
Becoming a father

In a another universe far, far away from our own, there is a planet called Meirix. Different from our own earth, Meirix has only one continent. Just like earth had. This continent is divided in several kingdoms and empires. But different from our own universe, this universe has something which its people call it mana. In this world there are a lot of different species and monsters that live in, but this its not the time to speak about them.

Because in the corner of this continent, in a kingdom called Tispra, there is a city that goes by the name of Wintervale. The city of Wintervale it's a medium sized city. The city is surrounded by high walls that reach up to 15 meters. In addition to that there also is an inner wall. Behind whose, live the privileged. Also marking, and dividing Wintervale in the inner city and outer city.

At this time of year, the city was entirely covered in snow. And winter in Wintervale city was harsh to say the last. In fact Wintervale got the word 'winter' in its name because not only was winter really cold but also it lasted for 9 months. A weird phenomenon.

Also if someone were to see the city of Wintervale from a Birdseye point of view during winter. It wouldn't be strange to think it as an abandoned city. Even though it was early evening, the people who were walking outside could be counted with one hand.

But despite the bitter cold outside, In one of the big Mansion of the inner city, you could see a man dressed lightly, who was pacing around nervously. Different from outside, the temperature in the room was a warm one. That was why the man was dressed lightly. The reason for the temperature inside the mansion was because of the rune formations. Which warmed up the air in the Manson.

This man who is so nervous, is called Marcus Meseus Glades. Marcus appears to be around 30years old. He is a tall but, slightly slim man. His black hair are just above his shoulders. And his blue eyes, that feel like it could read someone's soul with a glance, are showing sings of worry. But he is still maintaining an air of elegance and nobility around him.

The reason for his behavior is his wife who is giving birth in the other room. This feeling is new for him. This is the first time that Marcus has felt so helpless. His dear wife is giving birth but all he can do is walk around like an idiot.

"What a useless husband I am."

Marcus mumbled under his breath.

"Don't say so my lord, and please try to calm down a bit. After all walking around in circles won't solve anything."

A middle aged man, who was staying in the corner of the room answered him. This man was Sebas , his butler. Sebas had a neatly kept beard and short hair who were showing sings of ageing. But despite his age, his back was perfectly straight. Coupled with his broad shoulders, he made quite an imposing figure.

While Sebas was just a butler, Marcus viewed him as part of the family. The reason for that , was because He had been taking care of Marcus since he was a little kid.

"I know that Sebas, I know. But I can't calm down. Elisa is giving birth, while I am staying here like an idiot.All source of thoughts are entering my mind right now. Plus don't try to act all high and mighty with me, 2 years ago, when your wife was giving birth you all most fainted."

Being remained of that embarrassing moment, Sebas almost choked

~ cough, cough ~

" that was a low blow, my lord "

A sly smile came in Marcus face. "You deserved it you..... Just as Marcus was speaking, a call from the other room, interrupted him.


That was all Marcus need to rush into the room. When he entered he saw a blonde women,who was lying in a bed. She looked to be around 25 years old. Her face was pale and in her green eyes you could see a tiered look. That women was his wife Elisa. Her arms were holding a baby. Their son.

A variety of different emotions were passing him right now. Relief that his wife and child were in good health. Happiness, joy that he had a child now. As he approached his wife, he could see even better how tiered she was There were other people in the room too. The midwife who had helped Elisa give birth, a white mage and other maids but he didn't even bother to look them.

"Look Marc, he is our son. Isn't he beautiful". Elisa spoke to him quietly.

" Yes he is amazing , I also have an amazing wife by the way "

Elisa smiled a little. "Here hold it" she said while encouraging him with her eyes.

"A-A-Are you sure ,I don't think I can hold it ,I might hurt him."

With shaky hands and a nervous look in his eyes, Marcus took the child in his arms for the first time in his life. While holding him, he felt that right at that moment he was holding the most precious thing in the world. His small and delicate hands were trying to grab him. His blue eyes were looking at him with curiosity.

If someone were to ask him 'what is your greatest achievement?' right at that moment, he would defiantly answer,his son. That was his greatest achievement.

Everything he had done before he would gladly burn it down for his son. Everything from now on would be so worthless without his son. Marcus wondered if his father had felt like that too.

"He is so weak,so small, he has to eat a lot in the future to grow up in a strong man"

"You were like that too, when you were born, my lord. In fact you were even smaller than him."

Sebas who at some point of time, had entered the room,gladly remained Marcus of that.


Elisa couldn't help but laugh at her husbands red face. The hole room was envelope in soft laughter. Well accept Marcus of course, it was safe to say he didn't enjoy the joke.

"Sebas if you keep spouting nonsense like that, I will tell your wife "

At the mentioning of his wife Sebas face became slightly pale.

"Hmmm... You see my lord I just remembered I got this thing to do...so I think I will go and take care of it. I will leave you and madam alone now"

Except the midwife and the white mage everyone went out with Sebas.

"Hahaha, works every time. Sebas is so scared of his wife."

"Ohh is that so, and you aren't scared at all?"

A suspicious looking Elisa was watching him with eyes half closed Marcus blood run cold. He knew how scary Elisa could be.

"Mmmm...about that...oh look how cute our son is "

A pale faced Marcus did his best to change the subject. As he was saying that, a thought crossed his mind. His newborn son hadn't cried,like at all. He instantly became worried.

"Is it normal for him not to cry? Is everything OK with him?"

Marcus for the first time since entering the room looked at the white mage.

"Calm down my lord there is nothing wrong with him, I checked him already, and he did cry before. He is just a little quite then normal but nothing to worry about."

The Mage answered him with a professional voice.

"Is that so, it seems I am more nervous then I thought."

"Sine every thing is in order my lord, I will be excusing my self. I would also recommend for the madam to have some rest"

With a nod from Marcus, the white mage and the midwife went out of the room.

As Marcus and Elisa were having some alone time together, watching their son as he slept, Marcus couldn't help but ask.

"How should we name him?"

An angry looking Elisa answered him.

"What do you mean 'how should we name him' we have discussed this a thousand times already. We will follow the tradition and name him after your father. Simple as that."

"Are you sure it is a good idea? This is my father we are talking about and you know that he doesn't exactly has a good reputation, right?"

"Of course I know but it also is a tradition. Your families tradition. Do you want this tradition that has gone for generations to suddenly end"

With a heavy sigh, Marcus said

"So be it then"

Marcus approached his son who now was in the arms of Elisa. Kissed him in the forehead and whispered in his ear.

Welcome to the world

Adelor Meseus Glades may your life be a long and a happy one"

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