
Chapter 61: The Red Silk

Yuliah burst through the Inn doors and out into the open air. What just happened. She had no idea it would escalate that quickly and turn into a mess. The white dress Ryas picked out earlier was soaked in that woman's blood. The smell turned her stomach, and she wiped a sweaty hand onto the dress.

She could not remember Ryas yelling at her like he did today. That level of anger she'd seen it only directed towards others but never her, and she wasn't going to go back to find out. Forget him and that woman. He broke her heart for that woman. Yuliah brushed the tears from her cheeks that blurred her vision and ran for the jail.

How could he do that? Yuliah forced herself to stop crying - she couldn't run and cry any longer, her throat closed up a few times, and a throbbing pain shot up the side of her stomach. If she continued to do both, she might faint.

Yuliah's thoughts floated back to Ryas - how could he do this in front of everyone. Could this be his way of breaking up? She clutched her chest. The Mark burned on her arm, but the ache in her heart became more distracting. No - she needed to focus.

The streets were bustling with noise, and all the shops were still open for the night. People were out celebrating the Autumn Solstice. No one would suspect her of anything.

Yuliah arrived a little after dusk, her heart about to burst from her chest. She crouched behind a couple of wooden barrels across the street and watched the stone jailhouse as the soldiers enter and left. How would she break in? Murai soldiers guarded the prison, and she saw at least ten or more soldiers.

Maybe she could sneak in? No, that's too risky. Think... think... think... Yuliah slumped over to catch her breath and rolled her fingers back and forth across the side of her stomach. She didn't have any problems running before why did her stomach hurt this much today. Lately, all her decisions turned into a mess.

Suddenly her stomach grumbled. Yuliah exhaled. She didn't even get to eat either. The smells of food drifted through the streets and up her nose. Then it came to her! Yuliah felt around the waist of her dress and found the pouch full of gold coins still tied to her skirt. It's too late to go to the Jail right now, but in the morning she would return.

Yuliah needed to find a place to sleep for the night and food to eat. A place where Ryas would least expect her to be. He could comb through every Inn in Murai to her. She thought for a while... The Brothels! He would never look for her there, but she couldn't go as a woman. Someone might mistake her for a working girl. She would need a disguise to show up as a Man.

A town this size the brothels had to be back towards the Townsquare. Yuliah made her way back to the Townsquare but not before purchasing a men's clothes, a belt for the sword she stole from Lohan, and some makeup. This disguise needed to be better than the one Ward gave her if she wanted anyone to believe it.

An hour later and after several attempts, Yuliah perfected her disguised. She could pass off as a pretty handsome young noble man, with her long black hair tied into a top knot, and drawn on beard. Yuliah found her way to red light district.

An entire street of Brothels lined up next to one another to choose from. She strolled down the road and read each sign. The first one she came across - The MaidenHead. Yuliah made a disgusted face. No, the visual and thought that popped up in her mind was too much, and she walked on. Next, came Chastity and Golden Shaft. Her face scrunched again. Golden Shaft? Good Gods! Who named these Brothels! As though they couldn't be any more obvious. Yuliah walked on until she stood outside one with a decent name, The Red Silk. She tightened her sword belt and fixed the expensive clothes and robes she wore, and headed into the Brothel. Ryas always walked with confident long strides, and Yuliah tried to mimic what she remembered from him. He mostly spoke to people in commands as well.

Immediately the Head Madam, who wore way too much face powder met her at the door, "Welcome to The Red Silk," she bowed. "What can I help you with tonight? We have plenty of beautiful girls to satisfy everyone's appetite," her black bushy brows raised.

Yuliah only practiced her Man voice a few times and cleared her throat, "I want a virgin," she tried to speak in the same low, commanding tone as Ryas.

The Madam let out a cawing laugh. "A virgin?" She leaned in towards Yuliah. "You look like a virgin yourself are you sure you don't want someone more experienced?"

Her annoying laughter began to draw attention to Yuliah, and that was the last thing she needed. She took out five gold coins from her pocket. "Give me a virgin or I'm going elsewhere."

"This is a brothel you know we don't have virgins here, but I can find you a girl with less experience. How does that sound?" She reached for the gold coins.

Money talked in this world and she were about to hand the gold coins over but quickly retracted. "I want two girls and a private room for the night. One up there," she pointed to the balcony rooms on the second floor. That would be a perfect place for her to people watch and scope out this place.

"Of course. Of course. A private room and an additional girl does cost more," the Madam's thin lips parted slightly - showing her pearl teeth. Under all that powder and lipstick - faint lines ran across the Madams narrow face - giving away signs that her life as a Madam would soon catch up to her.

Reaching into her pocket again, Yuliah took out another ten coins, more than what it cost and handed them to the Madam. "Take me to my room." That sounded like words Ryas would say. She needed to come off as a confident young Man — someone who knew what he was doing.

The Madam's eyes lit up, and she walked Yuliah upstairs and to her private room. A few minutes later, two very young and pretty girls came to the door. They had to either be the same age as Yuliah or maybe a few years younger only. Both girls shyly strolled in with a tray of food and wine. She smiled at the girls in her most manly way possible and with both hands patted to the spots next to her, motioning the girls over without saying a word.


Ryas did not want to cause a scene more than what Yuliah already did. That's the last thing they needed to do here. He helped Iyna to her feet and walked her outside.

"Who the fuck was that Ryas?" Iyna snarled at him once they were outside the banquet hall. "When did you get a human bitch? She almost killed me."

"I didn't agree to keep you around to insult me, and she's no one you need to be concerned with. Did you get the information I wanted?" Ryas' caring demeanor disappeared.

"How many years has it been? Three going on four and that's how you greet me?" Iyna leaned into him. "Why can't you greet me as you did inside the hall?" Her full lips almost grazed his. "I miss us."

Ryas took a step back, "You know why. Where is it?"

Iyna reached between her breasts, and pulled out a tiny vile and placed it in Ryas' hand. "Here. How will you compensate me?" Her words soft.

"I'm done pretending with you. Go to the front desk. The Attendant will show you to your room," he broke from her grip. "We'll talk again in the morning," and left.

When he were out of Iyna's sight, Ryas sprinted for the front entrance. Yuliah. Fuck! Why did this have to happen tonight? He needed to find her and explain. Where could she have gone at this time of night. Ryas headed straight for his horse. She didn't know anyone here, and she was pregnant. Then it hit him. Yuliah might have gone to the jail to find that bastard, Ward. Panic gnawed at him as he rode out into the night.

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