
The life of a Don

It was a world where strength mattered most a world where in return for protection the mighty were treated as gods, granted anything they wanted without fail where the greatest of them all could bend specific forces of nature as if they were extensions of their bodies conflict ever present and bloodshed plentiful but who would dare complain when tje rewards were worth it it was a world he didnt belong in yet he was there all the same, this is the story of a man who fate, circumstance and a promise thrust him into a position he could neither hate nor love decisions he could neither regret nor look fondly on this is the story of a Don. .................................................................................. Hey everyone this is actually my first book like ever, its a story that has been floating around my head for a while but i could never act on it due to never having a proper tools (the devuce i'm using right now is the keyboard is whack) but i decided to you knoe just do it so please bear with me if some spellings are bad and stuff i'll try my best to inprove the quality over time so yeah thanks for even considering this book and i hope you love it Ps I don't own the cover picture

ILLDOG · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Micheal's pov

A few moments later:

He was a monster, a graceful monster the way he cut through everyone was as beautiful as it was vicious, the blood splatter that followed his movements was reminesent of the work of a master artisan while the bright lights from the magic circles that followed him looked more like some revolutionary form of illumination that gave light to this dark night, it was a scene that majestic as it was horrendous after all he was killing people like they were children and didn't look the least bit sorry.

Back to present

Kalen's pov

I sent my sights on a scarred man and grabbed him by the collar, looking him straight in the eye with an expression resembling permafrost i asked him

"what happened here"

"ugh, ugh, ugh"

while he mumbled incoherently i noticed them, with a simple flick of my wrist i tossed him while jumping back, 'lightening burst' a 5th tier spell caused scortch marks to appear where i once stood, i turned to see about 20 men and women all the purple crows emblems on their shoulders, the scarred man instantly shot up to his feet while yelling

"bros kill this bastard quickly"

but to be honest he didn't need to say so judging from their expressions it seems these gentlemen already planned to do so

"you got a lotta nerve making a ruckus like so ya filthy bastard"

a woman amongst them half dwarf by the looks of things shouted

"yeah today's the one day i don't have to work"

another one, a man said, it seems they weren't concerned with the fact that i was a potential threat to the city but rather i dragged them from the various activities they were partaking in but i didn't have the energy to comment so instead i just pointed, they all turned their heads simultaneously the the sight of a young girl just 18 years of age lying down lifelessly her eyes still open a smile still on her face and a fist sized hole where her heart should be, they all turn back to look at me with dumbfounded expressions on their faces before one of them, a man with an axe asked me

"did you know the broad"


i replied,

"you're girlfriend or something"

"why does it matter"

i reply again this time frustration and anger evident in my voice

"just wanted to know how much the settlement would be"


i growl

"the settlement dummy or what this you're first time in Trident, the money from a dead lover is different from that of a sister"

at this point a bear of a man runs out of the crowd towards the new group the same emblem on his shoulder and a wisp of residual dark magic on his shoulder, the culprit , he does so while shouting

"yeah the settlement all we got to do is pay you right"

throughout this encounter i never once raise my head but now as i do so i ask

"what if i ask for his life"

i point at the bastard with venom in my eyes, such is the nature that even the the new group as pompus as it is steps back in fear, the man who joined them is grabbed by the same feeling before he smiles and says

"wait a minute guys"

everyone even the rest of the crowd he previously apart of turns to look at him

"remember, the boss said if anyone dies or get hurt tonight we'll be the ones to pay for it"

"you're point being"

a dark haired man with large rimmed glasses said, he seemed the be the leader of this group as he was also the one responsible for the first attack

"what if the public guild doesn't find the body"

"you're saying we should get rid of it"


"and what about him"

the leader said

"i reckon he's a tough one but with all of us that just two bodies to get rid of"

the leader took of hus glasses and began to clean them, it seems he was deep in thought but before he could answer so one rushed out from the crowd, some one i never expected came out to defend me


