

"is this true! whats going on... is this some kind of a joke?" I was enraged. the pain I tried to forget, flooding back.

"no. it's not.it's very real, but..." she steered of in a thought.

" but what" I pushed in a pain filled anger.

"how though,... she was never pregnant or away for long enough for it to have been secret. I just don't get it. I mean we did the DNA test you asked us to do and it all came back positive... she's your daughter." those words hit like a bomb. the sheer emotions that flooded over me, making me question what to feel, happy, sad, angry he didn't know what to feel.

"go in and talk to her, calmly! she's probably terrified right now."

she pleaded to me with just a look and finally I cracked.

"christina" I called to her right before she left

"what would she do" my tone was soft and fragile.

"listen" Christina simply smiled and ,lightly on her toes, walked away.

I entered the room to find her sitting by the window just looking down at all that was bellow. As I grew closer she grew aware of my presence and without nerves, looked at me. "I often wondered what it would look like but I was never allowed or able to see it's beauty from above."

I couldn't help but just stare in awe at her. she looked so much like her but she has my eyes.

"christina informed me about the mark... can I see?" I steped lightly and with caution but she didnt look fazed at all she just bowed her head as yes and took off her black leather jacket. she turned and looked at me again this time moving her entire body to show the birth mark of the birds. " im guessing you had no idea she was even pregnant by your reaction outside." she had heard me. I felt cruel by what I said out side. "want me to explain why or would you rather not know." she said this emotionless yet still showing compassion in her voice.

I just looked at her with a face filled with thought "yes I do."

"when they took her to open the box they found she was pregnant. they were going to... abort me but..." she froze as a chill ran down her spine and goosebumps covered her skin. she crossed her arms in front of her leaning forward and keeping her head down, so to not catch his eye. "but instead they decided to experiment on me. A pure divergent child. They didn't tell her they changed their minds and told her they were getting rid of ... me." I looked the floor in disgust and pain. slowly, I moved towards the seat and sat next to her while she spoke but then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. "then from there they used me for experiment and kept me alive with machinery. But unaware to them, from the moment they took me I could hear, see and think on my own. every night I could hear her crying to herself, and one night vowing to never speak about it or me again... After that night i never heard her again. I grew for months being attached to a machine. I was just a baby but was sealed off inside a room no one could find and no one had been in for months.

then as I was crying hysterically a kind woman found me." I snapped out of the gaze toward her back and focused on her face. she was crying. trying to hold it in her silent tears made me want to stop her pain. I placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her but she threw it off and stood away in fear. her chest was racing,... she was fully terrified.

I finally asked her

"what's on you back?" I asked it out of concern yet I still sounded aggressive. A glaze covered over her eyes as she found it hard to keep it in any more. aproching her with causion I made sure to stand closely to her to listen.

"they-y a-are. punishments." she said this with only fear and sorrow in her voice.

a secret un folding. being told what tretury was she faced with. who knows what will happen

lily177creators' thoughts
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