
Chapter 16. Back at Biah Manor

The flames from the fire earlier had touched every part of Biah Manor, nothing escaped, and Advisor Biah was furious with his son, whose living quarters miraculously did not burn at all but only sustain a bit of fire damage. He met one of the attendants at the entranceway.

"Is he still drunk?" Advisor Biah asked the attendant.

"No my Lord. The Doctor is tending to his wound as we speak."

Liang was lying in bed while the doctor examined his neck, when Advisor Biah walked in.

"Do you know the annals of the Biah Clan, as well as the items King Taeyer entrusted me with, are burnt and gone? Advisor Biah glared at his son who seemed not bother by it.

When Liang refused to speak Advisor Biah continued his scolding. "The Wey's and even King Taeyer, as well as our Biah clan all, succeeded from the bloodline of peasants and slaves, and we are what's left of this second world. Is that what you want us to be peasants and slaves again. Our history is gone. Over fifteen generations of Biah built this Manor, from their blood and sacrifices. Then in less than one night, half the entire Manor was burnt or damaged, everything we built, destroyed because of your coveting for one woman!"

Advisor Biah's anger came out now, and when Liang still would not answer him, he grew more upset. "You are just as wicked as your Mother. "

Advisor Biah knew Liang's Mother was a jealous woman. She had fed all his mistresses tonics that made them sterile.

Unfortunately he didn't know until he was too old to bed a woman. It didn't matter what he did or tonics he drank he could no longer give life. He sometimes wondered if she was also behind this.

"Don't speak to me as though you're an honorable Man, Father. Who knows how many women you have coveted or the wicked things you have done," Liang scowled at his Father.

Advisor Biah's jaw clenched and his fists tighten as he suppressed his inkling feeling to want to reach out and smack his son across the head. "Yuliah is like her Mother they both have bad blood, and it will only bring you death or ruin. Like it has done time and time again to General Wey. Now us! You will cut your losses with her before you kill our entire Biah clan!" His lips drew back in a snarl at Liang.

"No! One day I'm going to be head of Biah Manor. I will not let Yuliah get away with this! To let her and that Man think they can walk in here and disregard our Biah Clan! That would be showing the people that the Biah's are weak! I've already sent our soldiers after them."

"There was a Man?" Advisor Biah's eyes widen. He heard that Yuliah ran away, but he did not get the full story behind it. He was curious to know what all had lead up to Yuliah's escape.

"Yes, there was a Man that came for Yuliah. I'm sure he was the one who set the fire too. There's never been a fire in Biah Manor before. It could only be him," Liang looked over towards his Father, and proceeded to explain the events of that night to Advisor Biah but left out the parts where he had beaten Yuliah.

"Do you have any idea who he could have been?" Advisor Biah asked his son. What kind of Man allows another Man to break into his home and run off with his bride? Liang was not as capable as he let on to be.

"No, I don't. Yuliah didn't have anyone. I don't know where this Man came from Father. It's not Yujen either he was here at the wedding all night, and I mistook him for that Man and killed him." Liang answered.

"I have to leave." Advisor Biah gave his son a displease look. "Yuliah's Father will be here soon." When he looked over at his son, Liang appeared lost in thought.

"Father, he was exceedingly skillful and strong. He challenged me like he didn't care who I was. Yujen was wearing the same clothes as that Man that's why I was confused, but during the wedding, he wore different clothes," Liang looked up at his Father.

Strong, skillful, and challenged Biah Manor with no regard? No one in the Northern Kingdom was bold enough to do such a thing. Everyone in the Kingdom knew Yuliah was a recluse, she had no other Man, and few people in her life. So where did this Man suddenly come from and who is he?

Advisor Biah took long strides down the hallway, mulling over the information Liang gave him. General Wey's ward switched clothes.

There was more to this, he made his way over to where his trusted Attendant was sitting.

"Lal, find out where General Wey was last night." Could it have been the General himself who came for Yuliah last night? No, the General was a skillful fighter but older now, he wouldn't have risked it.

"My Lord, I already know where General Wey went. The King summoned me to the Palace for those items, I brought back yesterday. At the same time he summoned General Wey for an urgent meeting, and afterward, he left with the Southern King and his General."

Advisor Biah's face twisted in disgust at the mention of the Southern Kingdom and that Demon from the Ethereal Forest. When the Ethereal Spirit came all the great clans and Kingdoms went to war and perished one by one along with the first world until there was but one left.

The one that Demon from the South guards like a dog. Advisor Biah loathed the Southern Kingdom, and the only reason they tolerated them was fear of that Demon, the one they call General Ryas. An unpredictable bastard who killed any who opposed him.

He lived too long and barely looked a day over thirty. King Taeyer and him hated how the General came and went with no regard for the North and demanded subservience from King Taeyer. King Taeyer's Father was a fool to allow this Man to continue treating the North as he did.

"My Lord, General has arrived," Lal woke him from his thoughts.


General Wey was summoned to Biah Manor. The moment he entered through the manor gates, Madam Biah stood outside waiting for him.

"General Wey!" Madam Biah wailed and pointed her finger at him. "Look what your vile daughter has done! She had a secret Man come here and burn our whole Manor down! They almost killed our Liang too!"

"Who killed my ward?" General Wey demanded. He paid no attention to her accusations. "He returned this morning stabbed to death. As far as I'm aware he was only here for Yuliah's wedding!"

Madam Biah's eyes narrowed, and her body tensed up, she was ready to attack General Wey, "He probably came here to help that wench daughter of yours, run away with her lover. They tried to kill my Liang! He must have killed him by accident."

"Liang was protecting himself when he stabbed your ward Yujen," Advisor Biah chimed in his eyes squinted at Madam Biah. He had arrived just in time before Liang's Mother made a fool out of Biah Manor.

"Yes, Yujen, he helped Yuliah to run away with her lover, and they tried to kill Liang!" Madam Biah pounded her chest.

"Where is your proof Madam Biah? Did you see him yourself?" General Wey's voice grew louder. "Yujen came only for the wedding!" He shouted at Madam Biah. "Where is my daughter?"

"She escaped with that Man. Did you think she would still be here in one piece if she had not escape? Especially after trying to kill Liang and burning down our Manor!" Advisor Biah accused again. "I hope you understand that if we catch them, and we will. Yuliah will die along with that Man."

General Wey stood up, his mouth opened then closed and walked away.

"General Wey! General Wey!" Madam Biah screamed. "You can't leave! You have to answer for what happened to my son!"

The General turned around his eyes were blood red, "Your son killed my ward and my daughter's probably dead too. I have a burial to prepare," he coldly replied then continued walking out.

Advisor Biah's face molted with anger while he watched General Wey Leave, he hated those who showed little contempt towards him.

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