


It been a week since Adelor learned his first spell *fire bolt* and the only thing Adelor had done since then was to practice his spell.

He would cast the spell in the training grounds until his mana pool was empty. After that he would meditate in order to fill the mana pool and start casting *fire bolt* again.

The training grounds he was practicing was nothing special. It just had a dummy that looked like a human but was actually made of iron. And a spell formation which prevented the spells going outside of the training grounds.

What Adelor was practicing was his aim with * fire bolt* and how to best use it in a battle.

His casting speed though, was improved by a lot. Adelor could cast that spell in 0.5 seconds. But what Adelor discovered was that even if it took 0.5 seconds to cast the spell he couldn't do it rapidly.

That is to say for example in 2 seconds he should be able to cast it four time but in reality he could only cast it three times.

Which was weird. The reason for that was that if the first spell took 0.5 seconds to cast. If he didn't take any short breaks, his casting speed would slow down. And his second spell it would take 0.6seconds and so on. Until you wouldn't be able to cast spells.

In other words he couldn't fire spells in rapid suspension like a machine gun as long as he had mana.

{It kinda makes sense that you wouldn't be able to turn into a magic machine gun but that would look cool though.}

But as the saying goes for every problem there is a solution.

And that solution came to him in the form of a magic skill.

Adelor learned a new magical skill by trying to cast spells rapidly.

The magic skill was called *rapid fire* and as the name suggested it allowed Adelor to cast a spell 3 times without time penalties.

After that the penalties would apply.

The most frustrating thing though, wasn't that he couldn't became a magic machine gun no. The most frustrating thing was his aim.

His training dummy was only 60 feet away and he could only hit it only 70% of the time. For some reason some of his shots went wide .

So after trying and trying for one week with only some meager results. Adelor died decided to ask for advice. So he went to find his father.

As he went out of his training grounds which was separated from the training grounds of the others.

He saw his father's butler Sebas which was training his son in the way of the warriors.

By the way Harold his son, was actually quite talented as a warrior. While he still was a level zero warrior that was only because of his age.He was still only 7 years old after all.

"HAROLD, there is a candy behind you, on the ground."

Adelor shouted in order to distract him and it worked like a charm.

The small kid who would come to his room and start bribing him with toys. And complain how hard life was.

Hadn't changed much, he still liked candy and cookies. In fact he liked them so much that he and Adelor had once gone to one of the stores inside of the inner walls and stole a hole bunch of them.

Harold who looked on the ground for candies, was hit by Sebas fist.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that he would have panda eyes for some time.

"Young lord that was a low blow. There were no candies"

What surprised Adelor was that He wasn't mad for getting punched in the face but he was mad because there were no candies.

{I wonder if this kid has a candy for a brain. But then again, the only reason why I keep him around is because he is so easy to manipulate}

"Hahaah you shouldn't get distracted in battle Harold. O and by the way meet me after training I have some news for you. And don't forget the thing I asked for"

"No problem"

That was all that Harold said before starting to fight again.

As for Sebas he didn't ask anything because they would always spent time together.

After that he went to find his father. Which was in the hallway with some other guy having a chat.

So Adelor decided to leave him alone with his guest. He didn't won't to hinder him and honestly Adelor had no interest to meet some noble.

Just as Adelor was leaving, his father's voice reached him.

"O Adelor come and say hello to uncle Oliver."

At that time there was nothing that he could do , so he turned around and walked tours this 'uncle Oliver'

As he come closer to Oliver he started seeing him better. Oliver was a short man around 1.60 centimetres and he had a square jaw. With buffy muscles, his outfit only highlight that fact even more.

He looked young though. In fact he could be even younger than his father.

On impulse he activated mana sight. But to his disappointment he found out that the man wasn't a mage. He had no mana inside of him or at least Adelor couldn't see it.

"Hello uncle Oliver, my name is Adelor Meseus Glades it's a pleasure to meet you."

Adelor said while doing a slight bow. It was practice for nobles to introduce themselves by their full names when meeting someone for the first time.

"O look would you look at that. Acting like a noble already. Quite a mature behavior you have for a brat that is."

{BRAT, you fucking bastard. Who are you calling a brat. I already feel ashamed for calling you 'uncle'

Maybe I should just kill you. Mmhh now that I think about it I killing him isn't such a bad idea.

I should keep my eyes open for an opportunity}

While Adelor was thinking that, on the outside his face didn't change.

He had an expressionless face as he said

"While I wish I could say the same thing as you said. I am afraid I can't. After all some of us still have the mentality of a child, so with all due respect I am taking my leave."

Then he turned to his father and informed him that he wanted to discuss something with him afterwards.

As Adelor was preparing to leave Oliver spoke.

"Hahaha quite a sharp tongue you have there Adelor. But I kinda asked for it anyways.

I am Oliver Theoon Vailis Meneelor

The fifth prince of the Tispra kingdom."

{What's up with that face. Do you expect me to worship you or something. You are just a Prince and the fifth one at that. }

The look on his face didn't change at all. That was something that Oliver hadn't anticipated at all.

He said that remark about Adelor in order to test him.

He knew about his talent as an awakened mage and he wanted to make a good impression on him.

His idea was to make Adelor say something bad about him in anger and then reveal his status.

And what better way to leave a good impression, than forgiving him after Adelor would have thought that made a grave mistake.

But it didn't work. Not only the kid hadn't become angry. He even insulted him indirectly.

Even after revealing his status as a prince, his expression hadn't change. So he had to try a different tactic.

"As I was coming here earlier I saw you practice your spell on the training grounds. You seem to miss the mark quite often maybe I can help you with that. You can consider it as an apology on my part."

{Ok this bastard has to die. There is something fishy about this situation and I don't like it one bit.

People don't offer help you for nothing. Especially a Prince.

So what is his motive for doing it.

Wait.... Don't tell me he is into little kids. I mean rich people have weird tastes so there is that.

Yep he has to die. He simply has to die, I won't let him do anything weird on me.}

"I would be quite honored to be able to receive your lessons but I am sure that you have more important things to do.

You are a Prince and the country needs you,I can't possibly take your time. It wouldn't be fair to the citizens of our kingdom.

They need you more then I do.

After all I still have my father who is an awakened mage but the citizens of our kingdom have only you"

That was how Adelor answered. If he still insisted to 'teach' him with his aim than Adelor wouldn't mind help him remember that he wasn't even a mage.

"Hahaha I am afraid that Adelor is right dear Oliver, the citizens of our kingdom need you."

His father backed him up

{Old man I have never loved you more in my life, than this moment.

Thanks for saving my ass.}

"But that's not the reason why Adelor refused your offer Oliver.

He probably refused you because he thought that you can't possibly teach him anything since you aren't even a mage."

Marcus knew his son. He didn't care about others. While he wasn't happy with that, he was aware of that fact. The only thing Adelor was interested was magic.

"Adelor don't be quick to judge others. A mage should keep an open mind and try to learn from everyone.

Oliver here is an old friend of mine. And if you want to improve your aim with magic you should stop thinking the magic bolt as an arrow.

But as a part of your body. Like your arm. For example do you take aim when you move your arm from one position to another.

No you simply move it. You have to do the same thing with magic. So go now and practice some more.

Oh and apologize to uncle Oliver for thinking him as a muscle head."

After Adelor apologized to Oliver and consolidated his opinion of killing him even more, he went to the training grounds.

He had to figure it out. Just how the fuck was he supposed to make magic feel like an arm to him.