
Chapter 53. The Box

"Go for the box," Ward appeared beside Yuliah. "I'll cover you," and they ran forward together.

Behind them, the shouts of Zehan and his men continued, as they battle for control of the door. The female guards charged and rammed against the door. The men tumbled back, and the door flung open. Just enough for two more guards to slip through. It took four men to overpower the guards, then take their whips. While another three men were anchored to the ground and pushed against the door until it finally closed. Lohan bolted it shut and darted back over to Zehan who along with another soldier, held the gates of the cell closed, where they locked all of the female customers.

"Grab the keys from the girl." Zehan shouted.

Lohan raced over to Yuliah for the keys. Once back at the cell, he locked it.

Knowing they no longer had the upper hand, the three remaining guards advanced back towards the other side of the room. "Bring out the darts!" One of the guards yelled. "It'll weaken the men."

"That's not good." Ward turned to Yuliah.

"Be careful. The darts might be poisonous," Yuliah told him as they came to a stop in front of the box. Would she have enough time to remove the locks? No, she couldn't even open it. Lohan took the keys.

Yuliah and Ward watched and waited for Lohan to return, but witnessed one of the taller Females remove a wooden box from the shelves. She dropped it to the floor, and the lid flipped over. Inside the box were three maybe four hallow dart sticks. One of the guards placed a wooden stick against her lips and cocked it right for Ward. "Get the strongest ones first," the Female who had stripped Yuliah of all her clothes earlier smiled wickedly.

"She's aiming for you, only," Yuliah's voice broke up.

The guard's cheeks swelled up then she expelled a giant breath of air straight into the stick. A low pop followed by a hum as it sailed right for Ward. His brows lowered, then suddenly one hand clutched onto Yuliah's robe and the other her belt. "Sorry love, I don't want to be bounded for life."

It happened so fast; she had no time to react, Yuliah lifted into the air and flipped around to face Ward, her eyes were wide, then it struck her, right in the back - the dart. Her face scrunched up, "You asshole!" and the poison dispersed, into her blood. She would kill him for this!

"It's a little sting. You won't die," Ward looked at her. "Think of it as being drunk - fast."

"A little sting? My entire back is on fire!" She shouted. He had a knack for finding crazy ways to survive. It saved them once or twice, but this time he'd used her. She swung her leg towards him, but it only tapped his thigh. Yuliah's heart sank, the poison, how could it take this much strength already? Great, she'll be completely useless soon.

From across the room, two more Females came with dart sticks.

"Get behind the girl!" Ward hollered.

What did he say? Yuliah spun around and shot him a glare. "NO. I'm not anyone's shield!" Her fists were mallets that pounded down on Ward's chest, but with half her strength gone, it made little impact. She let out a heavy sigh.

"Sorry girl. I'm not trying to get bounded for life. Be the sacrifice this once... I won't let anything happen to you," Ward pleaded.

"Fine!" Yuliah paused and looked to Ward. "Since I... I... do- don't have a choice anymore," she felt a cold shock up her back. What the hell was that? Her heart thumped loudly.

The poison began to cloud her mind. Soon a wave of joy washed over her body. She erupted into a crazy laugh. Suddenly her attention jumped to a few feet away. Where Lohan's two legs scuttled across the floor as though there were four or even six of them, his eyes bulged, and the muscles on his neck stretched long and tight behind his body, then he slipped right past them. Yuliah burst out laughing at how hard he was trying to escape.

One of the females noticed Lohan and aimed her blow stick. A dart soared through the air, but Ward quickly threw Yuliah in front of Lohan, shielding him.

The dart hit her in the butt this time. "Ouch, you BASTARD," she laughed. The poison entered her body, but it didn't sting anymore; instead, it gave her a pleasing burn. Yuliah sighed. No! What was happening to her? She threw both hands over her mouth and warmth spread through her body again. She loved how black Lohan's hair was and reached her hand towards him, but Ward pushed it back.

"What's wring with her?" Lohan leaned away while handing her the keys, he looked worried.

Ward retrieved the darts from Yuliah's back including the one from before and threw it at the Females, who then scattered.

Tantalizing tingles shot up Yuliah's back, and she swayed around light as a feather now. Her body came to life, as desire soared through her veins. Yuliah wanted it to last forever, and she wanted something more but misstepped and fell hard into Ward. Her arms went around his neck. "Ward," she giggled. "I feel great. Let's go fight that big Nomen female!" She pointed across the room.

