
Prologue: Lightning Dragon God

As the battle between the three factions waged on, six people was in the middle causing the most destruction. God, Lucifer, Beezlebub, Azazel, Ddraig, Albion and Baraquel. As the were fighting a massive aura developed at the end of the battle field but none of detected it.

"Cease your fighting at once!" a commanding voice boomed through the battle field.

Everyone stopped and looked to wear the voice came from only to see a teenager with a microphone nd massive speakers.

"Who the fuck are you?" Asked a pissed off Lucifer he was itching for blood.

"My Y/N The Lightning Dragon God your constant fighting is pissing me off!!" Yelled an angry Y/N.

"Lightning Dragon God my ass. Get him!!!!" Exclaimed Beezlebub as every survivor from the the three factions charged with their leader in front.

The soldiers could only watch as their faction leaders and the two Heavenly Dragons got killed with Holy Demonic Lightning.

As lightning filled the battlefield the remaining soldiers shielded their eyes from being blind. Hovering above the middle of the battlefield was a dragon surrounded by lightning.

You insolent minor beings. Your precious leaders and the two Heavenly Dragons have been killed by my weakest attack. This is not even my real form and look how you're cowering from the power I have yet to use. Return to your respective places and do make the mistakes your previous leaders have made. I will be sleeping for 2000 years and will return on a blue moon!" Yelled the Dragon as he disappeared in a flash of lightning leaving the faction members scared shitless.

"I think we should call a temporary truce," said Zeuticus Gremory a red headed high class devil.

"I have to agree. Our faction members are all decreased by 85% percent. Fighting would be pointless and would cause the extinction of devils, fallen and angels alike," agreed Azazel the only remaining Original Faction Leader left.

"And if what the Dragon God said was true, then I have no doubt that we would be exterminated within a minute." Said Michael as he joined the conversation.

Suddenly they heard a groan from Ddraig.

"What should we do with them?" Asked Zeuticus as he looked over at them.

"Their souls are slipping I can feel it," said Azazel.

"Why don't we chop them up into a thousand pieces?" Asked Michael.

"And seal their souls into a sacred gear," suggest Zeuticus.

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