Michael yelled

"don't fight him"

the others quickly recognized who he was but did not seem too pleased but nevertheless he continued

"this guy is an S-class magis-sword if you kill him the guild will notice"

he then turned to me and said

"Kalen please take the gold it's the only way you'll live"

what was he saying, this man had hated me since the day we'd met but here he was trying to save me, i smiled

"Micheal, for as long as I've known you i always thought of you as many things bad, terrible and even downright despicable but never evil"

he flinched at those words like he wanted to argue but didn't then looked like he was contemplating whether he was worthy of those words

"it goods to see i was right, besides its seems they've made their decision"

"indeed we have you're too much of a hassle to be left alive"

Michael tried again

"what about the witnesses you don't want to do this"

"don't worry, they won't say anything"

as he said this several members glared at the crowd who in turn shivered in fear

"click SFX "

i had removed the guard around my blade while saying

"Samuel Crowdough"

the man in glasses, Samuel looked at me whilst raising his eyebrow

"you know me "

"you used to be one of the Vercelli gangs numbers guys, when the guild took down one of their bases you ran to the crows after that you wanted poster was taken down, those poster's are only supposed to go down when the person is either in prison of in the ground, I'll rectify that"

he looked at me with an amused face before saying

"kill him"

two close combat experts dashed at me from both sides but with a spin i doged them both my blade still in its sheate, they turned around somewhat dazed only to see me in perfect form and their comrades laughing at them, so it anger they aproached me again this time more carefully before unleashing a flurry of blows but i doged everyone by a hair breath, after few seconds although they weren't tired physically the mental energy they expended trying to kill me tooks it effect so they tried to back off but

"don't let him off, if you give him the chance he'll draw his blade and you're both dead"

they stopped in their tracks from that warning then looked at me, i opened my mouth

"don't be mistaken, its not that i can't draw my blade, it's that don't have to against people of you're caliber"


everyone here was visibly shocked, a blade user claiming to be better at hand to hand than two cqc experts


they yelled in unison before charging

crack crack

and like that both were sent flying with huge depressions in their chests

"one inch punch"

they said in unison

i turned to see the others, they had thought to take the chance to bring me down while i was distracted but instead i drew my blade and

sheik, ugh, wah, help SFX

danced, my blade moved swiftly and quitely cutting them accurately at their jugulars in a flash of silver, i looked at my blade Elenor, my mothers blade the one she named after hers and one thing i had left of my family, she came to life in my hand reaping lives they nothing but wheat in a field and it wasn't long before all who stood before me was dead i stoopped to stare at Samuel who was furiously yelling into his occulous

"yes seriously bring all the reinforcements you can"

the frustration and panic in his voice disappeared as he heard my first step,

"don't come closer"

his previously calm and composed demeanour no where to be found as he sweated buckets


i took another, he took 2 backwards


i took 2, he stumbled and fell

"I'm sorry"

he was actively crying now, trying to crawl away when he came face to face with a wall

"don't kill me"

and just in front of him i stopped, he opened his eyes hoping to ti see mercy in mine but instead i began to speak

"it was you who organized the war between the parvochi's and the merchants association which claimed several lives, eventually the guild had to step in, several of my comrades died like that all in your pathetic attempt to increase your groups power, and instead of receiving punishment you went and hid amongst the crows"

"i know i know but I'm sorry ill..ill never do it again i swear"

"no you won't"

as i saud that a floating orb of fire appeared in my palm illuminating both our faces

"solorai's kiss"

and with those words the orb flew into his mouth and stopped at the center of his chest,

it began to burn his insides whillist spreading it self all over cooking him for.the inside out at a moderate pace, his screams echoing in the night until finally he was nothing but ash,

i raised my self up to see them, the reinforcements he sent staring transfixed atthe spot where their caller died in horror but they couldn't do that for long because at the next second a terrifying surge of mana made itself know in front of them, and like that slaughter continued.