
Chapter 35: Jealousy

Yuliah slept through the night when she opened both eyes, light poured in through the windows, and she shut them again. It had to be mid-morning by now. Ryas must of cracked a few of the windows around the room open, because a cool breeze swept in.

Yuliah woke up on the other side of their bed, covered with the blanket they shared but completely naked underneath. She broke into a smile and rolled closer to him. He smelled like a fresh bath, when she burrowed her face into his chest.

With her body smashed against his, she felt a jolt of energy rise from her stomach. Images of last night flooded into mind.

She'd done it, bedded and fallen for a man. He treated and protected her. More than Liang said she would ever find.

She was sure he wasn't just after her body. Yuliah's smile stretched even wider. She was his woman now and possibly wife? He said that himself.

Pieces of hair fell across Yuliah's faces as she moved onto her back, and she caught a whiff. Good Gods! It smelled.

Yuliah bolted up and then crawled across the bed to the edge and stood on both feet. She didn't want him to see her this gross. Her legs trembled, but she took a step anyway and landed sideways on the bed. "Ouch!"

Ryas rose from the bed and scooped her into his arms. "Running away?"

"No. I just wanted to wash up," Yuliah's face flushed and she turned away from him. Incase he smelt it too. "Did you just wake up?"

"No, I've been up for a while enjoying the company of a beautiful woman in my bed, that was until she snuck away like a thief."

"How many beautiful women have been in your bed?" He probably had many lovers. Maybe hundreds. What if he's married! She wasn't sure if they ever discussed that.

He must have read her mind because he answered all Yuliah's concerns. "I'm not married if that's what you're wondering about," he laughed. "It's not important how many because you will be the last," he set Yuliah inside the tub. "Now soak," and walked over to their bags.

She gushed red at his words. Whether they were true or not she was going to make them real. The freshwater soothed her sore bottom, and she closed her eyes. What wouldn't she give to stay like this with him forever? Without any worries.

"I want you to stay in bed for today and rest," he took out a book and placed it on the bed. "I know you've been sneaking off with this to read at night. Now you can read it."

"You knew all along?" Her face blushed again. Does that mean he knows about the mark of the Nomen too? She stirred in the tub. I should tell him but how? "Ryas?" She sighed.

"Yes, my tigress," he looked up with a smile. When Yuliah didn't answer, he spoke again. "You want more of this later?" He flexed showing her the bulging muscles across his back and rear.

Thoughts of Ryas naked between her thighs flashed . She must be a closet pervert as a heat stirred between her legs, even though she was sore.

Yuliah shook them away as though that would would help. "Where are you going?" She asked instead.

"Lucan said his men would show me a faster road to Murai. We need to get back as soon as possible to Murai. I have people waiting there for me."

"I want to come with you." her chin rested on the tub as she watched Ryas get dressed. The bruise across his back hid parts of the crimson birds Yuliah loved. She could have sworn the swelling was more prominent the other day. What did he mean by people waiting for him in Murai? She didn't know as much as she'd like to about him.

He paused and turned to her. "You won't enjoy sitting on a horse at the moment," he smirked.

Yuliah made a face. "Your right," and sank further into the tub blushing.

"Stretch, rest, and read until I come back. I'll teach you how to harness the Ethereal Spirit later," Ryas walked over and kissed Yuliah softly.

Her arms immediately shot up and around his neck, and she moaned.

"Save that for later," he said and left.

Yuliah let out a deep sigh. At least Ryas will teach her how to use the Ethereal Spirit. She picked up the soap bar sitting next to the tub and lathered it over her body, suddenly the bar dropped and splashed into the water. Pain surged through her arm. Great, Yuliah glanced down at the crescent moon as red vines spread outward. Her entire arm lit up. She dunked it under water and took a deep breath. How would she explain this to Ryas?

All she wanted to do was spend the day with him, but things always happen like this.

Yuliah lifted her arm from the bath water and inspected it. There were faint lines that stemmed from the indent, but you could only see it up close.

She finished her bath and then dressed. Her options were limited, and she wore the dress he bought her yesterday, the only clothes she had at the moment. She laid sprawled across the bed reading until her stomach cried for food. Tired of the dried food Ryas had, Yuliah went to his bag and borrowed a few coins. I'm sure he wouldn't mind. She would pay him back later and then headed for the market.

After spending several coins on food and people watching for hours, she headed back to the Inn. Ryas could be back already. On her way to the Inn, she ran into Catia. Who forced Yuliah into her store again. "I have a new design for you today. Try this on," and pushed Yuliah behind the curtain.

She switched her blue dress for the white sleeve crop top and matching floor length skirt. The neckline cut low and wide exposing too much of her shoulders, but she looked great in it. There seemed to be something missing. "Catia," Yuliah called out. "Do you have a hairpin or tie?"

