
Chapter 54: Like Fire

Yuliah opened her eyes to a dimly lit room. Where was she? The walls were covered in a dark red cloth. She waited for her eyes to adjust — a tent, with large wooden poles that held up the roof. It started coming back, she was outside of Murai, but the last few hours unclear. Yuliah could not remember any of the moments that lead up to being here in this tent.

The long soft hairs of a pelt brushed against her bare stomach. She's naked! Then quickly sat up. A light blanket that covered her backside slipped down, and beside her, someone stirred.

She paused. Who is this? and gently tugged on the blanket until it came off. The muscular backside and broad shoulders of a man laid sprawled beside her. He too had nothing on. She lost a breath but regained her composure when her eyes rested on the Ninx birds tattooed on his back. "Ryas." He didn't answer.

Yuliah's memories returned. Ward that bastard, he used her for a shield, and she'd gone crazy from the poison. Ryas locked him somewhere. She wanted him to learn his lesson but would ask Ryas for his release later.

With her eyes closed, she exhaled and bent over his frame. "Ryas?" Then placed one hand down gently on the other side of his body.

He flipped over. "You're awake."

Yuliah's arm slipped, and she landed on top of him. "Ryas?"

He wrapped himself around her, "Yes, were you hoping it'd be someone else?" He laughed sleepily.

"Don't. I'm embarrassed." she sighed. It's the last thing she wanted to hear.

The pad of his thumb brushed across her cheek. "Don't worry about it, my men know you were drugged. I mean poisoned. I turned down all your advances."

Yuliah turned away as memories of all the ways she threw herself at Ryas came flooding back. "Then why are we both naked," her eyes squinted.

"Oh, you wouldn't bath unless I did too. Then you started to touch my..."

Yuliah hands covered his mouth. "Enough... I know." She hid her face in his chest. Thankful it's over now.

Ryas patted her head, but laughed. "Yuliah... Nomens and Geneoshi have a long blood feud

dated before you and even I were alive. I've lived through years of war with the Nomens and seen the things they've done to the Geneoshi to man. It's not you that I don't like. It's the things that I've seen done. I want you. I don't care if you're Nomen. Know that I've been looking for you since," he stopped. "I'm sorry. I assumed the worst and hurt you. Will you forgive me?" He lifted her head and fixed his tired eyes onto hers.

She didn't know what to say. Yuliah figured he'd be south by now, and they would never see each other again. The thought of him searching for or wanting her still never came up. She had to think about this and sat up.

"Your silence worries me," his fingers stroked her cheek, then made its way down her neck gently, until his hand cupped her left breast and caressed it.

She let out a sigh and arched towards him. Her body fully aroused by his touch. He always knew what to do. A heat stirred inside Yuliah and those deep blue eyes carried her away.

"Forgive me please," he pulled Yuliah down beside him and parted her legs. "I would never hurt you." His hot lips were all over her neck, chasing away the hurt.

Ryas did not play with words. When he spoke, he meant them and had thought it over already. He showed nothing but sincerity and she missed him too much. Yuliah tossed her pride aside. All she wanted were the waves of pleasure that radiated from within, the one's Ryas gave when he slid his fingers into the wetness between her legs.

her onto his erection.

Tiny pants escaped from her mouth as he repeatedly thrust hard up into her.

"Did you miss me?" He whispered to Yuliah as he sent more jolts of pleasure up between her thighs.

"Yes, too much," she panted louder.

The edge, it drew closer and closer, but his thrusts had slowed down, and she needed more.

Yuliah pushed him flat onto his back, her hands behind her, resting on his thighs.

She rolled her hips fast than hard, like how he taught her, over and over again.

He let out a low growl as his body stiffened and he sprung up, clutching to her.

Ryas buried his face between her breasts, as she continued to stroke him with her core until he shuddered hard beneath her.

Satisfied, Yuliah dropped down beside him, her legs trembling.

"No," Yuliah answered. She wouldn't let him get away with it that easily. After what he did, every time she thought about how he left her, it pained her heart.

