
The LightSky Incident

Luna, the daughter of a vampire and a wizard, decides to join their parents at Redsity Academy after meeting a friendly werewolf. Little did she know that her aunt would hunt her from then on.

wh4t3v3r_fr34k · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Words cut deep, don't they?

Once Aaron fell unconscious, BlackOut sighed, saying: "All this work, just for an abduction to get answers out of this puppy.. Lowly creatures like these shouldn't be such a problem."

She started carrying him and teleported into her lab, laying him on one of the beds, chaining him to it with a spell. She then sat down next to him, reading the book he had about StoneClaw.

"Interesting.." - BlackOut smirked.

He soon enough regained his consciousness and looked around, trying to move his arms and legs but couldn't due to the chains. He mumbled: "W-Wha.. Where am I..?" - He then looked over at BlackOut and his eyes widened in surprise.

Meanwhile, Luna, Harley and her parents were looking for him, along with Lynx and Fyriana in the forest and saw the trail of blood he left. She smelled it and then noticed it stopped abruptly at one point.

"Shit.." - Luna mumbled.

Harley then went on all fours and started sniffing the ground and then the air. Her tail spiked up for a moment as her eyes widened, saying: "This smell.. BlackOut was here.. The blood stopped abruptly and she took him.."

Luna's left eye started glowing purple from her anger. Nicholas said: "Let's go to her lab. We need to sneak in."

"That is her plan, I know that.." - Luna said, looking over at her father.

"We can't let Aaron face her alone. She will kill him."

"Let's go then. Sis, you hold back Luna in case things get out of control." - Lynx said to his sister. Fyriana nodded.

"I'm coming too. I'm not letting the only werewolf alive aside from me die by her hands today. Not today, not ever." - Harley growled.

"Just.. Be careful." - Nicholas spoke and then turned to his wife - "Pandora, sweetie, can you watch over the school while I'm gone?"

"Yes, of course. Just be careful, please."

They all nodded and Nicholas teleported everyone behind a tree, outside of her lab complex. Luna looked up at it.

"No vents..? This woman really said high tech.." - She rolled her eyes.

Meanwhile, BlackOut stood up and looked at Aaron, saying: "So.. Is it just you?"

"W-What do you mean?" - Aaron asked nervously.

"Don't act dumb, it doesn't suit you.. Are there any other werewolves out there?"

"....Now, why would I answer that for you? So you can get more fun out of it?"

"Glad we understand each other, wow. You're smarter than you look. You forget I can see through Luna's eyes.. Why do you even think I corrupted her?"

"You.. You did that to spy on us?"

BlackOut then heard noises outside her lab and saw shadows of feet beyond the door where they were in and smiled.

"There's at least three of them outside, right? People have come to your rescue, how sweet.." - BlackOut said, chuckling.

Luna blasted the door once she saw her aunt behind it, a bit far. BlackOut dodged to the side, which made the door break the wall behind her.

"Geez.. Breaking and entering AND destruction of property? Wow, guess I did make an influence on you, honey!" - BlackOut's eyes glowed purple as her smirk grew wider.

"Shut your mouth.." - Luna's left eye glowed more intensely as she locked eyes with her aunt - "How dare you kidnap him.. DID YOU THINK WE WOULDN'T FIND OUT?!"

Luna sprinted towards her, body slamming her through two walls behind her. BlackOut gasped and closed one of her eyes in pain, saying: "I expected you to.. I simply wanted to know if there were more werewolves.. Because the rest had already been revealed to me earlier.." - She started chuckling to herself, while Harley went on her werewolf form, growling. Nicholas freed Aaron from the bed and pulled him to Lynx to feel comfort. Meanwhile, Luna tried to blast her one hand at a time but her aunt grabbed her fists, throwing her across the room with a shockwave, continuing: "I do have to admit I'm kind of upset though.. I made this exact room recently and you guys decided to ruin it.."

Luna turned to a bat and regained her balance. She then turned back to normal and her right eye was glowing red, the left glowing purple. Her fangs were growing.

"Hold her back, Fyriana, before she does something stupid." - Nicholas spoke.

Luna was about to launch herself at her again before Fyriana held her back from behind by the arms as Luna shouted: "LET GO OF ME! I'M NOT NEARLY DONE.. YOU WHORE, YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME!"

She then started having sharp pain on her left eye, while her anger and bloodlust only rose. Her body soon enough, as a response to the strong emotions, shut down, making Luna pass out. Fyriana held Luna in her arms and carried her. Harley looked angrily at BlackOut and said: "See what you did to your goddamn niece? You're going to kill her one day." - Then BlackOut approached everyone, Nicholas glared at his sister and teleported everyone away.

BlackOut's right eye turned to brown and she looked at her own hands, then facing the mirror, looking at her own appearance. She started having flashbacks again, about how every adult, in her teenage years, would talk about how her emotional instability would bring someone down with her. Harley's words cut deep.. But we all know BlackOut will make sure to cut even deeper next time.