

Chapter 4

In 14 years of being alive, Taehyung had many surprises upon waking up-once Jimin pretended being transformed into a zombie and had convinced Taehyung that the apocalypse had begun but was punched in face for spreading bullshit; once when Taehyung slept in class, he woke up to his teacher's horrendous glare and a good trashing later; quite a number of times he had woken up to his parent's boxy smiles and a huge birthday cake. A lot more of the times he would wake up with a stiff body due to sleeping in his PC chair with stale food surrounding him or after pulling tedious all-nighters to complete a task he had been procrastinating on for a while.

But never had he waken up to his cheek squished against someone's hard chest. Taehyung reeled back to what happened the night before and suddenly, he wanted nothing more but for the bed to make him disappear —like it did to trash—or just to get out of here and run away; but he couldn't because Jeongguk's right arm encircled Taehyung's waist and pressed him further close to his chest and no amounts of Taehyung's feeble tugs would stand against Super Strength.

Taehyung sighed over Jeongguk's bare chest as he felt his body parts—that were touching Jeongguk—tingle with a foreign sensation. Suddenly he was feeling hot and bothered as his heart thundered wildly in his rib-cage, threatening to break free. Taehyung gulped. He could smell the scent of fresh coconuts, those sweet carrots and some soft snow from Jeongguk and it was eerily calming. He let out a sigh, subconsciously wanting to cuddle more, but froze when he felt Jeongguk stir in his sleep.

Jeongguk was young, still considered a baby, but his body was hitting puberty early and abruptly. Taehyung was hyper aware of their intimacy, Jeongguk's lack of clothing and how their legs were intertwined with each others. Damn!

Taehyung closed his eyes when Jeongguk seemed to be mumbling something and contracting and relaxing his muscles. Taehyung heard a groan escape from the back of Jeongguk's throat when he bolted his eyes open. "Fuck!" he swore under his breath, feeling a rush of warm blood in his body. He remembered that he was a rabbit and Taehyung insisted to cuddle him to sleep. Maybe the spell reversed when he was asleep... his eyes were wide open now, mind still trying to work but he was in a daze. A sleeping Taehyung, so close to him made his heart flutter erratically and body sweat.

Softly, not wanting to wake up his pretending-to-be-asleep hyung, Jeongguk pulled his hand from Taehyung's waist and got up. He considered waiting a few seconds and admiring the sleeping beauty, but it was too dangerous if Namjoon or H.Kai woke up and saw him sitting there butt-naked and staring at his life-long frenemy like a sugar-deprived child staring at cotton candy. No, sir, no!

Stealthily, he opened the cupboard and took out one of Taehyung's hoodie that fit him perfectly because Taehyung wore clothes that were three times his size and Namjoon's sweatpants because no one else's would fit him, they were all tiny.

Jeongguk pulled down the grey hoodie and took a long waft as the scent of roses and strawberries seemed to engulf him. So like Taehyung. He looked around and thankfully, his phone was kept on the bedside table. He unlocked it, sneaked a picture (or two) of sleeping Tae and rushed out of dorm V-5 back to T-7.


Jeon Jeongguk wanted revenge.

Taehyung's little spectacle of showing-bunny-Jeongguk-off in the hallways and Jimin's video of Jeongguk munching on carrots, like they were his last meal, had made him even more well known around the place.

Every breath or two later, there would be someone standing near him, trying to compare his face with the rabbit's. "At least the teeth match," Jeongguk was tired of hearing it over and over. He had never felt more insecure of his teeth in all his life. Even the judgmental dentists were nothing in front of these shameless teenagers.

Jeongguk would hear people whispering about him, pointing at him, giggling behind him and calling him "Bugs Bunny reincarnated!"

Three days in and Jeongguk was tired of it and he wanted REVENGE!

Obviously they all would have gotten bored of Jeongguk in a week's time but he couldn't live with the feeling that his suffering was causing someone else happiness. No, Jeongguk was pretty selfish and he loves playing Karma quite a lot, even if it always ends disastrous.

And maybe fates were on his side when a week later he saw Taehyung carrying a miniature model of the school. It was a part of his midterm grade; he overheard Taehyung and Yoongi talking. Yoongi seemed to have developed a Taehyung sized soft spot in his heart and would hear out the ash head rant over weird things and still provide him notes even if he interrupted his sleep. How it was possible, Jin wanted to know!

That day Taehyung was sitting with Jieun as she was talking to him animatedly and Taehyung was listening to her with utmost concentration and dedication. And suddenly they were laughing over something she had said and Jeongguk felt something tickle his gut. She pulled out a hair tie and pushed her raven curls in a top knot and Taehyung seemed to be visibly blushing. And the next thing he saw was Jieun ruffling Taehyung's hair and pinching his cheeks. Jeongguk's nostrils flared and the spoon in his hand now had a permanent imprint of Jeongguk's middle finger.

Now they had joined heads as Jieun was busy assembling pieces and Taehyung was sticking them together. And their hands were touching.


Jimin was sitting on the grass hills, reading his 'Magical Harmony' textbook when he felt a strong gust of hatred stabbing his mind, wanting to be acknowledged. 'Someone must be really angry somewhere and someone will be in deep shit soon...pity,' he thought to himself and covered his ears with his headphones, 'BANG, BANG, BANG' resonated his mind.

