
Chapter 63: Bonds and Trust

After the girls went to bed, her mind wandered back to Ryas. What would he be doing at this moment? Could he be with that woman right now? If so, what were they doing together? She spent the rest of her night quietly crying over Ryas until she fell asleep. In the early morning, the two girls tried to wake Yuliah who could barely get up. Yuliah put it off as staying up too late again.

Yuliah dismissed the girls and asked to be left alone to get more hours of sleep. It's not like Ward could go anywhere, then closed her eyes surrendering to sleep.

The girls returned a few hours past noon and tried to wake Yuliah from her sleep again.

"General Ib," they softly shook her. "It's past noon. You should get up now."

She stirred to a sitting position at the foot of her bed. The sweat dripping down Yuliah's body made the light clothes stick to her skin. "Can you run a bath for me? I need to wash up," Yuliah asked the girls.

"Yes," And they headed to the other side of the room where they began to fill a giant tub. "We'll help you undress. It's the least we can do."

Gone were the days when she had a personal Maid who helped her get ready. Yuliah missed it and agreed. "Sure, come and help me," she walked over to the tub. If she wanted the girls to trust her, she needed to allow them to get close to her.

"General, Tane and I have been discussing this all morning, and it's weird to call you General when we know you're a woman. Is it alright if when we're alone together, we call you by Lady Ib instead?" Vera asked.

Yuliah began to untie the strings that held her shirt together, "That's fine," still sleepy she began to slip the shirt from her shoulders, and Vera took it from her. Then Vera started to undo the garment binding her breasts. Once she removed the clothing, Vera gasped.

"Lady Ib, your breasts are swollen," she pinched them as her brows creased together. "Are they always like this?"

Yuliah removed her pants and then stepped into the tub, "Are they?" Yuliah reached down to touch them, and they were tender to the touch. "How strange I don't know, maybe it's because I couldn't sleep all night?"

"No, that's not it," Vera retracted into her thoughts.

Yuliah looked down at her breasts this time but noticed that her stomach seemed to round out just a tad bit more than usual. "It could be stress. My Maid used to tell me stress or certain foods can cause a woman's body to retain excess water, and I've been under a lot of stress lately. Also, I've just been eating whatever is available to me," Yuliah told the girls. Yes, that's it, and she slipped into the tub. She'll have to be careful of what she eats and her stress levels. The girls helped her bath and then dressed up as a Man again.

"Today we'll go to the city jail. I need to see someone there, and then we can go to the Autumn Solstice. Have you two been to the Solstice before?" Yuliah asked the girls. She wanted to let the girls enjoy themselves and have them trust her by doing something nice for them. General Wey didn't allow her to attend festivals back in the Captial, and Yuliah had always wanted to go them. Her first festival had been with Ryas back in Novas, and her heart swelled. She quickly pushed him from her thoughts.

"No, we don't have the money or time," Vera answered. Her eyes gazed down.

"Well, today. I'm going to take you and money will not be an issue," Yuliah smiled at Vera and Tane.

"Let's all go as girls? Pleeease?" Tane begged. "I want to meet a Man at the Solstice and dance late into the night then watch the fireworks. If we go with you dressed like a Man, no one will approach us," she sighed.

Yuliah smiled at both girls, even though her heart broke for them. Yuliah thought she had a miserable life, but she lived better than both Tane and Vera. They were young girls who wanted to live and love just as much as she did, who would never get the chance to live a normal life again. She swallowed, then placed a hand around Tane's face. "Why not. Let's all go as ourselves, but I'm doing your makeup. You both will look like ghosts, especially at night with all that heavy face powder. Instead of attracting Men, they will be running from you instead," she scrunched her face at the girls then laughed while they squealed with excitement.

Once they were downstairs, Yuliah met with the Head Madam. "Madame," Yuliah handed more gold coins to her. "I'll be taking the girls out with me today. We'll be back sometime after dark. That's not going to be a problem, right?"

She gave Yuliah a pleasing look, "Of course not! You're paying me more than they both make in a day and night. Shall I have them clean your room for another night?"

"Yes," Yuliah quickly answered, then left. She needed to leave because she could barely hide her excitement, and neither could Tane or Vera. Today she would forget about Ryas, about her broken heart and attempt to see Ward then spend time with girls her age for once. Back in the Capital Corrin had been her only friend but she never wanted to go anywhere, and Yuliah understood why now. Corrin only came to Wey Manor for Liang. Enough with the past, Yuliah also shook off her thoughts about the Capital away.

