
Chapter 32: The Regent

"I have an ethereal spirit," Yuliah said to Ryas.

"It's not possible unless your Geneoshi and not all Geneoshi's posses an ethereal spirit. It could be a residual of my ethereal spirit through the blood binding." Ryas leaned onto her shoulder.

With the weight of him bearing down Yuliah put an arm around his waist to balance them both. "That must be what happened." Now wouldn't be a good time to tell him the truth. He moved slower. Even his tone was different. "What's wrong? And don't lie to me," she asked distraught.

"It's my back. I got hurt earlier." Ryas grunted as they continued to walk.

Yuliah stopped, walked behind him, and lifted his shirt. "Let me see it." She pushed Ryas into the light. Broken blood vessels formed into a red blotch and spanned across the blades of his shoulders. "It's terrible." What if something worse had happened to him? If only she could do more to help. Yuliah bit her quivering lip. She moved to face Ryas and held him. "I feel useless." Tears trickled down. "I want to be able to help you." She said it, what she'd been feeling for a while.

"You're not and I heal fast. Don't worry about me."

He tightened his arms around Yuliah. She rested her head on his chest and listened to the drumming of his heart. "I don't feel afraid with you next to me for the first time in my life." Even though they were far from safe.

"I won't let any one hurt you. You're important to me."

His words confirmed that she could be truthful with him after all. He was hurt, Yuliah would tell him the truth once they were in a better place and he healed. She continued to listen to the beating of his heart until Ryas' horse finally returned.

They rode for about a day in a half through the mountains. When Ryas spotted a small village in the distance, he told Yuliah its strange to have a town this far out, but most of their supplies were gone, and he didn't know how much longer it would take to get to Murai. With no other choice, he decided that they would stop at the town to gather more supplies, but only after he watched the city for hours to ensure it was remotely safe.

"Don't give them our real names, move or speak unless I tell you too. We don't know if word from the Capital reached these parts already," he swung up and over, and cleared the backside of the horse, then landed softly onto the ground.

What would she say if they asked? Before Yuliah could clear it up with Ryas. Four Men, solidly built with swords fastened to their waist approached. Ryas stood taller than the men, but with a leaner build compared to them. Yuliah sat in the saddle while he held onto the reins and waited.

"We're just passing through to Murai," Ryas told the men.

Their eyes skim right over him and land on Yuliah's blushing face. It made her uncomfortable when people stared especially men.

Ryas told her not to move or speak, but she inadvertently smiled at the men out of nervousness and a man in white locked eyes with her. Yuliah pretended not to notice and looked away.

"I'm Lucan, the Regent here in Novas. Who might you two be?" The ends of his lips curled up, but his gaze seemed to be only towards Yuliah.

She meant to give him a quick smile but her mouth twisted weirdly sideways by mistake. Oh, good gods! The embarrassment. Yuliah looked away with a flushed face. Attention always made for an uncomfortable situation, and when Yuliah felt uncomfortable, she reacted oddly.

"We're just passing through and need a place to stay for the night," Ryas answered.

Lucan's eyes gave off a warm and genuine feel, and he seemed different, but she couldn't figure out what it was. Maybe it's the way he looked. With all that long dark hair falling loosely down to his sides and a perfectly symmetrical face, beaded in sweat. He had a manly appearance. Then there was the situation with his white shirt. He'd unbuttoned just enough to expose a tightly rounded chest, as though he'd purposely left it unbutton to show off.

His deep raspy voice drew Yuliah's attention. "Please excuse my appearance." His eyes fell to Yuliah and completely ignored Ryas. "The days have are warmer here in the mountains, and the whole towns celebrating a five day Renascence Solstice. We don't have a lot of visitors, and the Inn's a bit run down, but you and your... wife are more than welcome to stay there."

"Sister," Yuliah corrected him. She hoped that would throw anyone off their trail. The Biah's probably put the word out for a a pair of lovers. Not a brother and sister she figured.

