
Another Day In College

Another boring day of lectures... It's about 3:07 and class isn't over until 3:45. Clark wasn't even sure why he chose this major. The class he was in had some 50 students. They were in a large lecture hall where Professor Blake was droning on about all the advances in technology throughout time, and how if even one of these things happened earlier. It would have "changed the face of history".

Why should Clark even care? It's not like he was going to go back in time to some ancient history. Still it was a required course for his engineering major and he was here on a scholarship so, A's for him or no bacon.

Or dates but he really was just too lazy to go on dates anyway. His classmate Jeff had tried getting him to go on a group date but it was to some dance and fancy restaurant and Clark wasn't in the mood to humiliate himself.

"Now class who can tell me why black powder originally had little to no importance when it was created." The professor asked to a classroom that was now very quiet.

Clark however wasn't paying attention and was trying to doodle a face but it kept coming out worse than Picasso...

"Mr. Clark, I see you are so busy taking notes, so perhaps you have an answer for us." the professor said. Using his favorite tactic of having unprepared students give their thoughts.

Unfortunately for Clark he was so bored so he was not paying attention and he hadn't even heard the professor. A taller boy apparently a jock wearing a college letterman jacket bumped his elbow causing him to draw a line across the face of his, "portrait".

"Dude! What was that for?" he hissed before seeing the jock gesture towards the teacher. Clark turned to see the teacher staring right at him with a look of displeasure on his face.

"So, Clark are you going to give the class and answer?" he asked looking very much like he wanted to dock Clarks points today.

Despite the teacher's apparent severity a quiet ripple of laughter went through the room. Most students staying silent with a few clearly hiding smiles behind their books or arms.

"Oh" was the most intelligent response that Clark was able to come up with. He had no idea what the teacher was talking about. So, he decided to take a gamble. The last thing he remembered was about technology and it changing history if you moved something out of line.

"It's because if you were to do it differently the outcome would be different?" he said trying but failing to keep the uncertainly out of his voice.

This time laughter really did break out as most of the class, well probably the ones paying attention anyway, laughed. Even the Jock next to him, polite as he was, had to shake his head and sigh.

Apparently he shouldn't have guessed. "No, that isn't even close Clark. The reason is because they didn't know how it could be used and at the time few could even understand it's potential usages. Also as an aside it wasn't as stable as it is today." the professor finished telling the class the answer and Clark was beginning to be hopeful that he wasn't going to get in trouble. But unfortunately the teacher stamped out that idea quick with one final lingering sentence.

"Clark see me after class."

Clark tried hard to prove he wasn't a real slacker by paying attention for the rest of the class but he knew, and the professor knew, it was a sham. He hadn't payed attention for at least half the class and he knew it. He did however try to scribble some notes down on what he had heard earlier and tried to guess what he had missed. So he had some evidence of paying attention.

By the time 3:45 rolled around Clark was tired. He had learned about all kinds of old times inventions and how they had helped which Clark only half knew how they were made.

Like the telescope was cool but how do you make glass? Clark had no idea. He figured it couldn't be that hard if those crazy people in the past could do it.

After all most professors claimed they came from apes, and so people for the middle ages we're practically neanderthals. Why else couldn't they figure out that the earth orbited the sun.

As Clark was woolgathering the bell had rung and most of the class had filed out. Professor Blake just used one finger to beckon him over looking across the classroom meeting Clark's eye.

"Well I better go face the music," Clark thought to himself as he gathered up his notebook and pencils and put them unceremoniously in his beat up backpack.

One of the pretty girls, Susan, Clark thought her name was, gave him a pitying smile and wished him good luck as he got up and crossed the room. By the time he had reached the teachers desk the girl and all the other students were gone.

Professor Blake sat on the desk, his somewhat bulky body causing it to shift slightly and he gestured to a chair close by for Clark to sit.

"So, do you have anything to say?" the professor asked not seeming to be angry or even upset more resigned.

"I'm sorry?" Clark said not quite sure what else he could say.

Professor Blake just looked at him pityingly just like the girl and gave a slight shake of his head just like the Jock had earlier.

"But are you really? Tell me honestly, you won't be docked for honesty, in fact I may even give you something. Do you feel bad about what you did?"

