
A Father's worries


Days went on.

The dark and long winter was finally over. And the sun started shining over Wintervale again. The hole city was filled with life.

The streets were bustling with activities. You could see people rushing to reach their destination.

Merchants were opening their stalls, displaying a variety of goods. And farmers were preparing to tend to their fields.

Humans weren't the only one to enjoy this short summer in Wintervale though.

In the nearby forest, a lot of animals were waking up from their winter sleep. The birds were

returning to the forest again. And the forest was bustling with activities too.

All in all, in Wintervale even though summer was short and it was mostly chilly, it was a happy time for everybody.

Well except for one young man in the Glades mansion. This man was sitting on his study and you could even see dark circles around his eyes. This man was of course the owner of this mansion, Marcus.

Beside him was his dear wife Elisa who had a worried expression on her face. But in her eyes you could also see determination.

And behind him was his most trusted subordinate, Sebas. Who also had a sad expression on his face.

Different from the warm and happy atmosphere outside. In this small study the atmosphere was heavy and gloomy.

"Are you absolutely sure, maybe you just made a mistake Marcus,

Maybe you saw it wrong"

His wife Elisa said with a hopeful voice.

"I wish I could say that but this is not the case. I have checked it a thousand times already.

Adelor is absorbing mana unconsciously inside of his body.

Every time he goes sleep he does that"

Yes Marcus had noticed this thing about his son. It started six months ago. When Adelor went to sleep he would absorb mana. And everyday that passed he would continue to absorb even more mana that the day before.

"And you know what this means too. It means that Adelor is an Awakened mage just like me.

But the time of his awakening was too soon and now it's risking his life."

In the world of Meirix there were two general professions the warriors and mages. Their power is measured by the amount of starts.

With 0 stars being the weakest and the 9 stars being the strongest.

Mages had a special position in society though. The reason for that being that the amount of people who could sense the mana in the air was very small. But even among the mages there were was an even rarer kind of mages. The Awakened Mages.

The difference between them is that the Awakened Mages have unlocked their mental space. This mental space played a huge role in the life of a mage.

Because Mages in general had four ways to cast spells.

The first way is through chanting. This way mages can cast almost any type of spell. But this way of casting had a huge disadvantage. The casting time was too long. Even level 0 spells required one or two sentence to cast

The second way was by inscribing the spell model inside of their mental space. The amount of spells a mage could cast this way was limited by his spell slots but the casting time was very fast and was only limited by your mana manipulation skill. But not every mage could open their mental space.

The third way was through bloodline. There were special bloodline that gave the opportunity to cast spells.

And the final way was through having a bound with a magical beast.

"My lord I don't understand why is it a problem that young Adelor is absorbing mana?"

"The problem is his age Sebas, his Age. You see normally mages open their mental space before the age of 10 but they are not born with it though. Adelor on the other hand is born with his mental space opened.

A rare occurrence but it can happen. The problem is that the human body isn't suitable to take mana in before the age of one years old. If you do so two things can happen .

First and the most possible thing is that the mana and the body clash with each other and cause an explosion.

The second possibility is that the mana and the body somehow adapt and merge together.

The possibility of this happening is small."

"But it can happen right, Adelor can live."

Elisa was watching her husband with hopeful eyes. Hoping that somehow her son could be saved, she couldn't bear the thought of her son death.

"I...I don't know Elisa I don't know.

I have all ready done every thing I can, I have placed a huge number of rune formations to lower the mana density in our room.

But Adelor is still able to absorb mana. "

They had prevented him from leaving his room. Since Adelor had started crawling he would try to go everywhere.

He was a smart kid. In fact one time he had even used one of his toys to prevent the door from being fully closed.

So he could open it later and go outside.

His curiosity knew no bounds. Marcus still remembered the look of wonder on his son face when he saw the stars for the firs time.

"My lord, please forgive me for saying this but how about we ask help from the royal family. Maybe their 9 star mage can do something about young Adelor condition."

At the mentioning of the royal family Marcus face darkened.

He wasn't a fan of the royal family to say the least.

Marcus himself was a 5 star awakened mage and he still was only 30 years old. So you could say he was quite talented but he still had no idea how to solve this problem.

While it was true that the royal family and their 9 Star awakened mage could probably do something about his son condition. They wouldn't go around doing charity.

They would ask for something in return. Marcus knew what they would ask but for his son sake he decided to forgo his pride and beg.

With a heavy sigh Marcus produced a small square object, seemly from nowhere and answered.

"I know what to do Sebas, I know.

Elisa stay by my side, while you Sebas can go not"

Sebas acknowledged the order with a nod and went out of the room.

In Marcus hand was a device called magic speaker which made it possible to for two people to speak over long distances.

But this wasn't an ordinary magic speaker though. This particular magic speaker was an one time use magic item which granted the user a direct line to the king himself.

Marcus had earned it because every awakened mage which reached 5 stars was granted one.

An item like this was extremely precious but Marcus was prepared to use it.

This way the other noble families wouldn't know anything about his son. After all it wouldn't be a surprise for him, if they send an assassin or two.

So Marcus crushed the item and the room was filled with lights for a moment.

After a few minutes of waiting a stoic voice reached his ears and a holographic figure appeared above his desk.

"What a beautiful surprise you have made me today Marcus, its been such a long time since I saw you. You were a baby back then. Haahah"

A figure with golden eyes and blonde hairs appeared in his view.

He appeared to be around 70years old but his voice was filled with vitality.

This man was King Glavel the third

"It's a pleasure to be able to see your Majesty again, there is no doubt about that"

Marcus sad this while he made a small bow with his head.

"Though I am calling his Majesty for a sensitive matter and I wonder if we could have a talk alone your Majesty."

Marcus knew that even if these calls were supposed to be in private in reality the king was never alone during these calls. There always was either a maid, a guard or someone else around.

"Ohhh this old king wonders what you have to say Marcus. Alright, you lot can leave now."

After a few moments the king continued

"So what is so important that you need me alone to say it, Marcus"

"Yes,thank you for granting me this request your Majesty.

Your Majesty a few months ago I had my first born son.

Your Majesty I have good news and bad news for our kingdom.

My son is an awakened, he has opened his mental space but he also is absorbing mana unconsciously. I was wondering if your Majesty had a solution.

"Ohh that is indeed a good news for our kingdom to be able to have another awakened mage,.

I will discuss this matter with the Royal Head mage and see if he has a solution to this small problem"

With that the conversion ended and Marcus knew that from this point forward, the royal family would do anything in their power to control the life of his son.

And have him by their side, but Marcus didn't care at least his son would live.

He was happy with that even if the Royal family forced his son to marry one of their princess at least he wold live.

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