Catia's hands reached into the curtain, and Yuliah tied her hair up leaving a few loose curls down. Perfect. "I'll take it!" She stepped from behind the curtain.

"You look amazing! Lucan's going to stop breathing when he sees you in this."

It wasn't Lucan she wanted to impress but Ryas. "I hope so too," she accidentally said.

"Where's that good looking brother of yours?," Catia asked.

"Out," Yuliah answered.

"He's handsome. They don't make Men like him around here," Catia sighed. "Do you think you could set me up with him?"

"No!" Yuliah gave her an angry look. "I mean I'll try. He doesn't date."

Catia looked surprised. "You don't have the same eyes as your brother."

Great did she give them away? "Our mother had brown eyes and Ry... Rhee has blue eyes like our Father. I'll try to do that for you," Yuliah smiled.

"Sure," Catia paused. "I'm going to be performing at the Solstice tonight why don't you come with your brother."

"I'll tell him. Thanks again for the clothes," Yuliah hurried out. Like hell, she would set her up with Ryas. Yuliah made her way out of Catia's store.

"What are you wearing?"

She jumped around. "Ryas your back."

He nodded. "I've seen that design before it's usually what Nomen woman wear."

Yuliah's face paled. "Catia said it looked great on me. I didn't know... I can change."

"No. Don't do that. I like it on you. How it hugs your hips," his fingers skimmed across her bare stomach and then wrapped around each hip. He yanked them against his body. "I want to take you back to the inn," Ryas whispered and then slid his hand down over her butt.

Yuliah's lips parted slightly and her back arched. "I..."

A loud cough came from beside them. "Rhea," Lucan interrupted. "Come, let me take you to the Solstice."

She turned to Ryas who looked annoyed but nodded, and they left with Lucan.

They sat under the giant tree that stood in the town square. Ryas sat at a different table across from her and Lucan but kept his eyes on the performers behind them.

Yuliah could see a string of giggling women behind Ryas, and then they made their way towards him. Leading the way was Catia. Oh great, her brows creased. Of course it'll be that thirsty woman.

Their hips swayed from side to side. Yuliah felt embarrassed for them; they were trying way too hard. Especially for a man who had his back to them.

Why did he have to look the way he did? He sat there confidently, even by himself. With his dark brows and chiseled jawline, especially with those alluring blue eyes, these girls will be all over him for sure. Yuliah's eyes swept upward and then back over at Ryas.

She wanted to jump across the table and steak her claim next to him and then see the disappointed looks on their faces, but she was stuck with Lucan. Who breathed too heavily next to her. Yuliah sighed. Why did she say they were just siblings.

"Oh, you're here too Rhee?" Catia's voice had a ring to it. Yuliah scrunched her face up. How fake. They were already eyeing Ryas from a few tables away, and now they were pretending that this was all a coincidence. She looked away.

"Can we sit with you? You look lonely by yourself."

Yuliah could hear Catia ask and rolled her eyes. Lucan continued to chatter away about life outside of Novas. She wished he would just shut up sometimes. He talked so much.

When she glanced back over Ryas smiled smugly, but she turned away and pretended to listen to Lucan, her eyes continually glanced over.

Lucan asked a question but from the corner of her eye Ryas moved aside, and all the ladies sat down. Yuliah's head whipped around to look at him. The smirk on his smug face spun her head back around to Lucan.

"Rhea? Did you hear me?" Lucan placed his hand over hers, and she jerked her hand back.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Her eyes darted across the aisle at Ryas again. Who sat with arms folded across his chest and two eyes that glared at her.

"Rhea... Is there something wrong?" Ugh! She couldn't do this anymore! Between sneaking looks at Ryas and trying to pay attention to Lucan, her mind began to spin. "NO," she answered.

Lucan's head tilted back, "Alright," he laughed.

Catia looked over, "Lucan! she called from across the aisle, "You're here too!"

Yuliah could see Catia's hands around Ryas' arm. That woman!

"Rhee why don't we join them," she leaned onto Ryas.

"Sure," Ryas stood up with Catia clutched to his arm.

The Regent laughed, "Yes join us."

Yuliah snickered, "He let her hold onto him that quickly and even moved over without hesitation. She felt a sting in her eyes and turned away. He chose the seat in front of her with Catia's hands around him still.

"Oh your here too?" She finally acknowledged Yuliah.

Yuliah's lips pinched at the corners, "I am," she answered. What a loose woman! Who grabs a strangers arm and pushes their breasts up against them. They were practically falling out of her dress. Yuliah's face scrunched up even more and Ryas chuckled.

Did he find this funny? She smiled and reached across the table, "I just wanted to say its nice to see my brother warm up to another woman after both of his wives left him for other men," Yuliah shook her head. "Those whores," she looked directly at Catia and her gang of girls, her eyes lacked the sincerity from earlier. "They said my brother couldn't measure up," and flashed both eyes downward. "He's always been a little below average in everything," Yuliah took another sip of wine to hide her sly smile.