Clark was a little hopeful hearing about the offer but also confused. Still he quickly began to answer. "Well of course -... well" then he hesitated not really sure how he thought about it.

"That's what I thought" Professor Blake said with a slim smile. "Let me guess, you feel bad that you might be in trouble but you don't really intend to stop doing what you are doing. Really that is. I mean I am sure that after I would give you a talking to and a warning and possibly even a demerit. You will promise me, yourself, your unborn children and every diety you can think of that you will change but has that worked in the past?"

Clark had a hard time paying attention in general but he had payed attention to the professors speech even if it was a little long winded. He attempted to answer but Professor Blake merely held up a hand to stop him. "No, think it through for a moment before answering."

So, Clark paused and thought over his life. In fact the professor was right. He had on unnumbered occasions had done essentially what the professor had said. He had sworn to himself, his teachers, and his principal that he would change. He had thought of saying it to God but he really did know who God was or were or had been or... well something like that. He just didn't know so he just promised to himself and the air.

As he finished thinking things through, he looked up at the professor who nodded slowly and waved his hand to indicate he could answer now.

"You are right, I have done exactly that but if that doesn't work what will?" he said a little at a loss as he realized the problem.

"Well, the only real way to change is to have a reason and be accountable. Tell me Clark, do you have a reason for being here?" Professor Blake asked not unkindly.

"Well, I need to make money and earn a living to be happy right?" he said uncertain but feeling more confident in this answer than the others he'd given so far.

"Some say so, in fact many claim the more work and money you do the happier you are. But if that were true, we'd see more smiling happy people on the tabloids rather than people who look like they are constipated."

Clark had to chuckle at that as he only recently had been in the grocery isle and saw some Princess and some movie actor who looked like exactly as he had described as they were getting on a private Jet to go to their epic wedding.

"Than what is it? Can you tell me? Because I really don't know." he said a little at a loss at the depth of the conversation the teacher had sprung on him under the guise of a gift and class correction.

"I wish I could tell you, but often when someone is told the answer it loses it's meaning. So, I will give you a counter question. When are you happy? Not just for a moment after killing some zombie on a playbox or when you eat a good meal. But, when are you feeling satisfied like nothing could bother you.

Clark wasn't sure but unbidden an image came to his mind. It was of a very long time ago with his parents holding him and a girl laughing. The girl was his sister and she was wearing a pink dress with little pigtails, she was probably 6 or 7 years old. Clark turned away hurriedly as he felt water on his face at seeing the image.

The professor got off the desk as quiet as he could although it groaned as he got off and walked over to pat Clark on the back.

"I know what you have gone through and it is hard with that kind of past to move on. I believe you are a good kid with a good hard but I get the feeling this isn't the place where you are meant to be." he said and he pulled out a strange shell that was reflective and green on the outside and a glossy white on the inside. It seemed almost like blue glowing mist was coming from the shell. Clark was sure it was just his eyes playing tricks on him as his eyes were still a little clouded but it caught his eye all the same.

Clark coughed loudly trying to clear his throat before he felt his voice would come out clearly before he asked, "What is it?"

"It's an opportunity, not many get this kind of opportunity and fewer still likely take it. It's not what you probably thought you were going to get but this is even better. I have had this for a very very long time and I've never known who I should give it to, but it seems you may be the one who needs it." he said handing the shell to him as he did so, so that Clark could take it.

Clark wasn't sure what to say so he took it and nodded. "Thank you sir, but, what is it for?"

"If you want to make a difference hold the shell to your lips and blow gently like you would blow a horn. I promise if you have a little faith and believe it will help. You will be able to make a difference. Like I said, I think this place isn't for you. You need a place that will help you to become a man. And no I don't mean just get older but to truly become a Man." he said beginning to move towards his desk.

"Only you can blow your own winds of change, just know that there are others who can help you." he said with his back to Clark as he left leaving Clark completely alone.

"That was the strangest conversation I've ever had..." he thought unsure of what to do. Could he really change? And could a weird shell-horn change his life? ... He just didn't know.

"Well, it didn't hurt to try right?" So Clark lifted up the Shell and blew the horn.

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