


There is a saying in Egypt.

Time waits for no one and only the great pyramids are eternal.

That couldn't be more true in case of Adelor. In a blink of an eye 3 years have passed since the day, Adelor meet the 'Gandalf'

He was now almost 4 years old and he had learned a lot about his new reality.

The world he was in was called Meirix and he was in a city called Wintervale. Which was part of the Tispra kingdom.

He also learned a hole bunch about the power system on Tispra.

Apparently Tispra and the neighborhood kingdoms had a feudal system.

The good news was that his father was a noble. But he had no land. His father was given the title of a noble because of his power as an awakened mage.

Oh yeah...fun fact,Adelor learned that the 'real mage' that the Master Magus mentioned in the letter, is referred as an awakened mage nowadays.

Adelor also learned a lot about mages. After he become 2 years old his mother, instead of reading him bed time stories, she would read him about mages.

His father from time to time would organize different puzzles and other things.

And he was allowed to go out of that dammed room. Of course a few bodyguard were always around him.

The reason for their change in aptitude was the fact that he was born with an open mental space.

After opening the mental space kids could take in more information and learned more quickly.

It didn't made any sense to Adelor but he didn't care.

Also Adelor finally learned how to cast spells. Apparently in order to cast spells you need to construct the spell mode in your mental space.

He had no spells models so, in his mental space the spell book was still empty.

But after that bath that he received from the 'Gandalf' he learned a new magic skill. He called it spirit magic.

In fact it was similar to telekinesis. With his mana he could make the objects around him move.

Or create a shield around him. He liked to call it mana shield.

For Adelor today was a special day because his father had promised to teach him a spell model.

Of course his father wasn't doing it for free. He told him that he would let him learn a spell model only if he created a coded language.

{As if creating a coded language is going to stop me. While I am not proud for using 'the Morse code' but I don't have time to fool around .}

That's right Adelor was using the 'Morse code' . All he did was change it a little bit. So that it was more suitable for the language of this world.

So after one week since he received his task from his father Adelor went straight to his study.

The study was the same as it had been when he was a toddler.

His father was behind his desk reading something.

"Old man you better have some awesome spell models form me. This thing was a pain in neck to do."

Marcus was surprised to see that Adelor had completed his task. It hadn't been more than a week since he had assigned him that task.

"Adelor you can't just put some weird characters together and claim that it's a code, OK?

A code has to make sense"

"And what makes you thing that this thing doesn't make sense.

Look every character responses to different letters on our language."

After Marcus started looking it more seriously he found out that indeed that was the truth.

While it was weird. It still accomplished the requirements to be considered a coded language.

"OK a promise is a promise.

Here are some zero star spell models."

In front of Adelor there were 5 scrolls . he couldn't see what was inside but outside his scrolls a part of them was written. Explaining what their effect were.

"Make a wise choice Adelor. Because after you construct the spell model inside of your mental space there is no going back.

You can't change it. While you could cast the spell how many times you want as long as you have mana. The number of spell slots in your mental space is limited.

So mages can only cast a few type of different spells."

Marcus actually put in front of him some useless level zero spells. While all level zero spells were mostly useless. Some of them were a little less useless

The reason for that was to teach Adelor the importance of planning what spells were more suitable for him.

Marcus was observing Adelor as he was reading the spells effects.

After he finished he looked Marcus in the eye and said to him.

"No one, this spells are utterly useless"

Marcus was a little bit surprised. He excepted Adelor to just choose one.

"Why you think so Adelor. These are level zero spells after all. You can't possibly except them to be useful"

Marcus decided to pressure Adelor a little bit, to see the real reason for his choice.

"Useful!! These spells are harmful, they do more bad than good. Look this spell called * Booming Blade*

Is used on your weapon in order to inflict more damage with it.

But I am not a warrior. Any warrior would kill me a hundred times before I use a sword to hit him.

Also this *Vicious Mockery* which makes animals target me, if I am hit I am dead. These spells aren't suitable for me so I won't chose any of them."

At this point Marcus was very happy for his son.

"Well done my son. This is the final lesson I will teach you. Don't just go around learning any spell model that might look cool or powerful.

Always think if its suitable for you.

Always think in what situations you can use it.

Now here these models are a little bit more useful"

As Marcus said that he retrieved a bunch of other scrolls and put them in front of Adelor.

While Marcus was glad that his son was learning at the same time he was a little sad.

He was sad because he could see in his sons eyes, that he didn't trust him. For some reason Adelor trusted no one.

Not him nor Elisa. He even didn't trusted his best friend, Harold.

He would play with him every day.

They had gotten in so much trouble together but Adelor still didn't completely trusted Harold.

"Old man what would have happened if I just chose one. You wouldn't have left me to construct them in my mental space, right?"

"In fact that was point, in order to learn something you have to suffer a little. You also have to learn to just accept defeat. You can't win all the time.

So you need to also learn from defeat. And that was supposed to be your punishment for calling me 'old man'. You know I am still in my youth."

"Old man I will mom about it. Then you will see what happens but today I am feeling generous so I can forgive you if you give me an advice on what spell to chose"


You are just like my father. But unfortunately for you that won't work this time. Because only you yourself can know what is best for you. My advice would just hinder you"

{Dammit old man just say you won't help no need to make it sound as you are doing me a favour.}

Adelor thought internally.

After an our of carful consideration Adelor chose a spell called *Fire bolt*

Fire bolt level– 0

Range – 120 feet


You hurl a bolt of fire at an enemy or object within range.

Adelor didn't ask to take a second spell model because he knew that usually an awakened mage had only about 3-4 different spell models of the same level as them in their mental space.

Also learning a spell model wasn't easy. In fact a lot of awakened mages would hit a bottle neck because they were unable to construct them.

After he took the scroll, Adelor left the study and went to his room.

He needed a quite place.

His room wasn't as big as his parents was. And it was decorated in a simple way. With nothing extravagant .

There was a bed, a table beside it. And in the other part of the room was a simple bookshelf.

At least he had a good view from the window

Adelor placed the scroll on the table and opened it. What he saw were some weird geometric shapes put inside each other.

{No wonder it's hard to construct a spell model. If a level zero spell model is this complicated I don't wanna even think how messy a high level spell could be.}

After 3 hours of trying to remember the shapes with no success. Adelor was thinking of taking a break when a thought hit him

Instead of trying to remember the shapes and then trying to construct it inside his mental space by memory.

Why not cheat a little. Adelor was so good in sensing the mana that even inside of his mental space he could sense it.

He used spirit magic to prevent the mana specks in the air to go in certain places. This way the empty part that had no mana was the spell model he needed to construct.

It was a really good idea in fact and it worked.

But what Adelor didn't know was that humans don't have access to spirit magic. That is to say that humans could only use their body strength and mana.

The only races to be able to manipulate the spiritual power were Dragons, Angels and Demons.

The advantage of spiritual power was that different from mana it didn't need a spell model to use, only the user imagination.

But at the same time the chances to hurt yourself were greater.

A lot of powerful beings had meet their ends this way.

Adelor Meseus Glades

Strength — 0.3

Speed. — 0.5

Life force — 0.8

Spirit. — 3.62

Mana pool — 30.4

Magical skills —

mana manipulation

Spirit manipulation

Innate talents

superior mana sense

smaller mana pool

strong spirit

magical genius

cultivation enthusiast

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