Ward's brows raised, "No," he chuckled. "You're fucked up. You're going to get your ass beat."

Yuliah laughed while clutching to his neck. "No, I'm not," she licked her lips. His eyes, she didn't notice how deep brown they were, it was beautiful, and his face, he was incredibly handsome. Her lips were now a hairs breath from his. The fuzz lifted from her mind, and Yuliah's hands clasped over her mouth. What the hell was happening to her? This feeling? Her body was on fire. She pushed away from Ward.

Everyone around her began to move at a faster pace than she could process. The three remaining Females charged towards them, but she couldn't get her eyes to focus on them.

She needed air; the poison, this was too much too fast, and she couldn't breathe, even with little clothes on sweat beads formed across her forehead. The room turned into a hotbox, and Yuliah whirled around.

"Go and open the box," Ward pushed her in the direction of the box.

Yuliah squeezed her hand into a fist and raised it at Ward; the keys jingled in her other hand. "Don't push me!" She shook her fist at him. "I'm going!" Her face flushed again. Where's that box, Ward?"

"Right in front of you." He pointed.

The box, Yuliah stared at it for a few minutes, then placed one foot in front of the other. She hobbled over. Her mind clouded again. "I'm going to let you out," Yuliah fumbled with the keys then unlocked the box.

She flipped the heavy lid open, but fell into the box, and landed on the man inside. Yuliah sat on the man, his silk robes were soft across the bottom of her thighs, it felt nice, and she stopped to enjoy it. "I'm your savior today," her fingers jammed into his chest when she only meant to touch him lightly.

She wiped the sweat from her head. "It's so hot in here," she loosened her robes until they fell around her shoulders. "Ward! I can't find the locks!"

"Check around his ankles!"

Yuliah's hands slid down a pair of long muscular legs and towards his feet. They were tight and toned, and her hands squeezed down on his calf muscles twice before moving on. She suddenly jerked her hands away. "No!" Did she just molest him? Her hands flapped in front of her face. Air, fresh air that's what she needed.

"Hurry up!" Ward shouted.

"I'm working on it! It's hard to find the locks," she glanced up at Ward. "He's such an ass," Yuliah mumbled and went back to look for the chains, her face flushed, and she tipped forward into his chest. "Shit!" She landed on top of him and a jolt of energy shoot through her body. The poison made everything she wanted to do a challenge. Every touch and feeling vibrated through her body.

Yuliah found the chains around his feet and unlocked them. A cold chill suddenly ran up her back. What was that? She began to feel light again.

Feeling around his body, she searched for the lock that bounded the chains around him. That same warm and fuzzy feeling washed over her body again. Yuliah paused, her hands started feeling his chest. Good Gods! His chest and stomach were as hard as rocks. Her fingers headed towards his arms and squeezed. Amazing! Yuliah leaned into him and sniffed then gasped. "Lavender!" Oh, he smelled so lovely. She started feeling him again, and her hands brushed over the lock. Oh here it was, and she unlocked the chain, then pulled it from his body.

Once his arms were free, he raised his hands to her. "Your welcome." Yuliah unlocked them. She found the last one around his neck and opened it. Then slid the chain from his neck and her hands went for the hood, "Now let's see who you are," she tore it off his head.

Yuliah gasped so loud that Ward glanced over at her. It can't be. "RYASSSS?" Her mouth dropped open. The poison! Did it cause her to see things too? Yuliah leaned hard backward and fell onto the floor; she scurried away fast. Who was he? What she saw isn't real. There's no way possible he's here; it's the poison. That's what it was, and she wasn't going to fall for it.

The man's blue eyes were dark and the crooked smile on his face, it was precisely like Ryas when he rose from the box. "WARD. Help me!" Yuliah scrambled to stand up. She was going crazy! It's probably how the females get the men to sleep with them. By tricking them into thinking, it's who they desire!

Ward rushed over, "What the hell is wrong with you?" he picked Yuliah up by her robe.

"I'm seeing things," she pointed to the man. "Do - do you see him too?"

Ward set her down, his hand went to her chin, "Of course you see things and yes I see him too." His voice mocked. "What's wrong?"

The man moved across the room fast and landed a kick on Ward, sending him sideways.

Yuliah screeched and bolted, but with one hand the man had her by the waist.

"WARD," Yuliah's arms and legs kicked and swatted. She couldn't look at him. Every time she did, he looked more like Ryas. Yuliah closed her eyes and hit at him with closed fists. "Noooo." She had to get away.

