
Chapter 2: Celestial Interferance

Havoc couldn't stand it anymore. Zartar standing in front of him, so full of himself. The stupid grin he wore on his face. Havoc couldn't stand the thought of losing against those murdering bastards, not after all the death they had brought upon earth and all humans. He couldn't protect his friends, he couldn't keep his promise, but he was damn sure he wouldn't give Zartar the joy of killing him. His spite made him bite his own tongue and while he bled to death, he cursed them all. Zartar and the other calamities, the celestials and himself. For his own weakness. For dying. For not being able to keep his promise.

While he was lost in his thoughts, everything around him slowed down, to a point where it seemed as if nothing except him was moving.

"I'm sorry this is happening to you my child. But let let us talk first before you curse us all."

Havoc heard the voice and saw the man coming over from the trees and slowly walking towards him. It was a good looking man with long blonde hair, wearing a black suit and tie, paired with a red shirt, carrying a long sword on his shoulders. That would have made him appear very relaxed, if his face didn't look so full of grief. He was completely unfamiliar to Havoc.

"Who are you?"

The man chuckled.

"I'm one of the celestials you just cursed."

"Can you heal me? Give me another chance to destroy them!"

"I could heal you, but it would not make a difference. Even if you could kill the four of them and that's a big if, we've lost. You've lost today and my interferance right now is disrupting the balance. I'm talking about the balance between us and the calamities. After I'm done they will be able to access more of their powers, but I have an idea. That's why I'm here right now."

"I don't know what you're talking about, what balance and why are you here?", Havoc asked.

The man took one of the cigarettes from Havoc's pocket and lit it, slowly exhaling the smoke.

"We and the calamities are counterparts. We're not supposed to directly interfere, but our first interferance, when we gave all humans the leveling system, tipped the balance in their favor. That's why they're roaming around on earth and we are not. Every time one side disrupts the balance, the other side is allowed to interfere more or access more power. The idea I'm having right now is a gamble, which depends on your answer. Tell me, child, what would you do if you could start over completely?"

"If I could start over? I would win! Humanity would win!"

"I'll be honest, even though you started with the 2-star warrior class, you have impressed me. No, you have impressed us. Giving you that chance would reset everything, you'd go back to the day we started the leveling system. The balance would be set in their favor, but we believe you humans could still make it. Even though that would cripple me for a long time, I'm willing to take that risk. But why would you? A little bit more and it's over for you. You can rest and see your friends, no more pain and fights, never again. Would you still go back?"



"Because I can't stand the thought of them winning. All the races they destroyed, all of my friends and family they murdered, all the promises I couldn't keep. I can't go to that place. I don't want to let them succeed!"

"Very well. Then I will take that gamble. But keep one thing in mind. This is the only time we can do a reset, because the balance is now in our favor right now. This is the last chance, if humanity fails, this time it's really the end of all things!", the man said, bending down and touching Havoc's chest with one finger.

As soon as he did, a golden notification window popped up in front of Havoc.

[Lightbringer's imprint received]

"I'll take my leave now. Remember, the last chance..", the man said, before slowly walking away and disappering.

Time began to move again and so did the calamities. Zartar was talking to him but Havoc didn't listen to him anymore. He felt tired, so tired that he closed his eyes. And then he was dead.

[Death confirmed]

[Commencing reset process]

And as an old man died in the year 2057, a boy named Daniel rose in the year 2019, as if he woke up from a nightmare..

[Reset complete]

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