
Chapter 22. Just a Dream...

Yuliah opened both eyes to a black sky. The forest floor lit up by rays of cascading light that slipped through gaps between the treetops. A heat from Ryas hot against her body sending tantalizing drops of moisture down her back.

No fires were lit tonight, just moonlight illuminating over them, creating a dreamlike glow. Slowly her eyes adjusted to the dark. With a deep breath, crisp air whisked through each nostril. Every inch of her body tingled with life right up to her face. Yuliah rubbed both cheeks to find no pain or cuts. Gone... She touched her face once more. Nothing but smooth skin against the tips of her fingers. How is it possible? From the beating Liang gave her face it would take weeks, possibly months to heal.

A dream, she's in a dream. It's the only explanation. Yuliah slouched back. Most of the time dreams were hardly this vivid. There's always this sense of being disconnected from your thoughts and body.

She stared into the forest. Why didn't she feel that way? Her chest heaved up, then dropped back down. What's going on? Yuliah gasped. She wasn't herself tonight.

Howls sounded off somewhere in the distance, followed by feet scurrying across the dirt floor. All at once the sounds of the forests she never cared to not notice before were loud in her ears.

Yuliah scooted closer to Ryas. These moments usually lead to where dreams turn into nightmares. She tucked herself further back into him until the hardness of his chest pressed against her bareback.

That's strange... Then slid a hand down her body. She's naked!

She reached back to check if he too was naked. Down Yuliah's hand went until she grabbed held of something semi-soft. Wait... Hot and squishy in her hands. She gently squeezed a few times. It changed in size then overflowed out of her hands. No! Yuliah yanked her hand back quickly, tossing it roughly aside.

"That hurt." Ryas sounded annoyed.

"You were awake the whole time?"


It's a dream and she didn't like that even in her dreams, he spoke with the same unfriendly tone.. Yuliah would say whatever's he felt y to o him. "You must of enjoyed that."

"Do you need something from me? You've been touching me for a while now." His tone switched to teasing.

Yuliah flipped back to tell him off. Tired of his changing moods. A ray of light broke through the canopy right down over them. She glimpsed two broad shoulders and a muscled chest. Good Gods! He's built well. The urge to touch all that perfection stretched her hand towards him. Yuliah snapped from the craze and drew it back into an fist awkwardly. Why did she do that? She slumped her head forward, embarrassed.

"Are you sure?" He scooted closer to Yuliah.

"Yes." With his body inching closer, she slithered back burning hot.

Wait... this, it's only a dream. Her lips curled into a smile. Ryas treated her coldly but he had the kind of face that she liked. A handsome one. Yuliah constantly snuck little glances at him. Usually when he didn't notice or became distracted.

No man in the North compared to him. With eyes that froze her dead still when he looked into hers.

"Why are we both naked? My hairs even washed." Yuliah sniffed a strand of hair when it grazed her nose. Lavender her favorite scent. Where did he get soap in the mountains? She's certain this was a dream, but how could she be this aware when dreaming - almost like she were awake. Dreams were predetermined, and her unwilling consciousness - forced to follow along on a course already laid out.

"You were sick and dirty. Did you not see yourself? I put you into the spring to bring down the fever. If I hadn't done so, you'd be dead before morning."

Amazed that the dream picked up right where she fainted in real life. Yuliah switched things up. She wanted to see Ryas react differently something other than the condescending tone he always had. It was a dream, after all.

She slammed a fist into his chest. "You didn't have to take all my clothes off!"

His fingers quickly closed around Yuliah's wrist, and she shifted flat onto her back. She had both hands pinned above her head before she realized what had happened.

Yuliah mind gasped! Ryas acted exactly like the story her maid used to read. Yes, this had to be a dream!


Yuliah giggled silently, and that strange force inside stirred. The tiny hairs on her body suddenly stood up, and she tensed up.

KISS HIM. Flashed across Yuliah's mind and before she knew it, her head inched towards his face with a half-opened mouth. No! It's too soon. She clamped her mouth shut and yanked back just in time too because both lips were within a hair's breadth of dream Ryas' face. Thank the Gods! She had kissed no one before. How would you do it?

What were the real-life Ryas doing right now? He was probably annoyed somewhere, sulking, waiting for her to wake up.

Dream Ryas's voice cut through Yuliah's thoughts.

"Have you fainted from a fever before?" He said. "I've done nothing improper to you. If I wanted you, I would have you already."

Why did he have to sound just like real life Ryas? Maybe she needed to change her tone and words. Corrin said men loved a sweet, vulnerable woman, and the chase because they were predators.

"You don't want me?" she sweetly questioned. "Or maybe it's because you can't have me," Yuliah switched to a taunt now.

Hot flesh against soft flesh - that's what Yuliah felt when Ryas suddenly shifted on top of her. The hard muscles of his chest meshed up against Yuliah's breasts, and she inhaled sharply. Oh goodness. It felt ! Unable to believe this was happening, she burst into a laugh.

Dream Ryas chuckled, "Are you saying that I can't have you?" His face dangled directly in front of Yuliah. "I've noticed all the times you've been stealing glances at me?"

She froze at his words. The light of the moon shifted and teased her with more glimpses of his naked body, and Yuliah's mind unraveled.

What would his lips taste like? Or the strength of him between her legs? Yuliah's lips turned slyly upwards.

Other than Liang's abuse, she had never felt the touch of a man before, and dream Ryas was perfect for it. She knew him enough; he saved her, was built incredibly well, handsome, and strong. Yuliah decided. Besides, it was just a dream.

She smiled then twisted both hands away from Ryas, "No, you can't!" She acted as though she weren't interested in him anymore but was secretly excited. "So let go," Yuliah tried to sound stern and used just enough strength to free her hands again but not completely break from his hold.

Amused, Ryas moved his head closer than before, so close to Yuliah that his lips and breath beat down right on top of hers.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" His deep voice sent trembles down Yuliah's body.

She froze up again. Then drew in a deep breath to calm down. Her bottom stirred with an indescribable heat. This must be how it feels to lust after someone. She exhaled. Just then dream Ryas' laughter broke through her thoughts again.

"Go ahead catch your breath..."

Then it happened. Compelled by a strange force inside, Yuliah's neck extended out and swallowed his lips within hers. The taste of Ryas exploded inside. The hunger that burned for his touch satisfied for the first time, and she moaned softly.

Yuliah wrapped both legs around his waist and panted heavily. "Ryas... I don't know what, what's happening to me." Her hand slowly slid towards the stiffness between his legs. "I want you bad," she pleaded.

It started as a bit of fun, but something unexpected happened, something she couldn't explain or control anymore. Yuliah would let her dream take over now and consciously disconnected as a euphoric curtain closed over her eyes. Carried away by the touch of Ryas' body. "Ryas… What's happening to me?" She breathed in.

"Let go," he whispered into her ear. "Become mine, and you can have me," he placed small kisses down to the base of her neck.

"Forever?" Yuliah asked.

"Yes, forever."

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