

An heir was born. A huge uproar proceeded to awaken the anger of the whole Karasu clan. What anger them most is that the child was born wingless. A huge shame to the whole clan. They couldn't do a thing. It was a law in the clan that the first born from the blood of the head despite who the child belong to, after all any child from the 1st family has pure blood. If the child has any abnormalities a strong and reliable mate must be chosen.

"Mitsu I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." The head pleaded his mate.

Mitsu look at his mate. "How could I trust you? The evidence of your cheating_"

"I will do anything. I need you!"

"Then I want him out of the main house. I can't take it. Keep him away from me until I can stand seeing the child." Mitsu look at his mate with a defeated look.

Keisuke look at his pain mate. Guilty for hurting his love one. "I will do so my love. Until he will be called by the council. He will be away from you." He hug Mitsu. "Forgive me for my mistake."

"Where would he go?" feeling sorry for the infant at the same time angry at the bitch.

"The bitch will bring him to Kujo." Mitsu's eyes widen. Kujo is like a prison. Life there is the hardest among any provinces. "I will have them leave today. About the clan headship. I will have to train the brat but Azura is my chosen. He will mate the child and lead the clan."

Not once did they even think that the child had feelings and could be hurt. The pain of Kyou Karasu only starts now. The burden had been loaded.


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