
Why Did This Happen

"Hey Son!" A kid with black hair turns his head to his father he looks like he's around the age of 15 wait why am I saying this about myself "Yes, Father" Ok what does he want "Where Homeless Now" Makes me wonder? how'd he say that so calmly? Well, I'd get up from my chair and ask, "What!? You Just Say Cause I Thought I Just Heard You Say- , "Son Where Homeless" I'd thought it was a joke but then I turned to mom as she did a suttle nod to agree with him we were on the 5th floor of a multi-million dollar house on the balcony Where I was sitting to enjoy a book I found in our personal library called "From Rich To Poor" By Mr. Grudno Meger. I think Mr. Meger could see into the future. So I took a leap of faith and jumped off the 5th floor of a multi-million dollar house. That didn't end well, did it.

WELP now that were homeless, I'd like to say it wasn't my fault it was the idiots that ran the Moku Mara into the ground as my father, mother, sister and I now stayed in a cardboard box in the dumpster next to us "Can I Use The bathroom Mother" My little sister still thought it was a joke "No Sweetie But You Could Use The Bucket Right Here" Mom why, then I remembered "Dad Question" He turned at me "Did I Really Go From Father To Dad Wow I Must Be Bad" I look at him and nod to agree he's face turned from a smirk to a frown cause I respected him for being smart but now that he lost Moku Mara cause of his foolish leadership skills he lost my respect. You might wonder how did they lose the Moku Mara well that's a long one some idiot aka dad aka Mike Mara spent 100 million USD on gold statues but he added two more 0s at the end which made it 10 billion USD and now we are 7.2 billion and debt well you might ask so the Moku Mara wasn't lost so how d'ya'll lose it I don't think I'd work at a job I didn't get paid at if the owner of the company spend 10 billion dollars out of the 3.8 billion dollars (yes not of his own money) how could he pay his millions of workers nationwide and want to know what we sell burgers... yes Moku Mara is a fast-food company but we did make that console back in 1999 before I was born (I was born in 2005 the company was started in 1997 when my parent were both 19) welp now that you know that let's finish "Back In 2018 Y'all Were Talking About Buying A House In Japan For Fun That Lasted like 53 Years It Was Huge When You Showed Me The Picture So Why Don't We Go Live There?"

Yes, and now we are trying to sneak on a plane.... It worked, we snuck on how'd we do it don't ask as if I would ever know as we were almost there we found a cat with a bell around its neck well not we only me but the cat was transparent like a ghost so I tried to touch it but that didn't work out in my favor I couldn't touch like it was a dream or something it was weird but I didn't worry about it cause it was a dream when I awoke I was in Japan. I knew a little about what they spoke wait why am i speaking like this um.. I mean I learned some Japanese my little sister knows a lot about it cause she's a weeb I didn't judge the anime girls do look nice just like movies better like from that one Gisney with those super hero movies I like Ec too they're good so as we made it to the estate it was huge like one of those famous mafia people houses I was scared at first then it felt normal living in a Japanese-style house wasn't but the big house felt like home. I don't like small spaces they make me feel weird cause since I was born where ever I lived was huge I've gotten used to it but there's one thing that scares me at night time in enormous buildings/houses are freaky at night they make me want to wet myself when I was 4 we lived in a huge house my dad who was growing grey hairs and my mom looking for ways to look younger I was wondering around the house (ps my mom and dad were 31 years old at the time they looked 40 tho) I got lost yes the house was so big I got lost inside then it turned dark my parents didn't bother to look cause they were worried they'd get lost too those idiots leaving their child for death I was looking for them in the dark took me 7 hours to find them i was not happy I ignored them for 1 and a half months then they had the perfect idea to make a map for a 4-year-old yes like I would understand a map then we moved now that im done sharing my fears lets get back to the house it was fully furnished and had more than enough rooms so im got the one closes to the bathroom and that's how my parents avoided debt for the time being.

Now that I finish junior high im in high school so I went to a public school it my first time in one im not that stuck up am I? The day before my parents gave me a rundown about how school works we have uniforms I was used to that cause private schools has those. The first day is here my little sister taught me the basics of the Japanese language like "Hello" "My Name Is" And so on I was ready or so I thought the second I entered the room I was sweating like crazy scared as hell please help I thought to myself "Hello There My Name Is Moku Mara And Yes I Am Named after A Fast-Food Company That Went Under I'll Answer Any Questions Y'all Have" Every look at me weird "Does That Mean Your From America?" I nodded my head "What Does You Name Mean?" I look at him with confusion, then I remembered Japanese people have like meaning to their name "Well Im Named After A Company I Really Dont know What Moku Means" Then the teacher pointed to a seat and so I walked over there and set I was carefree but what I didn't know is that life would take a turn for the worst.

After class I was bombarded with questions didn't know what to do and I only understood a couple of them by the time lunch rolled around every forgot I was a thing now my peaceful school life shawl, start I don't really eat Japanese foods so I skipped out on getting lunch and went to the roof for no reason then I shawl someone on the edge bout to jump I just noticed people were shouting from below confused the person bout to jump was a girl look like she was in the same year as me and then said out of nowhere "I WILL JUMP!!" What I heard was "Want To Jump With Me" Um.. how should I respond I know "Hell Naw Man" Then she looked confused she had that wtf face on then i told her to "Jump By Yourself" Now she was extra confused you just said for me not to jump now you're telling me to jump then I realized what she meant and when I said hell naw man, she thought I was trying to stop her from jumping and then I said just jump now I know why she's confused I don't really care for people I don't know so I said "Jump Your Scared I'll Even Give A Little Push!" Then she was crying I don't get girls and said ok I won't jump and just set there so left school cause I was weirded out nobody wonder where I went because after this morning nobody even cared to remember his name so he just left

After that I spent the rest of the night learning Japanese then I asked my parents how are you going to pay back your debt "We Have 20 Jobs!" Wait what? I know there 7.2 billion dollars in debt but wait I forgot to go to school im 3 hours late welp guess ill head there now. My life will be pain in the butt, I hope it won't be like this forever. Nevermind Ima just go back to sleep cya school till next time.