Although all three women were from different social classes, it didn't matter because they were all just young girls at heart, who immediately bonded. Girls who wanted to live life, and get excited over boys and Festivals. As soon as they passed through the doors of the Brothel, all three of them almost sprinted away. Yuliah had to remind herself that she was a Man before slowing down and hooking her arms around both Tane and Vera instead.

Yuliah swayed in through the front doors carrying two baskets of food and drinks and headed straight for the attendant's desk. Vera and Tane also brought baskets full of gifts for the Attendant. "I'm here to see my brother; he's locked up on the first floor," Yuliah pushed the baskets towards the attendant. "I've prepared a few gifts for you and your Men for all the great work and service you have provided for the Town of Murai," Yuliah winked at Tane and Vera. "These two are friends of mine who can help you set up the food and drinks for your men, while I visit my brother briefly."

Tane and Vera turned to the Attendant and asked in their sweetest voices where they could unpack the items. The Attendant walked over towards the girls, who now started to flirt with him.

Yuliah sighed in relief happy that her plan had worked. The Attendant became so engrossed with the girl's beauty and free wine plus food that he completely forgot about Yuliah. It wasn't until she cleared her throat loudly that he turned back around.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he took out a slip of paper and stamped it quickly before handing it to Yuliah. "Show this to the soldier guarding the doors, and he'll let you through."

Yuliah thanked him and then left. She went through three doors before finally reaching Ward's cell. Her eyes moved to the cot, where he laid motionless. How could he be asleep already, this early? She rolled her eyes at him. "That lazy Man," and crept closer until her knees bumped into the bars. Through the dim light, Ward's chest rose and fell with each breath; his darken locks of hair laid bunched to one side, and Yuliah's hand stretched through the bars towards him. "Ward. It's me!" She hissed. He didn't answer. "Ward, you bastard," she released the Mark. "Wake Up."

"Ugh!" he rolled from his bed. "All I want is to rest," and turned around. "What are you doing here?" He smiled, amusingly at Yuliah.

A lump formed in the back of her throat and her eyes became watery. "I'm going to free you, but I need your help figuring out how." She didn't know where or how to tell Ward about Ryas.

"What did you do?" Ward approached the bars and eyed her. He grabbed her face through the bars and maneuvered her towards the dimly lit candle. "You're crying? Why?"

Too embarrassed to tell him, Yuliah exhaled. "Yes, because..." At the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do, but now she felt nothing but regret. "I almost killed a woman and Ryas. Then I hurt two other people in the process and broke up with Ryas," She looked down.

Ward laughed, and with one finger on her chin, he lifted her head, "Why did you do that?"

She wasn't proud of it but told him everything that happened. "Ryas even let that slut sit on his lap," she finished before her voice turned soft.

"That's all it took, and you went fucken crazy?" Ward smiled warmly at her. "Stupid girl. How the hell will you create a new World for Nomens with that short ass temper?" He ruffled her hair.

"It's not funny. You don't know how much I'm hurting right now," Yuliah choked up and leaned towards Ward. Her heart was in knots, and she felt betrayal beyond words.

His palm made contact with her chest right below her collarbone, and then slid over her heart, and he pressed down, "I know you're hurt, but maybe you got it all wrong?"

She didn't flinch. Her heart raced instead. "No, you weren't there Ward you didn't see what I saw. It's real. There's no denying what he did," Yuliah exhaled and sounded as though she were about to cry.

Ward looked her up and down, "I see your cross-dressing skills have gotten better now," he chuckled.

"Impressive, huh?" She twirled around for him while he shook his head at her. "I'm staying at a Brothel so Ryas can't find me. I've made two friends who are girls. They're here with me now."

"Good Gods! You're fucken crazy sometimes, but I..." He stopped. "How do you feel by the way? You should be more careful. There's a lot of crazy Men out in the Brothels. It's not safe for a woman."

"This is the first that you're genuinely concerned about me?" Yuliah teased him. Jail must be getting to him. Usually, he had some witty asshole remark to say to her, but she sensed the sincerity in his eyes this time and care.

"I'm your Commander now remember? I have to care about you," he said.