He looked worried, and it came out as well when he spoke, "How can I... get you to forgive me."

"Free my Man," Yuliah straightened her posture. Yes, Ward was her man, well not that kind of man but he would be the first of her command.

"Your man?" Ryas leaned away from her.

"Yes, not in a romantic way, but he's my Commander," she confidently replied.

Ryas' deep chuckle came out so fast that Yuliah's face flushed.

"Do you even know what a Commander is or does Tigress?" He smiled.

It hurt that he didn't take her seriously. That he just wanted to tease her and it made her feel stupid. Yuliah felt her eyes burn slightly, followed by a bruised ego, and lied. "Yes, I do," she swallowed.

He studied her for a while but didn't say a word. Yuliah could tell he was thinking from the way his eyes narrowed in on her intensively.

"I'll keep you safe. You don't need a Commander," Ryas said. "Are you planning on taking over a Kingdom in the future? Is that why you need a Commander?"

That response, she hated it. When men told her what she did or didn't need, she knew what she needed. Yuliah had thought about it for a while. Ryas wouldn't understand. He could only see the side that he wanted. "I do. I'm going to bridge peace between the three races. Create a new world for my kind and that is why I want you to release him," Yuliah didn't ask this time but demanded.

"Your kind?" He took a deep breath. "Your kind tried to kill me, and sold women to the Nomens. The laws in our Kingdoms do not allow trade with the Nomens. I can't let him go."

"He thought you were a Nomen after me, and he only sells the Women who asked for it. The ones who seek a better life outside of poverty," Yuliah's hands went to his.

"Your making excuses for him, but won't forgive me?"

"No, I'm not," she answered.

Ryas got up, "Our discussion is over," he sounded upset, then hurried off their bed. When he finished getting dressed, Ryas looked over at Yuliah, "Don't leave this tent," and left.

Did they just fight? Is that why he stormed off? Who the hell did he think he was to order her not to leave. Yuliah couldn't believe what happened.

Leaving seemed to be his way of dealing with her when he didn't like what she said. She couldn't sleep. They just got back together, how did it turn out like this already? She waited for Ryas to return, but hours passed, and he still did not come back. Eventually, she fell asleep, and by morning light, when she heard her name called, and someone tried to rouse her, Yuliah bolted right up. "Ryas?"

"No, it's me, Nian," a woman's voice answered her.

"Nian!" Yuliah hugged her. "I'm so glad you're safe. I thought something bad happened to you, and why are you dressed as a maid?"

Nian smiled brightly, but her eyes were glossy, "I'm no longer a noble from the North, that person is dead and gone. Along with my step father's gambling debts and my family who didn't care for me. General Ryas sent me to help you get ready."

Yuliah understood Nian. She also ran from her past, away from people who didn't care. "No. You don't have to. I like getting ready on my own. I prefer it that way," she put Nian's hands down. "Sit. I'll let you know if I need any help. By the way, where can I find Ward?"

Nian didn't answer, not until Yuliah turned around to ask again.

"Where is Ward?"

"No one can see him unless General Ryas approves. There's another problem. He's beaten pretty bad. Ward's been nothing but pleasant to me. I've told General Ryas that."

"Where is the General?" Yuliah asked. Blood scorched through her veins. What did Ryas do to him? She had to go and find him. Ward was an asshole, but he saved and helped her when Ryas left. If not for him she'd probably be dead.

"He's meeting with King Zehan at the moment, but the General insisted that you stay here until he comes back."

She waited all night for him, and he did not return, it was past midday already, and he still did not come back. He's still upset, and she wasn't going to wait around for his anger to dissolve first. Yuliah threw on the blue lace dress, that flowed down past her feet. The one Ryas bought in Novas, that Catia suggested she buy and headed for the King's tent.

When she arrived, the Guards outside tried to stop her, but she shoved him aside.

"Ryas!" Yuliah flipped the velvet drapes of Zehan's tent open and stepped through. Yuliah's temper was like fire and it shot from her eyes directly towards Ryas. "Where is he and what did you do to him?" She shouted.

