
Chapter 28: Escape

Now that she had the power of the ethereal spirit. Yuliah wanted revenge. These disgusting creatures violated her earlier, and for that, they would have to pay.

Yuliah sat up, inhaled deeply, and concentrated on harnessing the ethereal spirit. Her palms glowed a deep violet. A smile stretched widely across her face as excitement speed through her core.

Yes! Almost! Hotter and hotter her body burned until the power of the ethereal spirit gathered in the palm of each hand. For once in her life, she did not feel powerless. Not with the ethereal spirit.

From cheek to cheek a sly smile continue to stretch, she'll make them all pay now. Yuliah released her ethereal spirit.

A burst of energy shot from all ten fingertips straight ahead. Then fizzled...

What? She leaned back baffled. Then tried again... and again only to end up with the same results.

Unbelievable! Yuliah's head sloped down in defeat. Ryas the one person who could teach her how to use the ethereal spirit had disappeared, with no idea where he went or if he were even safe. A deep fear welled up inside. She must get out of here and find him.

Left with no other choice Yuliah crawled quietly around the bodies. They laid scattered around and in a deep sleep, most likely exhausted from a day of prancing around in their new bodies thanks to her blood. She gave them a dirty look before crawling further away.

The cave was pitch black and she could not see more than a few inches ahead, but managed to maneuver around the labyrinth of bodies, and made her way towards the wall. Each foot set down onto the hard ground slow and quiet, careful not to wake the creatures. With their new builds and the ethereal spirit not working, if the creatures woke she would not win a fight and Yuliah crept on.

Further down the cave a soft breeze swept across the tips of her face. There must be an opening ahead, she shuffled cautiously onward. The further Yuliah went that breeze became more constant and now blew across her entire body. She had no knowledge of caves or life beyond her manor, but wind did not blow in caves unless it came from outside. This eased the fear that she'd carried all this way.

Several minutes later the darkness lighten and straight ahead, bits of moonlight shot through an opening where the cave walls had disappeared. Yes! A way out! Yuliah almost took off but stopped. This is almost too easy, she leaned back into the wall. Would the creatures be this stupid to leave her unguarded? Through the entrance, trees swayed back and forth against the night sky. Freedom beckoned her, and Yuliah no longer cared. She sucked in a breath, filled her lungs with air, and prepared to make a run for the entrance...

Right when both feet were about to take off a shadow moved in front of the opening. Yuliah quickly crouched and blended into the cave walls. Its eyes burned a dark purpled. Her hopes crumbled. Good Gods! What now? She wanted to shout out.

This new creature had one unusually long arm then stepped inside the cave. That long limb formed into a ball and extended further down. Yuliah shivered. She had seen too many unimaginable creatures lately. Monsters that only came from dreams.

This new creature lifted its long arm into the air and burst into a fiery glow. She quickly shut her eyes from the heat or was it fear.

A muffled scream hurled passed and towards the back of the cave. That's a voice! Still too scared to open her eyes Yuliah clung onto the wall even tighter. Whatever that was it landed with a loud bang and crashed behind. Oh good Gods! This new creature shot fire from out of its body. Her head lightened and Yuliah gripped the wall even harder. If it found her she would not escape.

When she had enough courage to open her eyes, this new monster moved so fast, the heat from its body zipped passed her like a ball of fire towards the back of the cave.

Yuliah's heart skipped a beat. Thank the Gods it did not notice her. This was her chance. She leaped forward and ran for the entrance.

Behind her the cries and pleas of those tiny monsters rang out. "Motherrr! Help us!" Yuliah gulped but did not even look back. The sounds of bones crushing and flesh piercing followed. This propelled her even faster ahead.

She burst out of the cave and dove to the side gasping for air. More cries came from within the cave. She needed to get out of here fast. Yuliah was just about to make a run for the forest when a voice erupted from inside the cave.

"WHERE IS MY WOMAN," a man's voice exploded from inside the cave.

That thing was a man? His voice sounded familiar. She inched back towards the mouth of the cave to listen. Her heart pounded right through both ears.

The creatures screamed and fought with the man inside. Who continued to attack them.

Then he screamed again the same words as before. She knew that voice! Ryas! Yuliah ran back towards the entrance with an opened mouth ready to call out to him.

A bellowing cry shot out from the cave entrance and she cowered in fear. Could it be Ryas? He sounded angry and hurt all at once. It reminded her of Aleric, and she froze. Then he cursed again. It's definitely Ryas and she snapped from her trance.

"Ryas!" She screamed into the cave.

All the terrifying noises from inside stopped. Yuliah peered into the cave waiting for any sign of him. Overwhelmed with eagerness her eyes searched the cave frantically for him. The image of Ryas taking a kiss from her, their first kiss flashed in her head. Blood rushes to her head and she breathing deepened.

Her eyes were fixed into the darkness and scanned for him. Finally, he appeared ahead engulfed in a violet glow but was still a distance away. He moved swift and confidently bringing himself closer.

Maybe it was the blood binding still or the ethereal spirit. Whatever it was it sent Yuliah sprinting into the cave towards him. She ran faster than she did when leaving the cave and slammed right into Ryas' arms.

Yuliah threw herself around him and buried her face into his chest. "Ryas," she exhaled then breathed in his familiar scent - a mix of woods and freshly washed linens. Similar to the bedroll they share and smiled. How many days had passed since they were separated? It didn't matter, even if it were one day she would still miss him this much.

Yuliah brought her face right up to Ryas, until his warm breath hovered over her mouth. With each eye closed she leaned up and boldly pressed both lips to his and claimed their second kiss... She had never kissed a man before, and he tasted delicious. Her inexperience clearly displayed as she hungrily devoured his mouth some more. Ryas did not stiffen in repulse or push her away, but welcomed her. This rid Yuliah of any doubt or shame, and a longing for his touch grew, a touch that sent her body into an intoxicating high. At that moment, Yuliah made up her mind. She was going to make Ryas hers. Forever...

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