Ryas shot Yuliah a scowling look, and she froze. Maybe that's not the best response, but it's too late now. She flashed him an I'm sorry look when he helped her down. He didn't acknowledge it but pushed Yuliah behind him.

"We'll stay at the Inn. Can you show us the way?" His voice was cold, like usual.

"I see," Lucan tilted sideways to peek behind Ryas but retracted. "Come I'll show you the way." He motioned for them to follow. "Do you have a name?" He peeked back over at Yuliah.

Red were the apples of her cheeks when she raised an eye to see him staring again. Thank goodness she quietly sighed when Ryas moved in front of her and blocked the Regents gleaming eyes.

"I'm Rhee," Ryas answered. "Where's the fastest road to Murai?" he then asked.

Yuliah stayed hidden thankful Ryas distracted the Regents attention.

"We're in a hurry to get home. Our father is ill."

She listened as Ryas continued to tell the Regent more lies and hoped he would not ask her any direct questions, because telling believable lies did not come easy for her.

"The rains caused a landslide and cut off the main road, but I'll have my men show you a different route tomorrow," he answered. "The Inn sits in the busiest part of town. I'll show you the way."

Ryas' nodded at Lucan, who began to talk again.

"We get heavy rains around this time, you two might have to stay a few days. No one's been up to the other road lately. It could be flooded too." Lucan slowed his pace down to match Yuliah's.

She shifted further sideways and reached for Ryas' hand but stopped midway. Yuliah didn't want to make their sister and brother relationship come off strange. Lucan didn't pick up on the signal and moved closer. He even tried to move to Yuliah and speak directly to her.

"We hold a beautiful festival every year after the rains. Maybe..."

She didn't hear a word Lucan said, because her eyes caught sight of an array of bright colors and abruptly walked away. "What's this?" She strolled further ahead. They had festivals in the Northern Kingdom, but General Wey wouldn't allow her to attend. He said they were a waste of time for a woman and there were more important things to do.

When she entered the village square, every structure stood, lined with colorful banners and gold lanterns. A giant tree rose from the center and stretched into the sky. Its trunk and branches were incredible in height and width, they curled out then upward. Green leaves and flowers that were red as wine blossomed from its branches. Some drifted in the wind like ships sailing across the horizon and fell over the tables that were set up underneath the tree.

Strings of gold lanterns hung from the branches and connected to the surrounding homes and shops. The entire town square transformed into a midsummer festival right out of one's dreams.

Yuliah's eyes and face softened when Ryas look over at her. She forgot about their brother and sister ruse and slid her hands around his arm, "It's beautiful, Ryas," she took another glimpse and turned to him again.

"It is." His lips pinched at the corners. "Have you been to a festival before?"

"No," she leaned closer - glad to be sharing this moment with him. "I wasn't allowed to go."

"Let's go. I'll take you." Ryas squeezed her hand.

She wanted to hug him. "Ryas..." Yuliah grinned when she turned to see him smirking at her.

"Do you find it beautiful?" The Regent stepped between them and looked right down at Yuliah. "I didn't get your name?" he asked.

She glanced nervously at Ryas in hopes he'd help her out, but he walked away. Yuliah's eyes dashed between the two of them before she maneuvered herself back over to Ryas and took his arm, but his attention had fixated on the tree before them ignoring her cry for help.

"Rhea. That's my name." she smiled sheepishly. She thought their names should be similar since they were brother and sister. Ryas chuckled from the left. Oh, so he was paying attention after all. Yuliah's face scrunched up, but the Regents' voice drew her attention back to him.

"Beautiful like its owner." Lucan's lips curved upward showing his perfect teeth again.

Yuliah started to feel uncomfortable with the Regents overbearing attention. She politely smiled back but scooted closer to Ryas. When she went to hook an arm around Ryas' arm, he shook himself free, and a sting of rejection hit her ego but she continued walking.