From the corner of her left eye, someone stood up.


She glanced over, and her face whitened. "Li - Liang..." Yuliah backed away. How did this happen? RUN, a voice shouted inside her head, but her feet were stuck to the floor.

It gave Liang just enough time to bolt over, "Where the fuck have you been Yuliah?" His fingers dug into her wrist. "Don't think you can get away from me. I paid a lot of coin for you and that fucken wedding!"

"Let go!" Yuliah yanked her arm away. "I don't care how much coin you spent. I never asked for it."

"There you go again ruining us with that mouth of yours. Didn't you learn from the lesson I taught you on our wedding night?"

"The only thing I learned from our wedding night was that I should of went for the eyes." She snarled.

"Bitch." Liang lifted his hand up.

From across the room, the legs of a chair scraped harshly across the floor followed by shuffles, and a table crashed over.


Yuliah and Liang turned to find Zehan standing in front of Ryas with both hands held out. His entire face red. "Stop, please," he said, but he glanced over his shoulder at a red-faced Ryas as well. "Lady Yuliah is General Wey's daughter, and I cannot allow you to do that here. "Captains," Zehan called. "Get in here right now!"

Yuliah stepped aside as twelve men entered the tent, Lohan included. The tent suddenly grew smaller in size and felt cramped.

"Can you escort Yuliah back to her room," Zehan swiped the hair that came untangled from his top knot, aside.

One of Ryas' captains approached the King and whispered. "She's staying in General Ryas' tent at the moment."

Zehan took short deep breaths as he glared at Ryas. "Find her a separate tent." He instructed the Captain under his breath.

"NO, my wife is not leaving here with anyone but me!" Liang spewed at them and tore Yuliah away from the captain's grip.

"No! Don't do this. Stop!" Zehan shouted in between breaths.

Yuliah hated Liang so much and she wanted to kill his pride. "I'm not your wife. You don't remember?" Her head wobbled at him. "You didn't lift the veil. Someone else did, and you didn't consummate our marriage. Someone else also did." Yuliah yanked her hand back.

SMACK! Her ears went silent. Yuliah found herself on the floor, and blood dripped from her lip.

"Block HIM." Zehan shouted.

She looked up to see a pair of hands shove Liang back and a barrier of men erupted around him. Loud scuffles and grunts came from behind her. Yuliah spun around to find, Zehan's arms wrapped around Ryas' waist. She'd never seen Ryas this upset before. Specks of violet flashed like lightening in his eyes. He was ready to kill. Yuliah cowered back frightened.

Lohan stood in front of Ryas, with both feet planted firmly to the ground. Both him and Zehan wore exhausted expressions as they tried to hold him back. "He's not worth it," Lohan pushed back. "Get him the fuck out of here!" Lohan pointed to Liang and ordered the captains, who ushered a cussing Liang out.

Lohan and Zehan finally let go of the General.

Ryas marched right over to Yuliah and scooped her from the floor.

"Let me see your face," he lifted her head to his. "It's only a small cut." Ryas dabbed the blood from Yuliah's lip with the corner of his sleeve. "Let me see your arm." He lifted it up and slightly squeezed down on it.

Yuliah understood a little too late. Ryas knew, and that's why he told her to wait for him. She rested her head on his chest and cried, from the embarrassment and another stupid decision. "I'm sorry. I should have just waited for you. I didn't know."

"What's done is done, let's go," and carried her out.

Zehan and Lohan stood in disbelief. They had never seen the General react as he did.

That night, as they laid in bed together. Yuliah was able to convince Ryas to let her go and see Ward, but only in the morning.

Happy that he had agreed to it, Yuliah thanked him. She always felt safe next to Ryas, and if there was one place in this world she wished to stay forever, it had to be next to him. Her eyes grew heavy, as she dozed off in his arms.

I'm happy that Ryas and Yuliah are back together again. Who else is too?

Again thanks for your support! Please leave me a review if you wouldn't mind so I can make this novel even better.

: )

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