
Chapter 3

As Xenon walked along he encountered several beasts of which he easily disposed of and stored in some of his space magic. Xenon realized that if he didn't eat or drink he probably wouldn't be considered normal. But after thinking a bit (and a great deal of walking) he decided to drink water and then store it as it fell through him. While walking he also found that he should be stronger than most of the people and around 90% of the heroes. Gotta love the number crunchers. And the people who were experts at it.

Especially the brilliant people like after all they greatly helped suppress the impulsive, idiotic, hopeful, and narcissistic ones. As well as a whole slew of other negative things. Of course, Xenon would struggle to find the personality that suited himself but before that happened people would wonder whether the Cloaked figure was deranged.

As he walked down to a town he realized all his fights were just basic spells but what if you could adjust them.

"Then you could customize them! This excited Xenon for there would be a whole range of applications. Of course, some had studied this but most humans actually were very lacking when it came down to it. They just ran and hid behind people and sacrificed them and they ruined them and TORTURED THEM AND... Deep breaths. Mana breath one. Mana breath two. Ok, think Xenon where are the monks? Find the monks find the calm breath. Breath."

Xenon at this point had found the monks perspectives and calmed himself down. He realized he was walking straight through the town and quite a bit of people were giving him strange looks at the huge burst of mana. Xenon just ignored them until he found a person selling items. After a good look over each one and a lot of mutterings of "That is fake" and "That is Junk" he found one good item. It was an infinite pouch of food and water, tasteless of course and a little tube for water coming out the back but it would suffice.

He realized that while he had no money they offered these to licensed adventurers. There was a guild in fact right near the area and they seemed to have been set up by something unnatural. He walked in and found everything to be perfect but with humans manning the stations. After a quick look through it was obvious why it felt unnatural. From the robotically standing people to the perfectly smooth walls floor and otherwise.

Suddenly the women spoke

"Unable to configure most comfortable guild area please wait for a further response." Xenon froze did they scan him. He did not like people scanning him. Or anything similar because while most people don't like being stared at as it makes them uncomfortable he felt it. The lich's memories surfaced when people looked they would die. But for others, it was a simple greeting and that did not help. He felt some parts of him seem to fade away as a lot of the useless bits of emotion and negative things were cut off. Not all but most, like a piece of someone who would cower when speaking to someone would just fall off.

Some more things came off and some parts stayed on the ball but they combined and just poofed together. It felt like he understood it for what it was not just a piece of information he found in a library but couldn't understand. No, not anymore. It was like having the experience to understand and comprehend and make new things from not just some observations in the person's life. Xenon didn't understand why it had happened or how it happens. And then the Lady came back with her robotic steps. She then spoke in her robotic voice

"The higher-ups are studying you. After looking around something happened to you and you became better. More perfect. Less negative. And also you have decided on a personality? That was fast...

Suddenly the robot stopped and turned. Come back a week later and in that time do what... Wait it has been advised to truly choose a personality, not just a better version. It seems I have misinterpreted your evolution. Xenon feeling creeped out walked out the door and suddenly felt he knew what he needed to do. He started talking to people and found funny, charismatic, yet serious people to be the easiest for people to get along with. This led to him attempting to shape his personality in that direction and he felt more parts fall off and he felt better.

And not in just his body he felt like his soul was stronger, faster, bigger. It felt like everything was boosted. And he felt how he did it and tried again. And again. And again. Until he felt no more change or benefits and he realized. He had formed his true personality and it was easier to be it and act against it as well. And he walked back to the guild and it seemed... Natural. And he walked inside and she was now more human-like in her features but there were some differences. She had wings, ruby colored hair and eyes and was wearing a business suit. She closed the briefcase in front of herself and asked him one question.

I edited previous chapters and my other book with the power of Grammarly! Hahaha. But seriously I had a lot of mistakes. I put blind faith in Grammarly and if something has a ... Like time... Instead of tim... Please tell as it should be cut off.

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