Ward locked eyes with him. "The halfbreed!"

"I'm not a halfbreed," Ryas sneered.

"Get your fucken hands off her," Ward cracked the whip.

Ryas' arm came up, and the whip lashed across, splitting the sleeve of his shirt open, and blood spilled out. He released his Ethereal Spirit, his face furious.

"Shit! Not again!" Ward ducked back.

Zehan and Lohan rushed between the two.

"General, STOP," Zehan's hand went to Ryas' chest. "He's good, and he helped us."

"No! He's the asshole that took my... The girl and stabbed me in the forest," Ryas sneered.

"That's because you're the halfbreed Nomen chasing us from the breeding camp," Ward shouted back.

Ryas straighten his posture while trying to hold onto a kicking and screaming Yuliah who continued to hit him. "I'm not a Nomen, and I didn't come from the camp. I know her, she's General Wey's daughter."

Zehan's head jerked back, "Wait... That's her?" A burst of deep laughter echoed across the room. "It explains why you disappeared for almost three months?"

"Fuck," Lohan smacked his brother in the arm, "I was right."

"What the hell is going on here? Do you know them?" Ward asked Yuliah.

Yuliah turned to look at him, her face paled. He still looked and sounded just like Ryas, "NO," She stuck her hands out for Ward. "Help me!" She pleaded. The warm fuzzy feeling from before disappeared and sheer terror ran through her mind. If she believes this man is Ryas and slept with him, how would she live with herself afterward? Nope, it can't happen. She was already starting to feel loose around Ward and Lohan.

"Hand her over," Ward lifted the whip again.

"Stop," Zehan's arm came up towards Ward. "General Ryas knows the girl."

What? Did she hear Zehan clearly? Yuliah stopped struggling. "Did you just say Ryas?" She asked Zehan.

"Yes, this is my General - General Ryas. The man your father sent to free you..." He stopped.

Oh this is all real. When or how did Ryas get here? Yuliah's eyes turned red. "Ryas?" her hand went to his face. She missed him so much. "You're here," she leaned into his chest to hide her tears.

"Yes," he had a stern look on his face. "What's wrong with you?" His brows came together.

"Ahh. You see," Zehan cleared his throat to explain.

Lohan quickly answered instead, "They shot poison darts at us, and she got hit by a few." He glanced nervously at Zehan. "Isn't that right?" His elbow hit Ward on the side.

Ward didn't answer. He looked angry instead.

"What kind of poison?" Ryas asked.

Lohan shrugged, "I don't know, the kind that makes her act like that," he stepped back.

"Put me down," Yuliah instructed, and Ryas set her gently back onto the ground. Why was he pretending to be nice to her suddenly? After... Yuliah leaned left, then forward, and right back into him. Her awareness changed as she tried to stand on her own; the robes Zehan gave her earlier slipped from her body and were held up only by Ward's belt around her waist. "I," Yuliah hung from his shirt while he had one arm around her waist. She remembered how he left her. No, he hated her. He was disgusted by her. "I don't want.." She slurred. "Don't touch me," she pushed Ryas away. "Ward, come here."

Ryas' head cocked to the side, "Where are your clothes."

"I'm not your problem anymore. It's done between us. The moment...". Yuliah's eyes teared up. "When you abandoned me in the middle of no where." She turned away and towards Ward who didn't answer her, Yuliah raised her right arm, then released the mark. He better not be ignoring her, not after what she did for him.

"You are my problem." Ryas' hand tightened around her waist. "It'll never be over between us."

"I don't want to hear your lies." Yuliah turned away from him again. The blood vines burst from the crescent indent and coiled up her arms. "Come here," she yelled at Ward.

Ward had a disgruntled look on his face, but his feet marched ahead. "Stop it, girl. You're going to get me killed."

"NO. You'll obey me!" She had little time left, she felt the cold tingles up her back, and soon a feeling of warmth and eagerness would wash over her body again. Who knows what she would do at that time. Throw herself at Ryas and her pride away. "Get me out of here," she ordered Ward. "You said that you would not let anything happen to me."

"You're not going anywhere with him," Ryas snarled and released his ethereal spirit.

Ward's hand lifted, and the whip cracked into the air towards Ryas.

Yuliah threw her arms around Ryas, "NO," and shielded him as the whip struck her across the back.

Ward let out an excruciating yelp and fell to the floor twitching.

Ryas quickly pressed his palms to Yuliah's head, and a black curtain went down over her consciousness, shutting it off.

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