
Chapter 34: Where is Our General

We've been here too long, and General Ryas is still missing. I'm worried Lohan," King Zehan studied the restless soldiers who stood guard outside his tent.

They had camped outside of Murai for over a month this would be their second or possibly the third month, King Zehan lost track.

By now he was sure word already reached the Capital that they were still here in the Northern Kingdom. If Ryas didn't return soon, King Taeyer would be suspicious, and Zehan ran out of excuses.

"Don't worry brother. I'm sure he's probably just out there being Ryas somewhere," Lohan answered his King Brother.

"I supposed. That would be the first that he just up and disappeared without a word," Zehan closed the velvet drapes to his tent and made his way back towards Lohan.

"Khasai lost his scent weeks ago," Lohan looked up at his brother. "If you're worried that he's dead. I know he's not," then handed Zehan a drink. "No one can kill that bastard. Many have tried and failed."

Zehan lifted the cold glass to his lips and gulped, "You're right; he probably ran into a complication somewhere."

"You said he's with a woman right?" Lohan sipped from his glass. "Maybe he's just holed up somewhere finally getting his Ethereal prick waxed - you know, making her Spirits sing," he thrust his pelvis a couple of times.

Zehan burst out into a laugh. The thought of General Ryas in bed with a woman that would be unheard of. "I don't believe General Ryas is capable of any other emotion but being cold." Would he even know his way around a woman's body? He had never seen his General with or around a woman before.

"Is she pretty?" Lohan asked.

"I'm not sure. I've never seen this woman but judging from the looks of her Father, General Wey; she might be." The General wasn't what Zehan would consider a good looking Man maybe homely. His daughter couldn't be any prettier.

"Maybe that's why it's taking him so long. Stuck with an ugly woman for days can't get that shit to work right." Lohan burst out laughing. "Do you think his face changes when he cums?" Lohan chuckled. "Or is it just that same look he gives us when he thinks we're dumb asses?" Lohan knitted his brows together and raised one eyebrow.

Zehan shook his head, "You sound more like a low born tavern drunk than a high born Prince." They both burst into a deep laugh.

"My King," a Man called from outside.

"What is it?" Lohan answered.

"There's a band of soldiers and an Advisor sent here on behalf of King Taeyer."

Zehan squinted his eyes as Lohan turned to look at him.

"What should we do?" Lohan asked.

"Let them in," he replied then motioned for Lohan to move aside. "I'll do the talking."

A few minutes later a soldier pulled back the drapes to King Zehan's tent, and a handsome Man with a high nose and narrow face, dressed in gold armor strutted inside. He was young but older than King Zehan and his brother.

"King Zehan," he bowed. "I'm Liang of Biah Manor, Junior Advisor to King Taeyer," he rose. "I've been sent here to assist you," Liang looked around.

"Liang of Biah Manor?" King Zehan repeated. Their situation could not get any more complicated. The woman he sent his General to kidnap's husband just showed up at his doorstep. "Sit Liang, join us for a drink or two. You've had a long trip here," Zehan pulled a chair out from underneath his table. He needed more time to assess their situation and figure out what to do in case General Ryas shows up with the woman.

Liang seemed reluctant but eventually sat down. "Maybe just one," he pushed his glass towards Zehan.

Lohan and Zehan sat across from Liang. They could tell he didn't trust them but poured drinks between the three of them anyways and exchanged pleasantries until Liang began to sound belligerent. Lohan studied Liang for a bit before turning to Zehan and smiled widely. "I heard you lost your wife?" Lohan eyed Liang.

"I wouldn't say lost but stolen," Liang sighed as he slammed his glass of wine. "Could I have another?"

Lohan filled up his glass then sat up straight in his chair, he glanced over at Zehan and then back at Liang again, "How does she look like? Give us a description; maybe we've seen her?" He winked at Zehan, who only shook his head back.

Zehan knew what his brother was up to he had that mischief look in his eyes, but he too was curious and didn't stop him.

"Yuliah... That's her name. She's beautiful," he slammed his drink. "With long black silky hair, soft ivory skin, and kissable red lips," he poured himself another drink. "Oh and large honey eyes."

Yup. General Ryas is getting his Ethereal prick waxed," Lohan whispered to Zehan quietly.

Zehan gave his brother a deathly glare to which he ignored. Liang looked drunk, but still, Lohan sometimes got carried away and needed to be more careful. He watched as his brother looked over at Liang, "What's her body look like?"

Zehan kicked him under the table. What kind of question was that! Lohan that bastard. He was going to get them into trouble for sure.

"I mean - how tall is she? Is she fat, skinny, or medium build? So we know what to look for."

Zehan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Liang's face relaxed and gulped his glass instead.

"I'm going to say this because we're all Men here," Liang slurred. "Ass like a peach, slim waist, and tits that overflowed from your hands," he lifted his hands. "See how big my hands are," and empty his glass down his throat.

Lohan gave Zehan a quick thumbs up, and his mouth fell open wide. "General Ryas, that sly bastard."

Zehan swung his leg forward beneath the table towards his brother. Lohan yelped as he jumped up and the table lifted.

Liang startled. "You alright over there?" His eyes seemed to have shrunk in size.

"Oh sorry. My legs fell asleep," Lohan shook his legs and sat down.

"Thank you for the in-depth description," Zehan poured Liang another drink. "If we see any woman who matches those descriptions we will immediately detain her and alert you." He shot Lohan a quick smile while Liang drained his cup again.

By this time Liang had drunk who knows how many glasses of wine already and his real self began to seep out. He talked about bedding woman and all the different ways he did it. Then went on about how much he hated his father and even King Taeyer.

"Bring me a whore!" He started to demand before slumping over. "I want one of your southern whores!" Liang laughed and pointed at Lohan, who didn't seem amused but kept a straight face.

Liang indeed was a terrible drunk and now that he was out of the capital away from his Father and King Taeyer's scrutiny he didn't care to hold back, but he had over drank and knocked out in front of them.

Zehan looked on in shock but was thankful he was quiet now, "I can see why General Wey didn't want his daughter to marry him," he looked at the drunken Advisor in disgust.

Lohan pulled back the drapes, "Guards come here!" Two guards came in. "Bring Advisor Biah back to his people."

As soon as Liang left Lohan and Zehan, both burst out laughing. "General Ryas could have just run into complications traveling with a woman. You know he doesn't keep a woman as company," Zehan said. "In all the years I've known him, he was not the type to fall easily for a beautiful face, and there had been plenty of beautiful women who threw themselves at him."

"I don't think he's as reserved as you make him out to be Brother. A Man's a Man, and a Man has needs," he looked at his brother. "You should know that."

Zehan knew that. He too had needs himself, but he couldn't see his General involved with a woman. "I do but for now let's figure out what should we do about this Advisor Biah." Zehan changed the subject. "He likes drinking and woman that's for sure," Zehan said.

"Easy. Just feed him wine and let him fuck whores all day. That should keep him occupied until we figure out how to get a hold of General Ryas and warn him," Lohan suggested. "It's a good thing he didn't ask us yet why we're still here."

"That's probably the best option we have right now," Zehan answered. "Where are we going to get the whores from?" They were in a different land, and Murai was still half a days ride away. He wasn't even sure there were whores there.

"You look worried Brother. Don't be. I know of a few women. They're not whores though," he smiled at Zehan. "They just enjoy a good time now and then."

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