"I supposed," Yuliah answered. "What should we do to get you out of here?"

Ward suddenly yanked her closer to the bars, his soft breath tingled over her ear, as he whispered in a low voice. The way his breath brushed across her ear so lightly, Yuliah had to have Ward repeat a few times their plan. Her mind seemed to wander off.

"Better be careful out there, girl. I'm not there to protect you," Ward warned her before she waved at him and left.

The Attendant and Soldiers seemed disappointed when Yuliah returned and left with the girls, but they had a Festival to get ready for.


Ryas enter King Zehan's room and dismissed everyone but Lohan.

"You look worried General. I don't think I've seen this look on you before only when it involves General Wey's daughter," he glanced over at Lohan then back at his General. "I take it you've come to see me about her."

"Yuliah, by Northern customs is already my wife. I'm going to make it official when we get back to the Southern Kingdom," Ryas said.

Lohan who happened to be drinking water at the moment, gagged as water sprayed across the room. "What the fuck did I just hear?" He wiped his chin.

"I didn't stutter. I'm marrying Yuliah when we get back to the Southern Kingdom," Ryas repeated. He didn't like to share his personal life with anyone, but he suddenly felt close to Lohan and Zehan, more than he did before.

"She's pregnant, isn't she?" Lohan smirked.

"Yes, she is," Ryas turned to Zehan. "There's more."

Zehan stood up, "Congratulations General. I didn't believe this day would come, but I'm glad that you have opened up to us about this," he shot Lohan, a dirty glare and Lohan closed his mouth.

"Yuliah is not the daughter of General Wey, but King Baasa and she carries The Mark," Ryas told them.

Zehan stared frozen at his General. "You impregnated King Baasa's daughter, and she carries the Mark," Zehan sat back down he needed a moment to process what his General just told him.

"What are the chances the Nomens will let me have her?" Ryas asked.

"I don't know," Zehan shook his head. " The Nomens will not allow the Mark to fall into the hands of anyone other than themselves, especially to the Geneoshi. If they hear about this, a War could break out between them and the Southern Kingdom. We both know how much the Mark means to them. How much they want it, and it's power," Zehan sighed.

"Then we'll keep it between us only. No one needs to know about this," Ryas looked to Zehan and Lohan. Fear clawed at his chest as he shifted in his seat.

Zehan sensed his Generals discomfort, "Yes, we'll do that, but for now we should celebrate you becoming a Father and Husband. It's a momentous occasion. I never thought I would see this day come for you. You don't know how happy I am," Zehan stood back up and walked over to Ryas. He hugged him and laughed heartedly.

"Yes! We'll celebrate tonight by getting drunk at the Autumn Solstice. Even though you're getting married Zehan and I are still single. There's going to be plenty of beautiful girls there for us. I'll be on my best behavior, General." Lohan pleaded.

"Fine," Ryas answered. Yuliah might be there, and he could use this time to search for her.

Lohan's face went stoic, and he turned to Zehan, "Did that just happen?" He rushed over to Zehan. "Here punch me in the face. I need to make sure I'm not dreaming because I just saw General Ryas smile and agree to fun," he laughed.

"General," Zehan placed a hand on Ryas' shoulder. "I consider you as an older brother to Lohan and me. I want to meet my sister in law officially. Do you think that's possible?"

Ryas' face took on a red hint, "She ran away, after what happened yesterday," he answered. "I'm still looking for her." Fucken Iyna and her timing.

"Holy shit! You just got ditched by a pregnant woman!" He chuckled. "You know they say if you love someone let them go, and if they return they were always yours, to begin with," Lohan patted Ryas on the back.

"I'm not some lovesick boy. You don't need to give me that shit," Ryas walked away not before brushing his shoulder against Lohan. "Now go and do a wellness check on the Men. I need to make sure everyone is alright," Ryas turned back to tell Lohan.

"Now? It's almost time for us to go to the Solstice and I need to get ready," Lohan protested.

"Then you better hurry," Ryas answered him before leaving. "Zehan, I'll see you in a few hours."

As soon as Ryas left, Lohan turned back to his brother, "That smug face bastard. He knows this shits gonna take hours of running back and forth."

"Who told you to piss him off. You better hurry," Zehan scolded him.

Hi Readers. I hope you all enjoy this next chapter.

Thanks again for your support!

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