
The Light Found in the Darkness

When she lost her light and hope he became hers. . . . You know that moment when you want to scream in despair, I have known that feeling all my life. All that rage you want to let out, but you can't you have to keep it locked inside. You always need to have the perfect smile, posture, and most importantly family when you are royalty. Head held high. Everyone that belongs to royalty in my kingdom was born from one star. The day I was born everyone said I blinded them. As I descended from the dark sky of the night, the brightest star everyone has seen in history. The brighter the star the more powerful you are. Since I have knowledge of memory I've been told what to do and not do. Funny they say you are not supposed to take orders from anyone, but that's an order. They taught me not to turn my back on THEM because one single flinch, one single second, and even one distraction could get you killed. I am meant to be the Queen of Elora the Light kingdom and I will do anything in my power to destroy them. I would go to the depths of hell myself to put an end to this war. I swear that on Goddess Asteria as I was blessed her name. They say I was named in her honor, to thank the gift that was myself. . . . Since I took my first steps I was taught how to raise a sword and control my powers. I was taught how to slaughter a whole army by myself. MY family and myself don't fake smiles and fake being innocent we know who we are and so does everyone in the universe and beyond. We don't hide behind our castle doors and pretend to be innocent. THEY are fake and disloyal. THEIR armies have killed thousands of our own, as we have. We fight by our army's side unlike THEM. Before I'm crowned I will end this war and kill everyone in THEIR royal family. Finishing by that petty princess, as their lineage will end on her. I swear that on God Erebus, as I inherited his powers and name. . . . When she was supposed to be light, but he became hers.

beberly_Orellana · Fantasy
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36 Chs

The Maid

Pov. Asteria

I cleared my throat to get the maids' attention. In a millisecond they snapped their heads my way and bowed. I gave them a nod in the assurance that they were perfectly fine and she was gone. I motioned my head for everyone to leave. When the maid that was screamed at by my mother was about to leave I stopped her.

"Your name is Emily, isn't it?" I asked with softness in my voice to not scare her, as the doors were closing once again. She was beautiful, her eyes were so blue. She was dressed in the usual maid attire. A long blue dress that reach her knees and covered her skinny arms. Over her blue dress, there was a simple white apron. In here feet there were simple black flats. Her hair looked so soft but it was put up in a simple bun. I just knew that if she left it down it would go longer than her waist. And my curiosity grew.

After I finished examining her looks, I looked back at her face once again. I knew she felt uncomfortable by my stares and question. I know I was not supposed to mix with the help, but I didn't have friends or family I could count on.

"Yes...it is your majesty," she replied with caution in her voice. It was like she was expecting me to snap at her any second. I wasn't surprised, after all, she just got repressed by my mother.

"Don't be scared," I mumbled. "I don't bite," I proclaimed while smiling at her. She hesitated but returned the smile, which just made my smile bigger.

I finally got off the stand and sat on top of the chest that was located in front of my bed. I tapped the place next to me and ordered her to sit next to me.

"I'm sorry about my mother," I whispered. She looked surprised, to say the least. Her forehead morphed into a frown and looked up at me.

"Thank you," she said.

I hesitated but anyways asked.

"Could you let your hair down?" she raised her brows in surprise.

"We are not allowed to M'lady," She replied in fear.

"Don't worry there is no one else in here," I explained.

"Why?" she asked suspiciously.

"It looks really soft and I want to touch it," I announced rapidly. She just gave me a soft smile and reached for her hair tie. She pulled her hair tie and in an instant descended in waves. I stared at it in wonder. The light coming from the huge crystal windows in my room reflected on her hair making it sparkle. My hands burned so much wanting to make contact with it, but I wouldn't without permission.

"May I?" I asked with cautiousness, not wanting to scare her.

"Go ahead." She simply replied.

In an instant, my hands were touching her hair. It felt like pure silk, it felt like the expensive sheets in my bed. Her hair looked and felt like melted chocolate. I let her hair go and smiled at her.

"Thank you," I mutter. She just nodded in reply and started putting her hair up once again.

I marched towards the windows and with a wave of my hand, the window's doors opened I didn't want to use the button. I smiled up as I felt the warmth of the two suns descending into dusk. I traced my fingertips over my arms and neck, my smile not disappearing for an instant. My smile disappeared as it appeared when I reached my chest and abdomen. I looked down and pouted if only I could breathe in the smell of spring. If only this damn thing would let me breathe. That thought made me angry and the window's doors snapped shut.

I heard a jump behind me, which made me snap my head back remembering I am not alone.

"I'm sorry," I mumble apologetically. She nods in reassurance.

"We need to finish getting ready. It is almost dusk," I informed walking towards my dressing stand once again. "Also you will attend, with me" I declared not leaving space for questioning.

"You will choose a dress from my closet," I explained.

"Can you please get my dress?" I asked "It's the one in the mannequin," I explained looking at her questioning looks.

She smiled and nodded walking towards my unnecessarily big closet. That closet was filled with dresses, skirts, shirts, and hundreds of shoes that were chosen by my mother. In a small section of the closet, there were combat attires and shoes, but it was reserved for emergencies.

Emely dragged the huge dress with her almost pulling her down as it was bigger than her. She stumbled towards me, I smiled and helped her. I lifted the dress and dropped it at my feet by the mirror.

I stepped into it and lifted it up to hold it against my chest. I signaled her to pull the zipper up. After she was finished fitting the dress I looked up and let got of my chest to look at myself in the mirror.

It was beautiful and it fitted me like a glove. The top itself started with a deep sweetheart neckline that was embroidered with crystals. After the crystals, a sequence of flowers flowed like a waterfall until it reached my mid tight. The long train trailed behind me. The thing is that it was huge, it would keep the people at least four feet away from me. It's not like my guards would even let them come that close to me unless allowed by mother or father.

I turned around to look at Emely.

"What do you think?" I asked my voice laced with worry.

"You look beautiful," she assured and I smiled with a grimace.

I sit on the bench next to my dressing table.

"Could you let my hair down?" I asked. She nodded and walked my way, to stand behind me. I smiled at her through the mirror as she let my golden curls down. She was so gentle. When all my hair was down it reached my waist. She finished setting it with hair spray.

"You have beautiful hair as well," she said, distracting me from my thoughts. I seem to be distracted a lot.

I reached for the tiara that was chosen for this dress by my mother.

"Mother chose this one," I whisper, giving the tiara to her. She nods and gives me an apologetic look. I mean the tiara was beautiful, but it was the fact that I could never make a choice for myself. The tiara was made of gold and was decorated with pearls and crystal butterflies.

She pinned the tiara to my hair and moved it a little to make sure it won't fall. She kneeled and put the beautiful white stilettos in my small feet. She took a seat in front of me and made a simple makeup, in order to not outshine y golden eyes. I stood up and looked at myself from head to toe making sure nothing was missing. I almost slapped myself in the face, If I didn't I'm sure mother would. I forgot my necklace and earrings. I pointed at the red velvet box.

Her eyes widened realizing her mistake.

"I'm sorry," she proclaimed rapidly.

"It's ok, I forgot as well," I assured her. She nodded rapidly and opened the box so she could start putting the jewelry on me. I grabbed her right wrist to stop her fast movements.

"Hey, It's ok, calm down," I told her looking directly into her eyes.

"Go choose a dress from my closet. I'll finish this," I stated. She was about to deny, but I interrupted her before she said anything. "It's an order," I said with a smile.