
Chapter 9. The End is Here

As the night settled in, only tiny bits of daylight remained, and then faded into the dark. Several of the attendants hurried across the room lighting the lanterns that suspended from the ceiling, above the tables.

Tabletops covered with slick golden cloths, and on top flames of scented candles flickered brightly, while porcelain pots full of fresh roses floated in a bed of water. The sweet smell of damask stirred into the night air. One by one, the lanterns lit up till the entire room illuminated in a soft glow.

Sheets of red silk draped from the ceiling, in loops connecting from one end of the room to the other. A dreamlike ambiance spread throughout the banquet hall. A wedding made for a beautiful union between two of the most powerful clans in the North, but beautiful was the last thing this arrangement could be.

With each passing moment, the air around Yuliah thickened, and it brought her closer to the nightmare, she called Liang. What she wouldn't give to be anywhere else but here tonight.

She often imagined what life would be as someone else, someone other than Yuliah Wey.

A caged bird that's what she was here in the Northern Kingdom. A voice called out and dragged Yuliah from her thoughts.

"Yuliah. It came again from the crowd. Her eyes quickly searched around.

"Yujen! You came!" She stood up and embraced him. "I'm so happy you're here." He smelled of home, her home, of lavender and incense candles. Yuliah sighed. She wanted to go home.

"You know I would come. I can't miss your wedding, eventhough I don't agree with your father's decision." Yujen's brows creased together. "General Wey couldn't be here himself but asked me to come instead and I also dropped off some of your belongings. The attendants will have the maids bring them to Liang's quarters."

Yuliah's eyes became watery. "Thank you, Yujen." He decided not to come afterall, her throat tightened. She fought with her father again, one that made all their other arguments incomparable. She shouldn't expect much from him, he wouldn't help her.

Yuliah went to him, hoping he would understand, but all he thought about was everyone else. It didn't end well, but she didn't expect him to be this angry and not come.

"Yuliah?" Yujen called again. "What are you thinking about?"

He could always pick up when she became distant that something troubled her. "Nothing. I'm just nervous that's all." Yuliah's eyes went back to searching the crowd for any signs of General Wey.

Yujen held her hand in his. "Don't be afraid. The General isn't here, but I'll be with you until the very end. I still don't like how they forced you to marry Liang. I've never liked him from the very beginning. I wish I could do more for you." His words weighed heavily as he said them. Yuliah could tell from the frown he wore.

Yujen came to Wey Manor when he was a young boy and grew up with Yuliah before he became General Wey's ward. They were as close as a real brother and sister could be, and he always tried to protect Yuliah like an older brother, even though he was the younger one. She sensed it in his eyes, that powerless look, the one she hated the most on him. "You're not responsible for me." she squeezed his hand. "I'll be fine, trust me."

He only nodded in response. "Did you see Corrin."

Yuliah's eyes rolled without even knowing, "Yes, I did. She came by to chat with me. She's a disgusting human being. Liang and Corrin were meant for each other," she answered.

"She would. I told you not to trust that snake. Why couldn't it be Corrin tonight marrying Liang instead huh?" Yujen nudged her.

"Oh, how I wish that were true." She expelled a deep breath.

Heels and boots hitting the marble floors caused Yuliah to turn around as a crowd of guests approached the wedding table. She shot Yujen a quick smile before she stepped away to greet everyone.

Yujen sat quietly in silence and sipped from his glass, his eyes scanned the entire room. Now and then he'd get up to stretch his legs, walk around, and then come back to stay by her side. It brought so much comfort having him there, that he'd be with her until the end.

The hour finally came, and the wedding started to wind down. Yuliah's Uncles called out to the guests to bid her farewell.

"If anyone has any words for the bride, please come and say them now." He looked around the room.

A few of Yuliah's aunts and cousins came by to wish her well, followed by a handful of drunk men asking Yuliah to marry them instead. She thanked them all, even the drunk men that Yujen had to pry away.

In the North it was customary for the men on the brides' side to give a few words of insight to her as she begins her new life. First, they asked Yuliah to return any belongings or gifts she received from other men beside Liang, to which she replied she didn't have any. Secretly Yuliah wished that she had a man. Maybe he'd be here right now and could whisk her away from here.

Then they reminded Yuliah of the Northern customs and expectations of a daughter-in-law and to obey and be an obedient wife. Just like that it was done and time for Yuliah to leave.

"Come. Prepare the bride to enter the wedding chamber." A stubby uncle called out to the maids. "Where's the groom?" He looked around.

"Maybe he ran away?" An Uncle with a thick black mustache yelled out, and a few of the men burst into laughter.

The women, with their redden cheeks and watchful eyes, looked at Yuliah, and told her how lucky she was to have a man like Liang.

Yuliah's face turned a pale white. She would trade places with anyone at this time, anyone who wanted Liang. Young or old, it didn't matter, just as long as she could escape. She looked around esperately and could not believe that the time was already here. Cold sweats washed over her body. She went to hug Yujen one last time but couldn't to let him go. The maids tore Yuliah from Yujen's arms, as tears poured down her cheeks.

Yujen brushed them away then kissed her forehead gently. "There's nothing to fear." He pulled the red veil over Yuliah's head. "Tonight is not the end, but a new beggining, remember that." Then handed Yuliah off to the maids.

Men in the North were great at telling women how to live their lives. If only they could take their own advice. Maybe their own marriages might be happier, but still, they were men, and this was the North. Men lived with double standards and Yuliah's Uncles continued to advise her on how to be a filial wife.

"When you pass from your father's door and enter your husbands home, you are now a woman. Do not look back, because you are no longer a Wey but a Biah now."

Yuliah tucked her hands into the sleeves of her dress, and the maids walked her forward.

Northerners believed it's bad luck for a woman to look back when she left. It meant her marriage would go to ruin.

From behind the veil, Yuliah struggled to see what direction they lead her to and stumbled over both feet. She braced against the maid's arms, and the handkerchief dropped to the ground.

"Wait." Yuliah shook herself free of the maids. "I dropped my scarf."

"Leave it. You can always buy another one." The Maids continued to drag her forward.

It's one of the very last items that belonged to her mother and also where she'd hidden the poison. She couldn't lose it.

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