3 Taking A Chance

Talk about destiny calling! He pulled up the tab and his shock turned to concern as he saw the other stats. Success 17%, 6% health, there weren't many places with combined lower scores for those numbers. Upon doing a quick search he found one with 8% success and 3% health. However, he saw it was literally an apocalyptic world where the place was like a doomsday video with zombies, weather catastrophes and if that wasn't enough there seemed to be some kinds of genetic monsters that were created. Fortunately, the place had a 9% destiny so he wasn't needed there.

Going back to the 99% destiny place he found it was a single world called… Ground… Wow, not a very scientific name. Pulling up the summary it seemed that even the summary felt bad for the name. "This planet is known as Ground, similar to how Earth is also to soil this world is actually a fascinating and curious world… "

Moving on from that he found that there was some very strange wording for the summary, "... a planet where magic may or may not exist in some fashion…" What in the world was that supposed to mean? Did magic exist or not?

Upon pondering this he decided to move on and look at other factors. Apparently the place was almost entirely medieval and the lands that weren't covered by the European like countries almost completely wild. There were apparently some strongholds around the world but for the most part, it was covered with dangerous creatures. Upon seeing a list he found himself facing the magic again. Under herbivores there were unicorns! He looked further and found slimes which he'd seen from video games! He tapped on the name and some information appeared. It told him that they were transparent slug omnivores common in humid environments which were known to not move most of the time but would leap quickly to grab their prey.

He went back to another page and found Alpha Predators, he looked and saw Dragons, Wyrms, and various sea monsters on the list along with others many of which he hadn't heard of.

"Man, I could literally live in some kind of fairy tale world!" he said out loud shocked that such options would even exist. When thinking back he supposed it was possible but he hadn't thought so considering that there were spaceships on another planet. How could there possibly be so many genres of places to live?

He heard the door open up again and he realized he was out of time. "So, did you finish your search," the lanky chap asked as he once again came into the room.

"Well I really liked this space world it looked amazing! But, this world with a 99% destiny… What's that about?" Clark asked.

"99%!!!" The man asked for the first time showing some shock. He turned around and snapped his fingers and the planet they were talking about showed up with tons of information with his destiny, success, and health clearly shown below the name "Ground".

The man was shocked and just looked at the score until he saw the safety and success scores. Upon seeing these he frowned, he looked at his wrist and a full-sized tablet seemed to come off of it and he swiped on it feverishly pulling open different screens that seemed to pop in existence around the main screen.

"Ah, I see now…" The lanky fellow gave him a look before continuing, "I'm given more information about your possible futures than you are as it is never good for someone to truly know where their paths can lead. In fact, I don't even have all your possible information. For one thing, it would take too long. For a second, it's not good for me to be too biased either. However, whenever 99% shows up it almost always means some special kind of event would occur. I have never seen 99% for all categories but I have seen a man who had 99% safety and 99% success…"

He paused for emphasis and looked at Clark meaningful before continuing, "He became an emperor over a quarter of the planet and was beloved by his people." once again the man paused before continuing, "This man had an 85% destiny as well and apparently met most of it. You, on the other hand, have very low scores for success and especially safety. This implies that you will most likely be in danger most of the time and likely will not be blessed with riches."

He let that thought sink in for Clark and it really did. "Apparently a special event could happen in my life if I go there? Maybe I could be like a Hero and save people… But does that low health score mean I'll probably die?" Clark thought trying to think of whether or not that place would be a good option.

"Unfortunately, you are still on the clock. After all, time stops for no man. However, in my notes, it actually gives me the opportunity to make you a truly unknown person. You are still replacing someone but those who knew the person will simply think he disappeared. I can still, however, give you all his information regarding the world. Now I should warn you, don't lie as that will never aid your cause but that doesn't mean that you should tell everything to everyone. Just be honest with what they can know and most people will respect you." he said seeming to wrap up with his point.

"Is that more helpful?" Clark asked confused at why this option would be given.

"Not necessarily, but unusually this appears to be the best path for your destiny and to your success. This actually is almost never the case so we don't usually offer it. In fact, more often it leads to tragic results. Still, some people ask for the option and we give it to them if they request. Unfortunately like I said the result is often the worst."

"So, my destiny will have a better chance of succeeding?" Clark asked

"No, remember your success is different than your destiny. Your destiny has better chances but your success has a slightly lower chance. Your safety is even more likely to be worse if you take this option which is common with this option."

"So basically success and health versus destiny?" Clark asked not sure how he was supposed to feel. Unfortunately, the lanky fellow chose to be silent to let him think it through for a moment. After which he turned on a new screen that appeared in front of Clark.

"I am going to let another person in hear soon and you will go back to the waiting area, that one that you want will most likely be chosen as he has even better scores for the system and I know you had your eye on it. If you want it this is likely your last chance if you want it." the man said for the first time the lanky man showed a sly smile showing he knew more than he had let on.

"You know everything that goes on around here and yet I don't even know your name," Clark said shaking his head.

The man smiled in response before, "You've actually asked very few questions about me or this place but that's actually a good thing as I wouldn't tell you any of those anyway."

"Now are you going to chose?"

Clark wasn't sure what to say but he looked at the screen and saw that all his favorite options showed up on the screen and even a little roulette showed up on the side.

"You know it may seem a little weird but for those who have a hard time choosing we can have someone sign to choose whatever option shows up on the roulette. We can even put the odds on how you want or just give it to you straight. Would you like to spin?" the man asked after which the roulette began to spin and a little button showed up with his own signature next to it with paperwork to the side all filled out.

Clark gulped nervously, he wanted to be a hero but he wanted to be successful as well. After a moment he decided. "Can you base it off my destiny chance?" Clark said upon which the word destiny showed up above the roulette and the spinner seemed to change to have bigger and smaller options. With that, Clark pushed yes on the signature and pushed another button to officially spin the wheel.
