
Samurai’s New Beginning (1)

"It seems it's about time. At the end of this bloody road."

On the top of a mountain peak at night were hundreds of dead bodies and swords. An older man was in the middle of the bodies and weapons.

The man looked to be from Japanese descent based on his outfit and weapons. He had a head full of gray hair, a wrinkled face, and both eyes slashed out.

He looked up, gazing at the starry sky

"Even covered in blood on my last breath. Why did I choose this life? Why did I walk down this path?" the man questioned himself.

"Sadly, as you said, you are at the end of your road Fumets or should I call you the Immortal Devil."

A somber tone had come from the starting path of the mountain.

A man in a yukata with the top half down, showing his muscular physique covered in scars. He was holding a stylish gourd full of sweet-smelling wine, taking sips as he walks, the wind swaying his yukata.

Shocked by the voice, Fumetsu bland facial expression spikes up into a big smile.

"I-is that you Musashi, my old friend?" Fumetsu questioned as he couldn't believe his ears, the voice he heard was so familiar.

"I've always wondered how a person with no eyesight could fight and identify someone," Musashi stated with his cheeks slightly red and puffed like a drunkard.

"It's all thanks to my 'Immortal Breath'," Fumetsu spoke under his breath, sighing.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you," Musashi inquired.

"I said it's good to see you, you drunkard bastard. Anyway how did you fi - kaff kaff."

Fumetsu was coughing with each word he spoke, paired with the small amounts of blood that exited his mouth.

"Try not to talk too much," Musashi said worriedly, "that sage told me where to find you."

"Ahh, so that's why you came to find me because of that man. Out of all the people I fought out of the whole of Asia and North America, he was the only one ever to defeat me. My biggest regret is not being able to beat him, the Wise Sage Tathagata, and completing my sword style," Fumetsu cursed.

Fumetsu started laughing uncontrollably as small amounts of blood also flew out his mouth. He looked up at the sky with a face full of regret, clenching his fists.

A second later he had stopped clenching his fist and shifted his gaze back Musashi.

"I see, so it was Tathagata," Fumetsu spoked in calm tone.

Musashi had interrupted Fumetsu's thoughts, saying, " I have a message from him. I don't know why but he said, 'To reach the peak, one must truly know that…"

Fumetsu had slightly phased out of the world of living, his body was rocking side to side, he couldn't hear rest of Masashi's words.

"Did you hear me?" Musashi asked with a curios face.

Musashi reached for his pants as he pulled out two small shot cups. He walked directly in front of Fumetsu, stepping over the dead bodies. He got on the ground sitting criss cross. He placed one cup in front of Fumetsu and one cup in front of himself as he started pouring out his sweet, aged wine from his gorge.

"I want have one last drink. Will you do me the honors?" Musashi inquired, slightly laughing.

Musashi replied, "Why not, for old time sakes. Before that last drink I need you to do me a favor or two."

"Sure, lay it on me." Musashi inquired wanting to know the details of the favors.

Fumetsu started to explain the details of his needs, "First, tell my subordinates I dismiss them…"

It had gone on like that, Fumetsu explained what he needed Musashi to do. It only took Fumetsu two minutes to explain

Musashi nodded, "Understood. Before I toast, I want to tell you that I've named my newborn after you."

Hearing the words, Musashi started laughing uncontrollably and started slapping the ground despite the blood. While he was laughing, some tears came out of his eyes. Musashi had thought Fumetsu's tears were of laughter, but they were of gratefulness.

"It's only been a year since we last met, now you already have another child. Let's hurry up and have this last drink, I feel my time cutting close," Fumetsu stated as he picked up the cup.

"kKay," Musashi replied, picking up his cup.

Both are bringing the shot cups near each other, and they collide, making a ding sound. They both took the shot straight to the head, putting a slight burn on their chest.

"That's the stuff," sighed Fumetsu with a big smile, "but make sure to spread that wine over my resting-"

Fumetsu couldn't finish his words as his time done, drawing his last breath The shot cup dropped out of Fumetsu's hands. His head fell on Musashi's lap.

An unknown liquid started dripping on Fumetsu's face. It was tears, the tears of Musashi, the tears of a sad brother.

"Goodbye, my good friend. May you rest in peace wherever you go," whispered Musashi as tears dropped down his face.

Saying that, Musashi wiped his tears as he picked up his dead friend to walk down the mountain. He was going to bury Fumetsu and do his favors.

Meanwhile, a deep dark crimson red light flew out of Fumetsu's dead body as it flew up to the sky, disappearing.

In a void of complete darkness, there is one thing of light. It is a soul. The same crimson light that flew out of Fumetsu's body and then disappeared. Fumetsu's soul started to shake as his consciousness awakened.

'Where am I? Is this supposed to be my hell? Haha, such dumb*sses. I've never been afraid to be alone! I've been alone my whole life.'

A golden light enclosed Fumetsu's soul in the next moment, making it impossible to move around. The golden light moved his soul at an invisible speed as it guided him somewhere.

After a couple of seconds, the golden light stopped moving his soul as he appeared in front of a world. Like before, his soul started moving as it went inside the world until it stopped inside a courtyard of a young child.

'Is this supposed to be reincarnation that the sage spoke about or something else? Shouldn't I be going into some cycle of reincarnation and not a person's body? Well, let's just keep observing.

After what felt like 1,000 years, Fumetsu viewed that whole world. He watched many pure souls rise to power as they had an unknown force called magic, which was nonexistent where he was born. Many strange creatures, most of whom used magic, such as dragons. Many influential figures could destroy countries, the most prominent mountains, and even dragons.

' I finally understand now. So it seems like this is supposed to reflect what I could have done in my life instead of killing—showing me people who wanted far greater power than me that chose a path of not peace instead of chaos. But to no avail. No matter what I see, I will never regret my path. Besides that, what interests me is how they cultivate this magical energy called mana? It's kinda similar to my technique.'

Everything stopped. The whole world froze as a hand made of energy came near Fumetsu.

'What the hell is going on.'

"Ohh, what's this, a mere ant here? I wonder if, never mind. Well, It doesn't matter. You are not supposed to be here, so sadly, I will erase you from existence," a voice of dominance echoed.

Fumetsu was left speechless as he didn't know what to do or what was going on, but he wasn't scared. Fumetsu has no reason to be scared as he died. He doesn't care anymore.

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