Soon they walked further into the town square where the smells of food distracted Yuliah's bruised pride. Cooked meat and all sorts of sweet smells flowed in from the stalls. They filled her nose with delight, and Yuliah abandoned Ryas and Lucan.

Living at Wey Manor, Yuliah's stepmother didn't allow an overindulgence in anything. Especially food. Most of the items in the Manor were secured and rationed out. If she asked for additional items. It went through Madam Wey for approval. Which meant most of her requests were turned down and Yuliah reminded that girls should maintain a thin waist and be grateful for what they already had. Ryas had food too, but she grew tired of the dried up meat.

"Would you like one?" a round man as plump as the buns he sold called from behind a stall. Fried buns glazed with honey that glistened in the afternoon sun were the first to call to Yuliah. Her mouth moistened. The stall keeper wrapped a bun in paper foil, then handed it to Yuliah. "Just one copper."

No... Yuliah's face darkened. She's a homeless and penniless woman now.

Through all the excitement Yuliah had forgotten her status.

"Here," Ryas tossed a coin at the stall clerk. He took the bun, and with a wide grin dangled it in front of Yuliah before leaning in. "How are you going to pay me for this later?" He teased quietly.

Yuliah glared up at him, and a smile erupted across her face but before she could speak a hand came between them. She looked down to see Lucan holding a dark-colored bun.

"Try this one instead. I know woman prefer foods that are sweeter."

She shot Ryas an apologetic look.

The Regent took the bun Ryas bought right out of his hand and chomped down. "My favorite," and ushered Yuliah away.

Yuliah could have sworn she saw a flash of violet in Ryas' eyes, but Lucan pulled her away so quickly it might be the sun. "Ummm," she slowly turned towards Ryas. "I'm going to wait for my brother," and broke from Lucan's hold back over to Ryas' side.

Lucan stood back and paused. "Sure."

From his expression, Lucan looked offended but continued talking as though nothing happened.

Stall after stall of food, clothes, jewelry, and items for sale lined the streets of Novas. Once they passed the stalls, they moved into the shops, and Yuliah stopped to admire all the different fabrics and clothes strung up everywhere.

A woman jumped out and dragged Yuliah away. Ryas' arm sprung for her but missed by an inch.

"Oh, my goodness! You're gorgeous!" the woman pulled Yuliah into the store. "I have the perfect dress for you," and handed a dark blue and red dress to Yuliah. "If you like it I'll give it to you at a discount."

Ryas stormed into the shop his hand on the hilt of his sword. "What did you do with the woman?"

Lucan rushed in. "Rhee! The people in our town, they're friendly and mean no harm. We're all one big family." he placed his hand on Ryas' shoulder. "I know her. She's a dress tailor."

The young woman turned around; her mouth fell open. "Hello." she smiled at Ryas. "Are you with the beautiful woman I just pulled off the streets?"

"Where is she?"

"Changing," she pointed over to the curtain. "Sorry. I didn't know she was with anyone."

Ryas strolled over and pulled back the curtain. Yuliah startled and held to the dirty dress she'd been wearing. "Ryas! You scared me!"

She watched him eye her up and down before his lips stretched sideways, and both eyes stopped on her full breasts. "I thought something happened."

"Will you buy this for me?" Yuliah's eyes pleaded, and she held up a dress.

She moved back when he stepped inside and closed the curtain behind him. "Your debt with me went up, tigress." He pulled the dirty dress over Yuliah's head and dropped it to the floor.

His fingers skimmed up the front of her stomach until each hand clamped around a breast. "I like the red dress. You'll fill into it nicely." He squeezed gently. "I'll buy it for you."

It sent a burst of excitement through Yuliah's already sensitive body. She liked how he stood taller than her, and rolled to the balls of both feet. With a playful smile. "How can I pay you back?"

"Like this," he kissed Yuliah hard and picked her right off the ground.

