans strength,they however ignored that fact and dashed towarsa him.

Arthur's eyes darted around locating the weakest blood wolf.He griped the hilt of the katana tightly and dashed at full speed sliding past it,he however slashed from above mid way through the slide and sliced it's body into two.

Without stopping for a second he tilted the blade of the katana and sliced through it's head.The others weren't able to react quickly due to how fast he had bolted into their formation.







The others growled and dashed at Arthur drawing their claws and scratching him across his body.Just waltzing into their formation to finish off the weakest meant he had to sacrifice his health.

Arthur jumped back to create a decent distance between them,staring down at his torn to pieces hoodie.He grabbed onto it and ripped it off revealing his chiseled abs."You guys owe me"He voiced out.

"My health stat is at 40 now..I need to end this quickly".What was more surprising was how Arthur didn't feel pressured even though he was outmatched.To him he felt more pressured when he went up against that silver ape beast.

[Blood Manipulation]

Using the blood splattered on the ground from their own comrade he created multiple thin blood swords and pointed them towards the six blood wolves raining the blood swords at them.

The blood wolves were remarkably able to dodge most of them but some had to suffer great damage.The blood wolves seemed to have agreed to something and grouped together.

The one who seemed like the Alpha stood in the middle of the five blood wolves and slowly a magic circle was manifesting underneath them.When Arthur saw what was happening he stopped in his footsteps to look at what would happen.

People were.always afraid of the unknown.In his case he wasn't afraid but his interest had been piqued.Why wouldn't it?,these were blood wolves hence they had the potential to control blood to a certain extent.

If he could see what they are up to he can use it to improve on his own.On the blood wolves side the magic was slowly dimming and a stream of crimson energy was gathering over their bodies entangling and creating a giant ball of crimson aura.

Immediately Arthur knew he was doomed,the mind of aura the crimson ball was giving out was no ordinary thing.This probably meant they had sacrificed their energy up for this.The blood wolves raised their snout up and howled towards the sky.They slowly fell to the ground due to how weakened they were.

"No way!,that is definitely blood I'm feeling from that attack".In a way Arthur was right.The blood wolves technique was this crimson blood which is a mini version of the sun.Their blood had been condensed to crearw such a powerful attack.

They felt this was their only chance if they ever wanted to defeat the human.Arthur looked around and was in a dilemma on what to do.If he decided to dodge the attack,other powerful beasts would pop out to come to the scene.

And running was never going to be an option for him.Now that he had the ability to rise why would he cower away in fear.The only option was to take it on.

[Hold your ground and take that attack on]

Arthur saw the system's message and modded.That was what he was going to do anyways.The crimson blood ball approached Arthur who had his hands raised up to take the full blunt of the attack.


Arthur didn't know why but it felt as if his whole body had been set ablaze even though there was no visible flame thrown at him.This was the power of that attack.The ground began to cave in creating a giant crater which kept on increasing as Arthur held the attack in place.

[Almost done]

Arthur didn't know what the system was up to but he really needed it to finish.Slowly Arthur could feel the size of the attack decreasing until it had feeling enveloped his whole body.

[I absorbed it and that was no small task]

Arthur could tell from how the system sounded it meant it was exhausted which he found extremely odd.Did the system have some kind of a body to feel that way.

After what happened Arthur's knee dropped to the ground feeling weak just from holding up that crimson ball.He knew for sure if he had held it out for a long time he would have been burnt to crisp.

The blood wolves were more than just drained as they couldn't even lift themselves up from their positions.Now that their strongest technique had failed to eliminate the human they felt vulnerable.

A small growl escaped their snout.They really felt useless against the human they deemed more monstrous than them.Arthur slowly managed to lift himself up and slowly approached them.Although he was drained he could still kill them.

[Blood Manipulation]

Blood spears mixed with blood swords were created floating in the air.Six of them to be precise.Arthur stretched his hand out and launched them at the blood wolves killing them on the spot.

They sacrificed their vulnerability for greater power.Something Arthur felt he would never try in his lifetime.He walked over to their dead bodies and began collecting the beast cores gathering them up and letting the system do it's work.

[Quest progress]

[Defeat 20 beasts(17/20)]

[Quest progress:90%]

[The attack I absorbed managed to cover for 5 beasts cores]

Judging from what had happened last time Arthur already knew how this worked and knew the system absorbtion of that attack must have covered for some of the beasts cores worth.

Just as he was about to fall to the ground to rest up he saw a message that brought a wide smile to his face.

[Host's knowledge on blood manipulation has advanced]

[Blood manipulation has evolved]

Grant me your power stones if you want to help Arthur grow

Realitymangacreators' thoughts