
Going down

When Blade opened her eyes she saw her mom and her little sister standing over her. They looked worried, Blade had seen the tears running down her mothers face. As she was waking up she saw her sister holding her hand. When Rosie had seen Blade's eyes open she immediately hugged her as tight as she could. She had tried to sit up but her back started hurting. She looked down at her arm and saw the IV in her arm, She then looked around the room and saw she was laying in a hospital bed. She was confused and lost. She started to gain pain all over her body, once the pain hit her hard she started to scream. Rosie and her mother Maria started crying as Blade screamed her heart out in pain. Maria laid Blade's head back and rubbed it once the pain stopped. She told Blade everything would be okay as Rosie laid down with her. Blade and Rosie fell asleep listening to their mother. Blade woke up to the sound of a man. She looked up to see a doctor talking to her mother. " Hello Blade I'm Dr. Anderson," said the tall white man. Her mother started crying and ran out of the room crying with Rosie. The doctor had explained that she was in a car accident with her father. He had told her that her father suffered from many injuries. She was confused. '' Where is he?" said Blade. The doctor responded, "He's dead". The machine started beeping and she was screaming in pain again. She bursted out in tears and started denying it. "No No No No" she screamed.

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