She slid one arm over his shoulder and hooked both legs around his waist. The other hand went for the bulge in his pants. "Ryasss." Yuliah moaned quietly into his ear. She didn't know what to do but just wanted him to keep touching her.

"I'll take payment now..."

The last thing she remember hearing and when he started kissing her neck, the moments that followed blurred together. Only the way his hands lit her body up like she were on fire, Yuliah could recall.

"Is everything alright in there?" Lucan's voice sounded from the other side of the curtain.

Ryas stopped. His eyes briefly closed and released Yuliah. "Answer him."

"Yes, we're... I'm fine." She cleared her throat. "I just needed help... with my dress." Yuliah replied and watched Ryas adjust his belt before stepping out. When the curtain closed behind him she made a face. Annoyed that they were interrupted too soon.

Outside Ryas turned to Lucan. "Where are the women's clothes?"

"Over there," the young woman pointed.

"Who is he?" She gave Lucan a puzzled look.

"There from Murai," Lucan pointed to Ryas. "Rhee and his sister."

She stood a few feet away from Lucan, raised her eyebrows. "Sister?" she pointed back towards the curtain.

Lucan nodded.

"Yes," she mouthed. "Introduce me to him," and briskly walked over.

Lucan shook his head at Catia and gave her smirk. "Fine," he mouthed back. "Rhee. Meet Catia. The owner of this shop." he turned to Catia whose smile spread so widely across her face she looked ecstatic. "What is it that you're looking for? Maybe Catia could help you."

"Rhee right?" Catia raised her right hand to her forehead but stopped. "Is it for your wife?" She grabbed a piece of her hair and began twirling it nervously.

"My sister," Ryas' eyes shot towards the curtain.

"Clothes or shoes?" She lead him towards the back of the room but he stopped in front of a drawer full of underwear and night gowns.

"Undergarments?" When Ryas didn't answer her she spoke again. "I see." Catia paused, glanced over at Lucan and made a confused face. "I'll help you find something she might like," and held up a few items. "What about these?"

Ryas glanced up. "No. Something more mature." He picked through another drawer of garments. With a handful of items, Ryas handed them to Catia. "I'll take these."

"A little too exposed for a younger sister. Are you sure about this?" She looked down at the laced undergarments and garters.

"How much?" Ryas only said.

"Alright," she burst into an awkward laugh.

Ryas glanced towards the curtain again.

"You must have a good relationship with your sister." Catia asked and slowly wrapped up the items then placed them aside.

He chuckled. "You could say so."

"Just one gold coin. So how long will you be in town?"

"Just for the night." He handed Catia two coins.

"We have A Renascence Solstice going on. Maybe you could bring your sister and join me later?"

"We're leaving early tomorrow." he handed Catia a gold coin. "Add..." Ryas pointed to a pair of woman's pants and a lace bustier top on display. "Those two items and these boots." then walked away and back over to the curtain. "Are you almost done?" He called to Yuliah.

"I am." She stepped out. "How do I look?" The top part of her dress exposed her narrow shoulders and fitted tightly to Yuliah's waist. The bottom piece hung right below her belly button and pleated down to the floor.

"Beautiful!" Lucan rushed over and pulled Yuliah towards Catia. "Catia knows how to pick a dress."

"It's what I do best. You look very pretty." Cata grinned. "Your husband would not allow you to leave the house if he saw you in this dress," she winked at Yuliah.

"I'm not married."

"You're not?" Lucan popped out of nowhere.

Startled Yuliah awkwardly smile but jerked sideways and took giant steps across the floor.

"Let's go." Ryas had her by the arm and out of the store before any more words were exchanged between Lucan.

"Wait," Lucan called, but they both were both gone already. "To your left. That's the way to the Inn." He shouted.

"They have a very close almost inappropriate relationship." Catia's face scrunched up.

"You noticed it too?" Lucan smiled before he headed out the door after them. "I'll come by after I'm done."

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