

Aria Di Angelo just finished her last show for her tour. She beamed as the audience cheered, "Le-mi! Le-mi!" Over, and over again. Lemi was her stage name.

She pushed her long golden hair behind her ears and smiled her signature smile. She is a girl who never seems like anything bad has ever happened to her, but that's not true.You shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Aria Di Angelo POV

I finished my last tour show, my Fire Rocket Tour, and I was crying on stage.

"Everyone, I'm extremely grateful for supporting me today. Thank you!" I said. My fans cheered, while I left the stage, after bowing several more times.

"Well done, Aria!" my manager Ichika congratulated me, patting my back and wiping my sweat with a tissue.

I went to the waiting room with my name on. I got my phone and went on Instagram. I posted a selfie, and in the description, 'Thank you, everyone, for supporting me for the whole tour! New music will be coming soon! I promised, but what I didn't know was that this will be my last show as Lemi and the last time I would post on Instagram on this account …

heehee hope u liked it lmaoo

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