Mid terms were approaching and Jeongguk had not even started on his project. He was hell bent on avoiding Jimin because Merlin if he read his mind, there would be chaos! Taehyung's project was all done now and Jeongguk just had to ruin it! That was the easy part because he was friends with a person named Kim Namjoon whose existence was a bane for each one of Jeongguk's revenge schemes.

Taehyung and Namjoon were roommates on top of that. As if Merlin himself wanted it all to happen. The simplicity of this situation had his mind boggled. Anything related to Namjoon left his mind boggled.

"Namjoon hyung!" Jeongguk called out.

He was standing against his locker, the golden china plate on his head (the plate never left Jeongguk's side, since 1st year, when he was in the hallways. It was obsessed!), as he spotted Namjoon's trade mark messy dirty blonde hair amongst the crowd of colorful heads.

"Namjoon hyung! Here!" Jeongguk called out again, a devilish smirk on his lips. If Jin or Jimin were anywhere nearby, they'd know Jeongguk was brewing up trouble.

Namjoon seemed to have finally heard Jeongguk after his third call and headed his way. "Yeah, Waddup bro?" he smacked Jeongguk's back. The younger gave him a stiff smile.

"Do you remember that you promised to watch 'Wrecked' with me?" he spoke with a pout. Namjoon frowned. Did I?

"I did...?" he voiced his own thoughts. Jeongguk nodded vigorously.

"Oh...okay...when was it though?" he questioned, looking uncertain.

"Oh common hyung, it is a weekend, don't stress yourself too much! You promised me that one time when I covered for your detention, now hurry!" Jeongguk babbled lies and grabbed Namjoon's hand, pulling him to V-5, while Namjoon just wondered which hellish detention did Jeongguk cover for me?!

Just as they entered the dorm, anticlimactically, Taehyung's weird excuse of a model was kept on the bedside table between Namjoon and Taehyung's bed-quite unprotected.

Jeongguk plopped himself on Namjoon's bed and eyed his hyung closing the door looking a tad distracted. Am I getting old...? No, I'm just a teen...why am I having a MEMORY LOSS?!!

"Common hyung, stop looking so unsure!" Jeongguk whined and Namjoon nodded. "Yeah, right," he muttered and walked up to the bed side cabinet to fetch his laptop. Jeongguk pulled out a small pearl from his pocket, that he had sneaked it from Jin's jewelry box, and sneakily aimed it at Namjoon's back.

Namjoon squatted down to take out his laptop and just when he stood up, he felt something hit his back with such force that it propelled him forward and over...oh...oh!...OH NO!

The pearl hit the small of Namjoon's back and with Jeongguk's strength, there was no stopping Namjoon from toppling over Taehyung's project. The horrified face that Namjoon made was so hilarious, Jeongguk wanted to laugh out loud. But he didn't. Stay in character!

There was a flash of Blue mist and Taehyung's project lay on the ground in pieces with dread laced over Namjoon's face. "Oh! Oh no! Dear Merlin no! What have I done?!" Namjoon all but cried out loud, eyes widening to the point of jumping out of his sockets and running away to unsee the tragic end of Taehyung's project.

"Yeah Hyung, what have you done?! Taehyung worked so hard on that! We have to show it on Monday!" Jeongguk fake gasped, looking appalled. He should try out a career in acting. No kidding.

Namjoon turned around in a frantic frenzy. "You mean this Monday?! Like day after tomorrow, Monday?!" Namjoon looked like if he would touch himself, he'd also break in shambles-just like Taehyung's late project.

Jeongguk nodded, faking mortified. "Yeah," he whispered real slow. Namjoon's heart lurched to his gut and he felt like puking. "Merlin help...no...wait! Find H.Kai! Fast! He can restore it!" suddenly there was light in Namjoon's eyes.

"Hyung, we are not allowed to use magic on projects. When Taehyung crosses the no-magic barrier, his project would lie in shambles again and that would be even more embarrassing!" Jeongguk reasoned out, quite evilly fanning out the light of hope in Namjoon's eyes.

They heard a faint laugh on the door and before Namjoon could clear up the crime scene, the door flung open and Jeongguk sighed dreamily upon seeing Taehyung's beautiful boxy smile caused by one of Jin's dad jokes.

Stop Jeongguk. He was plotting revenge against him and still fawning over him? He was a fucked up character!

"Oh hello Jeongguk, here you are! Taehyung and I were just going to watch Wrecked, wanna join?" Jin chirped.

Someone tell Namjoon why the hell is everyone obsessing over 'wrecked' this day!

"Yeah, no thanks, I fully saw a live in-action version of wrecked and I must say, I'm quite satisfied with it," Jeongguk replied with a hint of amusement. Jin frowned at Jeongguk's words but Taehyung's "KIM NAMJOON I AM GOING TO BE YOUR WRECKING BALL" cleared it all out.

Don't worry, Namjoon survived.

Just barely.

Thank Yoongi and Hoseok.

a short chapter.

cuz everyone else does the same here.

my above average chappie length will do me no good if I have to continue this book for a while....

I guess you peeps don't like my story or writing...I've got 1.1K views and I couldn't be more grateful!!! but...there's no votes or comments or collections...its sad....oh well...

thanks for giving me a chance. see u tomorrow ~~

Rinne_Auroracreators' thoughts
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