"Yes, I may be below average in body," he turned to Catia. "But I labored in the fields from dawn to dusk to provide for them. Sustained these injuries," and lifted his shirt to reveal a muscled body and the bruise on his back - making the girls swoon and giggle. "Even after my wives slept with all four of Rhea's husbands," Ryas gave Catia the look of a broken and betrayed man. One that had all the girls and Catia gasp in shock and sympathy flooded into their eyes. Ryas flashed a devilish grin right at Yuliah as he pulled his shirt back down.

Wine gushed from Yuliah's mouth, she coughed and pounded her chest. Ohhh... He did not just go there!

"You're married, Rhea?" Lucan looked puzzled.

"No divorced four times," Ryas answered then handed Yuliah a napkin. "My sisters terrible at finding a good man."

"I don't think you're average at all," Catia's voice turned sultry. "I think every bit of you is amazing," she bit her lip and leaned against Ryas. "You're the kind of man every woman wants."

"Is that so," his eyes turned back to Catia.

Yuliah rolled her eyes and watched with anger. Catia burst into a laugh with the other ladies, so loud that their voices stung her ears. Whores...

"What happened to your marriages?" Lucan asked.

"Cheaters. All of them," she glanced angrily at Ryas. "You know how men are, one moment they love you and the next their onto the next best thing," she hissed. He's going to pay for this.

"I know," Catia answered. "I've been through it myself," she raised her glass to Yuliah. "Let's drink to that."

Yuliah lifted her glass of wine tilted it forward, even though she'd rather throw it in Catina's face and gulped down until it emptied. Several hours later she had drunk more than she should have.

Dusk had settled in by this time, and the gold lanterns were all lit bulbs of light floating in the air. More people shuffled in under the giant tree. The sounds of a flute and string instrument began to play, mixed with the timed beats of a drum. She could feel the rhythm running through her blood like the Ethereal Spirit.

"Let's go!" Catia jumped from her seat and pulled Yuliah up.


"Dance!" Catia's eyes widened. "You do know how to dance right?"

"A little," Yuliah dragged her feet.

"I'll show you," Catia said. "My mother was a dancer."

One side of Yuliah's lips tugged up at the end and her brows raised slightly before turning to Catia, "Sure, teach me," and followed Catia to the stage.

A crowd began to form, mostly Men as the music played and a swarm of girls trotted on stage. Catia's girlfriends eyed Yuliah with contempt. This was why she didn't have any girlfriends. Girls could be so catty and she struggled to find ones that she got along with.

"Here follow my movements," Catia arched her back with her hands raised into the air and so did Yuliah. Chores and dancing the only two things she did well but never in front of anyone before. The beating in Yuliah's chest accelerated, she took a deep breath. From across the stage Ryas straighten up in his chair, and his arms fell relaxed to the sides.

He must have sensed Yuliah's nervousness and smiled, his deep eloquent eyes extinguished her nerves.

A sharp string instrument strummed slowly in the background followed by the soft beat of a drum. Yuliah's eyes remained with Ryas' as her arms flutter down, out and upward. Her breathing increased.

"Ready," Catia whispered.

She nodded back, but kept both eyes fixed on Ryas. The beat took off, and Yuliah jumped three steps to the right and then clapped, entirely in sync with the other dancers.

The condescending expressions wiped from the faces of Catia, and the girls. She twirled around and repeated her steps but moved left now. Dancing the only thing General Wey allowed Yuliah to do so she did it well.

The music flowed inside as she rolled her hips and snapped them forward then back, her arms stretched towards the night sky. With her eyes still locked with Ryas, she watched as he lowered them to her rolling hips. The smile on his face widened as he tilted his head sideways.

The pleasing look on his face excited Yuliah and she no longer followed the other dancers but rolled her hips even harder for him. The more he smiled, the more she moved, oblivious to the cheers and claps from the crowd. It went on until the music finally came to a pounding stop, and she gasped for breath. Her eyes stayed locked with Ryas who now laughed in amusement.

A few Men gathered around, intrigued by her, they circled asking for a name. Yuliah pushed passed them, her attention and eyes laid straight ahead. She strolled over to where Ryas sat. His lips curled up wide; it never faded and fueled her confidence. Sweat beads glided down her exposed stomach and back. The pounding in Yuliah's chest slowed as she pulled the chair back and sat down, her eyes locked onto Ryas still.

He leaned across the table. His breath was hot on her face. "Do you feel better now?" he asked.

"Yes. Catia was all over you, and I hated it."

His hand lifted, and she felt a quick flick across her forehead, "You jealous girl," he laughed. "I was afraid you were going to embarrass yourself."

"Well, I didn't,"

"Do you understand my jealousy now?" Ryas asked.

"I do," she answered.

"Then let's go. I'll give you all the attention you want tonight," he stood up and held his hand out for Yuliah.

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